
无敌于天下  wú dí yú tiān xià







  • 天下兵法了胸,十方无敌勇者狂。
    the world military tactics to the chest, ten sides invincible brave was crazy.

  • 说的好!当共产主义和资本主义联合起来的时候,将无敌于天下
    Well said. ! When communists and capitalists come together, nothing more should be expected.

  • 英国的海军力量不再象以前战争中那样天下无敌了,它的制海权只是暂时的局限某些地区。
    British naval power was temporary and regional and not, as in previous wars, overwhelming.

  • 其实真正可怕的是这两个狂人所拥有的一种秘密武器,这种武器足以彻底摧毁小悟空,而让他的敌人无敌于天下
    The real danger lies in a secret weapon the maniacs possess, one that could destroy Goku and leave his new foes invincible.

  • 1988年汉城奥运会,苏莱曼诺尔古创下了挺举和抓举两项纪录,赢得了他的第一枚奥运会金牌,并在长达八年半的时间里无敌于天下
    During the 1988 Olympics, he broke world records in both the snatch and the clean and jerk, winning his first Olympic gold medal and was undefeated for 8. 5 years.

  • 孟子进一步发挥孔子“仁”的思想,其思政教育体系建立在“人性善”基础上,因为人皆有“仁义理智”四心,所以人都有向“善”的可能,由此在政治上他认为行“仁政”者当无敌于天下
    Mencius more exerted the idea of "Humanity" , so his stem of "The education of idea and politics" based the idea that the nature of man was kind, so everyone had the possibility of become kind.

  • 无敌于天下造句相关
