
光可鉴人  guāng kě jiàn rén







  • 有的则是光可鉴人的镀铬;
    Others may Kam Kwong is the chromium plating;

  • 适合于高档仿明清家俱,其经精细打磨,光可鉴人
    Suitable for high-grade imitation Ming and Qing furniture, the fine polished, light can Kam people.

  • 牧师的家干净明亮,木地板光可鉴人,墙壁洁白无暇。
    The priest's house is clean and light, with well-scrubbed wood floors and whitewashed walls.

  • 书房与卧室有一个长长的走廊,红色的实木地板光可鉴人
    study and bedroom a long corridor, the red wood floors can Kam Kwong.

  • 一尘不染,光可鉴人,简洁的现代风格在影交错中魅力四射。
    Spotless, smooth but person of ancient bronze mirror, concise stylish in the glamour in smooth shadow crisscross 4 shoot.

  • 低音炮为木质材料,前面板采用钢琴漆材质,镜面的效果光可鉴人,十分精致。
    The bass artillery is the lignin material, the front panel uses the piano paint material quality, mirror surface's effect is bright, is very fine.

  • 如造型新颖的家具上以采用冰清玉润的细瓷盆或光可鉴人的金属瓶,使之富有华丽感和现代感。
    If the shape of the furniture can be innovative in the use of waiting Yurun may Kam Kwong person or small Cipen metal bottles to the rich and unique sense of style.

  • 他先是确认收到通知,之后轻弹扶椅上的控制钮,旋转回身,目掠过那张大得作飞机场的桌子,桌面光可鉴人
    He acknowledged, then flicked the control in his chair's arm, spinning back to look across a gleaming, polished desk as big as a landing field.

  • 光可鉴人造句相关
