
盘古开天地  pán gǔ kāi tiān dì






  • 中国神话传说中有盘古开天地的说法。
    It's said the world was created by Pangu in the Chinese myth.

  • 巨人盘古用一把利斧劈混沌,将天地
    Giant Pangu cleaved the universe into sky and earth with a sharp axe.

  • 最初,天地混沌未,像一个大鸡蛋,盘古就生在其中。
    The sky and the earth were at first one blurred entity like an egg.

  • 最初,天地混沌未,像一个大鸡蛋,盘古就生在其中。
    Tag: The sky and the earth were at first one blurred entity like an egg.

  • 最初,天地混沌未,像一个大鸡蛋,盘古就生在其中。
    The sky the earth were at first one blurred entity like an egg.

  • 这句的中文原文可是“自从盘古开天地,三皇五帝到如今”?
    Since Pangu separated heaven and earth, the three sovereigns and five emperors were the earliest lords.

  • 自从盘古开天地,三皇五帝到如今,历史上曾有过这样的长征么?没有,从来没有过。
    Since Pan Gu open scope of operation, 5 emperor go to 3 emperor nowadays, had there ever been such expedition on the history?Without, never pass.

  • 盘古开天地”、“盘古开天的地方总体规划”怎么翻译,因为急需,所以请大家热心帮忙呀!
    PanGu created the sky and ground, and the place he starts is designed completely.

  • 盘古开天地造句相关
