
看菜吃饭  kàn cài chī fàn






  • 我以前买衣服都不用考虑的,现在反而要看菜吃饭
    The dress is bought to need not consider before me, want to see dish have a meal instead now.

  • 这就需要装修的家庭根据自己的财力状况“看菜吃饭”。
    This requires renovation of the family in accordance with their financial situation "to see vegetables for dinner."

  • 晚上去市买了回来做,然后和优优边英语版〈哈力。波特〉边吃饭,直到现在…
    I bought at the market some vegetables and meats and did some cooking. Then I watched English version DVD of "Hally Potter" with Youyou till now…

  • 看菜吃饭,没有什么大惊小怪的,嫌贵了便宜的到处都有啊,也没人一定要你去,况且医院可能还要拿大头。
    Never can I do in peace That with which my Soul's obsessed, Never take things at my ease; I must press on without rest.

  • 去南方出差,吃饭见一道叫《朝天厥》的……拿上来一,嗬,盘子里整整齐齐的排着8个鹅屁股!!!
    Go to the south be on business, while have a meal see a call 《dynasty God Jue 》of vegetables ……take to come up on see, Mao, plate inside very neat of row 8 goose bottom! ! !

  • 例如今天,我跑步,买,玩电脑,吃饭,睡觉,电视,…我的脑海里都…我怎么了…我不要也染上照片病毒…
    naked photo…internal conflict in my mind…keep cool…you must go to bed, now!

  • 看菜吃饭造句相关
