
换汤不换药  huàn tāng bù huàn yào







  • 俺发现新闻都差多,换汤不换药
    I found that almost all news, old wine in new bottle.

  • 他只是换汤不换药地重复自己的观点。
    He just warmed over his view.

  • 这种威胁仅仅是换汤不换药
    It is a threat new only in its form;

  • 萧瓶装新酒,换汤不换药
    new wine in old bottle.

  • 但这只是换汤不换药
    but we merely change the nature of the consequences.

  • 这种换汤不换药的做法,知依了哪条“国际惯例”。
    This change of approach, I wonder to which of the "international practice."

  • 虽然说换汤不换药,但是卖场也是想尽法子吸引消费者的注意。
    Although said changes in form but not in content, but sells the field is also wants the completely method to attract consumer's attention.

  • 新的思想用旧的形式包装无异于把新酒倒旧瓶子里,换汤不换药
    Clothing new ideas in old form is in no way different from putting new wine into old bottles.

  • 我们曾经期待这部片子会有所创新,可它仍是换汤不换药的老一套。
    We are hoping for something original in this film. but it is the mixtrue as before.

  • 把《京都协议书》的结构引入到新的协议中会令其容易被诟病换汤不换药
    Importing the Kyoto architecture into a new agreement would leave it vulnerable to charges of repackaging.

  • 曼奇尼只是用换汤不换药的方式要我做同样的事情,这就是以前问题所在。
    Mancini is just old wine in new bottle with the way I want to do the same thing, and this is where the problem lies before.

  • 幸的是,通用仍很少关注其发布的车型质量,大部分车型外表相似,换汤不换药
    Unfortunately, that meant still less attention being paid to the quality of the cars GM was turning out.

  • 管你在它的外形上下多大功夫,你还是会发现它就是换汤不换药的菲亚特125。
    No matter how much fresh bodywork you threw at it, you'd still find a Fiat 125 beneath its skin.

  • 以往的“房屋银行”在新名称下“换汤不换药”的运作方式,令许多消费者感到困惑。
    Past "Housing Bank" in the new name of the "old" mode of operation, many consumers confused.

  • 对此很多专家指出,安眠药只能控制失眠,而能根治,再新的药也只是“换汤不换药”而已。
    Many experts have pointed out that sleeping pills can only control insomnia, and no cure, new drugs are "old wine in new bottle".

  • 这一现象带来“近亲繁殖”的一个副产品,即这些学者的学术观点相差大,“换汤不换药”。
    This one phenomenon is brought " inbreeding " a by-product, namely the academic viewpoint of these scholars differs not quite, "A change in form but not in content " .

  • 但除非我们找到解决长期贮存燃料的办法,否则它仍然只是个幻想:我们仅仅是换汤不换药而已。
    But until we find a sustainable solution to stockpiling the fuel, it will remain an illusion: we will merely be shifting the problem elsewhere.

  • 按套内使用面积卖房和按建筑面积卖房就像斤和公斤一样没有区别,同样会有问题发生,是换汤不换药
    By the use of the area comprising the construction area of real estate and kilograms, and no distinction is jin, the same problems will occur, but.

  • 说得更明白点,自从欧盟宪法2005年被法国和荷兰选民否决后,这个条约仍然是那部宪法换汤不换药的赝品。
    More bluntly, it's a cynical repackaging of the EU Constitution rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005.

  • 如果说《家好月圆》与《溏心风暴》过是鲍鱼月饼,换汤不换药,那《珠光宝气》则是tvb电视剧的新方向。
    If "Family Good Month Circle" and "Soft yolk Storm" is the abalone trades the moon cake, changes in form but not in content, that "Is bedecked with jewels" is the tvb soap opera's new direction.

  • 严圣指出只要机制没有发生根本变化, 美国以后仍没有可能'免疫于金融危机, 新的监管措施只是换汤不换药
    Mr. Yan addressed that the new financial regulations cannot make U. S. immune to the future financial crisis without fundamental changes in Wall Street business mechanism.

  • 也许有的人会认为,我们可以通过提供“工作救助”而是“家庭救济”的办法来避免上述结果,;但这只是换汤不换药
    It may be thought that we can escape these consequences by offering "work relief" instead of "home relief "; but we merely change the nature of the consequences.

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