
全知全能  quán zhī quán néng






  • 上帝的羔羊就是那一位全知全能的上帝。
    The Lamb of God is all-knowing and all-powerful. He is, in every way, very God.

  • 没有明天也就意味着对于未来的全知全能
    Means that there is no tomorrow for the future of the omniscient.

  • 叙事者以全知全能的视角对爱情进行理性地规约。
    narration carries on the rational by the omnipotent angle of view to love terms.

  • 世界上所有的人都不知道。只有创造宇宙万有━全知全能的神知道。
    Nobody knows, only the Creator of the universe, the omniscient, omnipotent, loving, and merciful God knows.

  • 《喧哗与骚动》采取了第一人称有限视角和第三人称全知全能视角。
    Have adopted the limited visual angle of the first person and omniscient and omnipotent visual angle of the third person in " making noise and becoming restless ".

  • 世界上所有的人都不知道。祇有创造宇宙万有━全知全能的神知道。
    Nobody knows, only the Creator of the universe, the omniscient, omnipotent, loving, and merciful God knows.

  • 哈,幸运啊!老麦的那个魔法水晶球,全知全能地预测到了全部事件。
    Fortunately, Mr McCain's crystal ball foretold all of these events.

  • 但还有很多人自以为全知全能,而且他们即将用金钱来证明自己的直觉。
    But a great many people think they do. And they may soon get the chance to back their hunches with money.

  • 男孩必须负担全知全能的永恒期望,女孩则无法承受人们对她智识的轻视。
    For every boy who is burdened with the constant expectation of knowing everything, there is a girl tired of people not trusting her intelligence.

  • 没有人全知全能,有时候能做的除了道歉,我们无能为力,就让过去成为过去。
    No one has all the answers, and sometimes the best we can do is just apologize, and let the past be the past.

  • 如果“理性”指的就是“全知全能”,那么,它确实不是经济推理的合理前提。
    If rationality means omniscience, then it is indeed an unsound premise for economic reasoning.

  • 因为政府官员并不全知全能,来自公众的意见可能带来一些官员未曾想到的信息。
    Government officials don't know everything, and comments often reveal new information that officials may not have considered.

  • 人类虽然尚未全知全能,但是,关于大自然的脾性,我们所知道的确实不能算少。
    We're a long way from understanding everything, but we do understand a great deal about how nature behaves.

  • 实事求是地说,最后究竟能攻击到哪里,也许只有全知全能的上帝和事后诸葛亮知道。
    Seeking truth from facts, whether the last capable of striking where, perhaps only omniscient God and know that wise after the event.

  • 美国人不是全知全能,也并非道德完满,他们必须提醒自己不能跨坐在这个世界之上。
    Americans are not omnipotent, not all virtuous, they should remind themselves, they do not bestride the world.

  • 再之,索龙对情报以及近乎百科全书式知识的收藏赋予他以一种可怕的全知全能的气质。
    Additionally, his collection of information and near-encyclopedic knowledge of topics gave Thrawn an eerie aura of omniscience.

  • 我一直认为华尔街并非全知全能,好的公司应当操心自己的业务,股价自然会随之而动。
    I have long believed that Wall Street is not all-seeing and omniscient, and that good companies should worry about their businesses and the share price would follow.

  • 伍尔夫极大地降低全知全能型叙述者的叙述比例,大量采用限知视角,从人物的主观角度进行叙述。
    It is composed of the continual activity of characters' consciousness and shower of impressions. Woolf minimized the authoritative external narrator and employed the limited point of view.

  • 我们忘记了苏格拉底因智慧而闻名并非因为他全知全能,而是因为他在70高龄仍然认识到自己几乎一无所知。
    We forget that Socrates was famed for wisdom not because he was omniscient but because he realized at the age of seventy that he still knew nothing.

  • 提问的人正在使用一个带有偏见的词,它常常被全知全能的媒体和一无所知的游戏公司执行官拿来形容核心玩家。
    They really are referring to a biased term used by media know-it-alls, and clueless game company execs to describe hardcore games.

  • 一种最高存在,在犹太教、伊斯兰教、基督教等一神教,被奉为全知全能的宇宙创造者,是他们唯一膜拜的神灵。
    God: supreme being, the being believed in monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity to be the all-powerful all-knowing creator of the universe, worshiped as the only god.

  • 对由全知全能的第三人称叙述视角所提供的表面的客观性的一种背离,反对保守的叙述的观念和鲜明的道德立场。
    a movement away from the apparent objectivity provided by omniscient third-person narrators, fixed narrative points of view, and clear-cut moral positions.

  • 这样看起来对其他人而言就与全知全能上帝的公正和仁慈不相符,他们认为没有救赎的必要,因而这样做毫无意义;
    this seemed to others so little consistent with the justice or goodness of the great and infinite God, that they thought there was no redemption necessary, and consequently, that there was none;

  • 你们认为全知全能的神在创造亚当与夏娃时,会偷偷地把最高的位置保留给自己,然后让亚当与夏娃成为次好的吗?
    Do you think that when the omniscient and almighty God created Adam and Eve, He secretly reserved the highest position for Himself and made Adam and Eve to be only second best?

  • 因为它们不过是同一法则的不同案例罢了,而那法则只要是在全知全能者的指导之下,就能适用于于所有的学习案例。
    For these are but some special cases of one law which holds for every kind of learning, if it be directed by the One Who knows the truth.

  • 从您这里,全知全能的意志来到,行动的生存力量来到,动力与生命来到,这首歌美丽了万事万物,世世代代更新不绝。
    From you comes the all-effective will, the living strength to act, the power and the life to do, the song that beautifies everything and which renews itself from age to age.

  • 作品中全知全能的诗中言者(叙事者)不仅分析了重要人物的心理,而且还对与作品主题的揭示有重要意义的情节进行了评论。
    This part of the thesis analyzes the narrator"s omniscience revealed in his psycho-analysis of characters and his comments and substantiates Tennyson"s recognition of social commitment.

  • 与其他现实主义作家不同,莫泊桑喜欢采用第一人称叙述,他笔下的叙述者“我”并非都是全知全能,大部分叙述者权利有限。
    He often used "the first person" in his short stories. Most of the narrators Of the first person don't know all.

  • 我希望他们所经历的痛苦折磨-对其种族而言是必需的-可以把他们变好。他们要过多久才得受感化,端视全知全能的悲悯天意之所识与所为。
    The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things.

  • 我希望他们所经历的痛苦折磨-对其种族而言是必需的-可以把他们变好。他们要过 多久才得受感化,端视全知全能的悲悯天意之所识与所为。
    The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things.

  • 全知全能造句相关
