
耀武扬威  yào wǔ yáng wēi








  • 太阳在日间照射,月亮在晚间照耀,武士在盔甲内耀武扬威
    The sun glows by day; the moon shines by night; in his armour the warrior glows.

  • 科学家推测,也许尾羽只是小耀龙用来耀武扬威的装饰品吧!
    The scientist extrapolated that perhaps the tail feathers are only the ornament which the young Yao dragon uses for to bluff and bluster!

  • 首先,无论伊政府如何耀武扬威,伊拉克依然需要军事援助。
    For a start, Iraq will still need military aid, no matter how much its government throws its weight around.

  • 挪威也反对俄罗斯的行为,反对俄拖捞船在该岛耀武扬威的活动;
    Norway objects to that, and to Russian trawlers' sometimes cavalier behaviour;

  • 不是耀武扬威地进入自己的王城耶路撒冷,而只是骑在一匹驴上。
    He enters His royal city of Jerusalem, not with military might, but riding on a donkey.

  • 亚撒的信心看见,耶和华站在那耀武扬威的谢拉和毫无力量的自己中间。
    Put God between yourself and the foe. To Asa's faith, Jehovah seemed to stand between the might of Zerah and himself, as one who had no strength.

  • 我、你们,我们大家都随着他一起倒下,残酷的叛逆却在我们头上耀武扬威
    Then I, and you, and all of us fell down, Whilst bloody treason flourish'd over us.

  • 他们看着自己的车子耀武扬威地挤在日益壮大的车的队伍里,颇感气宇不凡。
    Where they watched their car to squeeze in the growing ranks of the vehicle, rather Qiyu performance.

  • 而人生长着百年,短则数十寒暑,又有何值得耀武扬威的,不过是烟云过眼矣?
    The growth of people for centuries, while dozens of short years, what should be around, but the clouds have eyes say?

  • 生物统计学家的头儿拿起了这张唯一的票耀武扬威地回到了那伙生物统计学家当中。
    The head Biostatistician took the Epidemiologists' one and only ticket and returned triumphantly to the Biostatistician group.

  • 明年,要么布朗耀武扬威地奚落那些质疑他的人,要么明年他会成为“麻烦”先生。
    By next year Mr Brown will either have triumphantly confounded the doubters or he will be heading for disaster.

  • 如果他因为成功、有钱,就挥霍无度或者耀武扬威,笔者完全可以认为他道德境界不高。
    If he is successful because of the rich, extravagant or arrogance, I think he can be moral is not high.

  • 一些抗议者挥舞布告,诅咒奥巴马早日归西,而另一些人在他的集会外拿着武器耀武扬威
    A few protesters are waving placards wishing for Mr Obama's death. Others are ostentatiously wearing firearms outside his rallies.

  • 我们认为那些在我们的海域里非法捕捞和倾倒废料并携带武器耀武扬威的人才是海上的强盗。
    We consider sea bandits [to be] those who illegally fish and dump in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas.

  • 但面对军队,示威者像欢迎老朋友一样,他们曾经一度被允许耀武扬威的爬上军队装甲车顶。
    But when confronted by troops, the protesters greeted them like long lost friends, and at one point were allowed to climb in triumph on top of the military armored cars.

  • 复兴的俄罗斯能够对邻国耀武扬威,恫吓格鲁吉亚、乌克兰和波罗的海三国等苏联加盟共和国;
    A resurgent Russia can throw its weight around the neighbourhood and intimidate ex-Soviet republics such as Georgia, Ukraine and the Baltics;

  • 上个星期,在好莱坞的雷电华电影公司(RKO),霍华德·洛巴德·休斯耀武扬威盛气凌人
    In Hollywood last week, Howard Robard Hughes was throwing his weight around at RKO.

  • 叶问站在街上,周围是饿死的被日本人杀死的同胞,没有人能吃得饱饭,另一边,日本人耀武扬威
    Ye asked to stand on the street, surrounded by the Japanese were starving to death of our compatriots killed, no one can eat rice, on the other side, the Japanese arrogance.

  • 虽然有许多具体问题需要探讨,但美欧政府最主要的担忧是,俄罗斯对内制裁镇压、对外耀武扬威
    While there are plenty of specifics to talk about, the overarching concern in Washington and European capitals is that Russia is cracking down at home and throwing its weight around abroad.

  • 这批人最多约一百人,他们如今已不敢再在街上拿着枪耀武扬威或炸毁咖啡馆了,而只有潜伏起来。
    A few hundred strong at most, they no longer strut the streets with their guns or blow up cafés but are lying low.

  • 新加坡就像鼻屎一样小,还在联合国耀武扬威,批评台湾及前总统李登辉,这根本就是在捧中国的卵葩。
    Even a country the size of a booger brazenly criticized Taiwan and former president Lee Teng-hui in the United Nations.

  • 一个最至高之主的思想本质是人民的思想,这个主是守护着被压迫的无罪的人并惩罚那耀武扬威的罪恶的。
    The idea of a Supreme Being who watches over oppressed innocence and punishes triumphant crime is essentially the idea of the people.

  • 一边耀武扬威逞英豪,一边顾左右而言和谐,这个西方官员说这样的强烈对比有“一点人格分裂”的味道。
    The contrast between the display of such weaponry and China's rhetoric about harmony he calls "a bit of schizophrenia".

  • 地球娴淑如昔,像是一位期待游子的慈母,星群却耀武扬威,一个个张牙舞爪,恨不得蜂拥到母亲的怀抱里。
    The stars, on the other hand, looked fierce. Each one of them baring their fangs and flashing their claws, eager to flock to the arms of the mother.

  • 还有什么“胆小如鼠”,这还不都是你们给逼的,见到我们就那么声色俱厉、耀武扬威、棍棒伺候,我们能不胆小吗?
    What "as timid as a mouse", this is not to force all of you, we will then see around, sticks to wait, we can not do timid?

  • 也许是邓布利多所显露出的惹人注目的巫师气质,也许只是因为就连弗农姨父也能感觉到,他很难在这个男人面前耀武扬威
    It might have been the blatant wizardishness of his appearance, but it might, too, have been that even Uncle Vernon could sense that here was a man whom it would be very difficult to bully.

  • 知识分子和官僚也许能在不畏强权的人民面前耀武扬威,但事实上他们只是一群利欲熏心的小人,一心为了构建其利益帝国。
    Intellectuals and bureaucrats might pose as champions of the people against the powerful. But in reality they were empire builders who were motivated by a noxious mixture of envy and greed.

  • 明年,要么布朗耀武扬威地奚落那些质疑他的人,要么明年他会成为“麻烦”先生。庆幸地是,现在我们还不能够断定明天将会是什么样。
    By next year Mr Brown will either have triumphantly confounded the doubters or he will be heading for disaster. Fascinatingly, it is impossible to say which is the more likely.

  • 这套明晃晃的盔甲,可不只是摆设,总督确曾穿着它多次在庄严的阅兵式演武场上耀武扬威,而且,更重要的,也确曾穿着它在皮廓德之战中冲锋陷阵。
    but had been worn by the Governor on many a solemn muster and training field, and had glittered, moreover, at the head of a regiment in the Pequod war.

  • 如果政治伊斯兰⑷可以给耀武扬威的美国浇上一盆冷水,那再好不过了——这样的想法甚至来自那些非伊斯兰信徒,他们从未披长袍戴面纱,也不曾骚扰性少数⑸者。
    If political Islam can blunt American triumphalism, then so much the better—even from the viewpoint of those who would never dream of donning a headscarf or upsetting a sexual minority.

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