
礼坏乐崩  lǐ huài yuè bēng







  • 春秋是一个的时代,同时也是重的时代。
    The Spring and Autumn Period is a historical age which witnesses both the decline of propriety and music and the great emphasis on propriety.

  • 春秋战国是个的时代,也是中华文明的轴心时代。
    Spring and Autumn is a bad music ceremony collapse of times, it was the Axial Age of Chinese civilization.

  • 春秋乱世,,“信”这种实践品格经受了巨大冲击。
    During the troubled and faithless times of the Spring and Autumn Period, "faith", the practice character, was greatly impacted.

  • 宰我问:“三年之丧,期已久矣!君子三年为;三年不为
    Tsai Wo asked about the three-year mourning period, saying, 'Even a full year is too long.

  • 第三阶段是春秋战国时期的个体意识张扬阶段,我们称之为“”的“乱”世。
    This period, with the collapse of its ritual is referred to as the turbulent times.

  • 以不循古、“渎乱不经”斥之,进而视魏晋时期为“”的黑暗时代的观点是不确切的。
    Not to follow the ancient ritual, "without trouble chaos" of exclusion, and the Wei and Jin periods as the "bad music ceremony collapse, " the dark ages of view is incorrect.

  • 、正常社会秩序被打破的情形下, 复仇又每每作为对善被无情毁灭的一种正义抗争。
    Collapse ceremony at Lok bad, the normal social order was to break the case of revenge as they often have been mercilessly destroyed good a just struggle.

  • 到了春秋时期,由于社会上层建筑发生巨大的变革,因而造成,暴露出以治国的危机。
    To the Spring and Autumn Period, as society has witnessed tremendous changes in the superstructure, resulting in collapse ceremony music bad, exposed to the crisis in the country officiating.

  • 战国时,随着社会发展和天命神权观念的动摇,已成趋势,战争中尊重信必然成为历史笑柄。
    During the Warring States Period, the etiquette and music actually collapsed with the society development and the perturbation of the fatality consciousness.

  • 这是一个非常时期,。这是一个就像我说的的时代。现在赤字是我们所必需而不是麻烦。稳定条约已经偏离轨道了。
    Here's These are times when, as I I'd like to say, virturely by essential prove to this folyvirtue is vice and prudence is folly.

  • 春秋战国之际,社会政治的急剧变革,造成了“”的文化变迁。官学下移,私学兴起,大比兴贤之制成为历史遗迹,导致士人群体发生质变。
    Some great changes took place in social and culture between the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States, so that the character and spirit of scholars changed immensely.

  • 礼坏乐崩造句相关
