
杀人不眨眼  shā rén bù zhǎ yǎn








  • 知道这个杀人不眨眼的恶魔是谁。
    I have no idea who this murderous fiend may be.

  • 哈!那些传道者杀人不眨眼
    There are preachers who kill!

  • 首先,伊朗政府越来越杀人不眨眼了。
    For one thing, the government has become readier to kill its opponents.

  • 就连这个杀人不眨眼的强盗都能改恶从善。
    Even someone as wicked as this murderous bandit can change his ways.

  • 那恶棍杀人不眨眼
    The villain made no scruple of committing murder.

  • 我们必须对那些杀人不眨眼的谋杀犯处以死刑。
    We must impose death sentences on those murderers who kill people without even blinking an eye?

  • 文祥说:「哦!原来你就是那杀人不眨眼的大法王!」
    Wen Xiang said, "Ah! So you're the First Lord who kills people without batting an eye! ""

  • 他是个杀人不眨眼的魔鬼--我决能--我--我怕他!
    devil-I never could-I-I'm afraid of him!

  • 他是个杀人不眨眼的魔鬼--我决能--我--我怕他!
    He is a murderous devil-I never could-I-I'm afraid of him!

  • 影片中,迪亚从一名优秀的学生变为杀人不眨眼的叛军后。
    In the film, Dia from a good student into a murderous rebels after.

  • 他又开玩笑地说:「章惇将来一定敢做杀人不眨眼的事。」
    He joked, "Zhang Dun will be cruel, killing without blinking. ""

  • 这种无色无味的气体如果长期大量地泄露,将是杀人不眨眼的恶魔。
    The odourless, colourless gas is deadly if there is high or prolonged exposure.

  • 每次遇到烦心的事情,杀人不眨眼的食品,总是伴随我度过最难过的时光。
    And every time to meet some boring thing, I always eat some food which can murder me without blinking the eyes, and share most of the hare time with me.

  • 他晓得主战派杀人不眨眼,很容易演成一场政变,所有反战者均将被置诸死地。
    He knew murderous war, it is easy to Yancheng a coup, all war resisters are to be put to death.

  • 虽然也同样心狠手辣、杀人不眨眼,但“胖子”的道行到头来还是比“瘦子”差一筹。
    " although as much cruel and evil, kill without batting an eyelid, but " fatso " path travel in the end still is compared " a thin person " difference prepares.

  • 那我管,我要做一个杀人不眨眼的魔王;一面跟男人们打架,一面对娘儿们也留情面,我要她们的命。
    SAMPSON 'Tis all one, I will show myself a tyrant; when I have fought with the men, I will be cruel with the maids, and cut off their heads.

  • 杀人犯也只过杀死一两条生命,而我采用这见血的刀剥夺了上千人的生命,我才是杀人不眨眼的刽子手!
    Murderers kill only 12 to life, and I used this knife not deprived of blood on the lives of thousands of people, my executioner is murderous!

  • 在20世纪,有些国家对杀人不眨眼的独裁者采取了绥靖政策,使其威胁得以发展成灭绝种族的大屠杀和全球大战。
    In the 20th century, some chose to appease[4] murderous dictators, whose threats were allowed to grow into genocide and global war.

  • 在20世纪,有些国家对杀人不眨眼的独裁者采取了绥靖政策,使其威胁得以发展成灭绝种族的大屠杀和全球大战。
    In the 20th century, some chose to appease murderous dictators, whose threats were allowed to grow into genocide and global war.

  • 我们现在无从了解杜赫为什么会从一个温文尔雅的数学教师变成一个杀人不眨眼的刽子手。也许,他自己也无法解释。
    We may never know what turned Duch from a mild-mannered maths teacher into a ruthless executioner. Perhaps even he cannot explain that.

  • 青年羽林军的将军迪埃斯梅退到热纳普的客舍门口,他把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,那骑兵接了剑,却杀了那俘虏。
    Duhesme, the general of the Young Guard, hemmed in at the doorway of an inn at Genappe, surrendered his sword to a huzzar of death, who took the sword and slew the prisoner.

  • 青年羽林军的将军迪埃斯梅退到热纳普的客舍门口,他把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,那骑兵接了剑,却杀了那俘虏。
    Duhesme, the general of the Young Guard, hemmed in at the doorway of an inn at Genappe, surrendered his sword to a huzzar of death, who took the sword slew the prisoner.

  • 科比也是杀人不眨眼,是的,他又拿了50+(总共53分)。尽管他的得分是加时赛才超过50,但50分的坎儿对他来说真是稀松平常。
    Kobe is relentless, and yes he again recorded a 50-point game (53 total), though it took him an extra period to pass the half-century mark that has become so commonplace for him.

  • 英国的“死亡医生”,连环杀手哈罗得谢普曼表面上是一个受人爱戴的乡村医生,实际上却是杀人不眨眼的恶魔,他可能谋杀了约300名病人。
    Britain's "Dr Death, " serial killer Harold Shipman, who may have killed nearly 300 of his patients, hid his murder spree behind the mask of a much-loved suburban doctor.

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