
胆大妄为  dǎn dà wàng wéi







  • 但是今日无人敢这样胆大妄为
    Today nobody in the White House would dare be so bold.

  • 在日本帝国舰队中,这是自杀性的胆大妄为
    In the Imperial Japanese Fleet it was suicidal effrontery .

  • 中国又有谁能够如此胆大妄为地安排这种会见呢?
    And who in China would have the temerity to arrange such an encounter?

  • 他杰出的姑妈们胆大妄为地评论了一番他的外貌。
    His excellent aunts had ventured a comment on his appearance.

  • 做事决不胆大妄为,把每天都当成生命的最后一刻。
    Never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life.

  • 正是因为索马里政府的无能才使得海盗敢如此胆大妄为
    What has made the pirates' audacity possible is the collapse of Somalia.

  • ‘再这么说,就用我的嘴堵住你的嘴。’他越发胆大妄为啦。
    'If you dare say so I'll cover your mouth with mine. ' He gets bold.

  • 一个具有创造精神的人不是空想家,也不是胆大妄为的冒失鬼。
    A creative person is neither a utopianist nor an unthoughtful daredevil.

  • 这只蚊子真是胆大妄为,他竟敢在一位模范丈夫面前飞来飞去。
    This mosquito really has its guts, he dares to fly in the face of a good husband.

  • 一个具有创造精神的人不是空想家,也不是胆大妄为的冒失鬼。
    A creative person is neither a utopianist nor a unthoughtful daredevil.

  • 刚才,我不在的时候,说不定你又干了些别的胆大妄为的淘气事。
    You been into some other audacious mischief when I wasn't around, like enough.

  • 这艘胆大妄为、自行其是的军艇,对周围情况的变化根本不在意。
    A supremely arrogant, self-contained military vessel, a submarine was indifferent to her surroundings.

  • 你们这些坏约克狗又干出胆大妄为的事了,我要把你们的脖子拧断!
    You evil yorkies pull a stunt like that again and I'll wring your necks!

  • 这类富人制富手段除了胆大妄为以外,还有一条就是手中要有权力。
    In addition to the rich-rich irony of such means, there is a hands is a power.

  • 某些官员为何敢这么胆大妄为?无视老百姓生命的“官”还配当官吗?
    Ze Why am certain officials so emboldened Disregard the lives of ordinary people, "government officials" also with an official?

  • 异想天开才能茅塞顿开;胆大妄为才能有所作为!混混日子;逮逮虱子!
    Be good to be true enlightened; reckless in order to make a difference! Muddling days; catch catch lice!

  • 她是一个年轻人,毫无恐惧心和想像力,具有横冲直撞胆大妄为的一切条件。
    He is a young man without fear, without imagination, eminently qualified to rush in where angels fear to tread.

  • 而欧洲国家支持艺术的制度(波林称之为艺术黑手党)也支持这种胆大妄为的演出。
    But Europe's system of national support for the arts (Pauline calls it the Art Mafia) also supports these in-your-face performances.

  • 于是,正如你所知道的,那些为了鱼翅而到处捕捉鲨鱼的非法渔民变得越来越胆大妄为
    And so, you know, illegal fisher, locking for sharks for their shark fin, are a becoming increasingly boardbold.

  • 于是,正如你所知道的,那些为了鱼翅而到处捕捉鲨鱼的非法渔民变得越来越胆大妄为
    These are (the) sort of lions and tigers (of the sea and, unfortunately, ) they're prized for their shark fin, which commands a high price in the Asian marketplace.

  • 维京人是些野心勃勃,胆大妄为,令人恐惧的人,他们给英国人的内心造成了挥之不去的阴影。
    The Vikings were an ambitious, daring and frightening people who left an indelible mark on the British psyche.

  • 一名异想天开且“胆大妄为”的瑞士男子驾着自制飞行器横越英吉利海峡,成为天空中一大奇观。
    Something strange in the air over the English Channel, a daredevil stunt man wearing wings and jet turbines.

  • 如果一个胆大妄为的政权向恐怖主义同盟者供应这些武器,那么9。11袭击将成为更惨重的劫难的前奏。
    And if an emboldened regime were to supply these weapons to terrorist allies, then the attacks of September the 11th would be a prelude to far greater horrors.

  • 她是英国胆大妄为的女性中的一员,她们闯入了以往由男性主宰的极限运动世界,并克服了重重困难,正在将之征服。
    She is one of Britain's new breed of female dare-devils who have entered the male -dominated world of extreme sports and, against odds, are conquering it.

  • 事实上,民主导致了墨西哥的联邦主义,批评人士称,许多革命制度党执政州的州长比他们20世纪的前辈还要胆大妄为
    In fact, as democracy has engendered federalism in Mexico, critics say many PRI state governors have gotten even more brazen than their 20th-century forerunners.

  • 这些人都是胆大妄为的家伙,虽然我们可以打他们个措手不及,但我们要谨慎小心,否则他们就可能使我们受到某种损害。
    These are daring men, and though we shall take them at a disadvantage, they may do us some harm unless we are careful.

  • 但他所认为的没有原则、固执己见、胆大妄为却正是以埃利奥特爵士所代表的贵族阶层的通病,他们爱慕虚荣、自私伪善。
    But he did not consider the principle of a closed mind, but it is outrageous to Elliot, Sir Class aristocracy represented by the common, they love vanity, selfishness, hypocrisy.

  • 这个位于亚洲内部的国家已经有好多次胆大妄为的举动,竟敢挑战埃及的霸权地位,威胁这个尼罗河畔的国家的北部疆界。
    This is located in intra-Asian countries already have many times outrageous moves dared challenge Egypt's hegemonic position, the threat of the Nile River north of the country's borders.

  • 越靠近村庄的地方问题越严重,在数目膨胀的猴群中,猴子们的行为越来越胆大妄为,偶尔还会攻击人类,甚至从住屋内偷取食物。
    The situation is especially bad where expanding numbers of monkeys are moving closer to villages growing bolder in their exploits, occasionally attacking humansstealing food from inside houses.

  • 如果一名收发室人员(或任何其他雇员)和董事长碰巧共乘一部电梯,前者打开话题,比如说打高尔夫球,那他必定被认为是胆大妄为的。
    It's presumptuous for a mailroom clerk (or almost any other employee) to take it upon himself to discuss golf, for example, with the chairman of the board while they're sharing an elevator.

  • 胆大妄为造句相关
