
苦不堪言  kǔ bù kān yán






  • 与此同时,军队也苦不堪言
    Meanwhile, the army is also suffering.

  • 而新《劳动法》过于苛刻,基层企业苦不堪言
    The new "Labor Law" too harsh, grass-roots enterprises suffering.

  • 这事可能发生在任何人身上。这真是苦不堪言
    It can happen to anyone. 189. It's a pain in the neck.

  • 这种按人头征收的人头税,使得老百姓苦不堪言
    The poll tax, a tax of the same amount from each person, made the masses suffer untold misery and hardship.

  • 躺在病榻上的我我苦不堪言,《圣经》便成为我唯一的精神寄托。
    I lay on the bed I suffer, "the Bible" has become my only spiritual sustenance.

  • 不过,正如同事能让你的职场生活美好一样;他们也会使它苦不堪言
    However, just as these folks can make your work life great, they can also make it miserable.

  • 滂沱的季风雨同时也让阿富汗、巴基斯坦和印度民众的生活苦不堪言
    Heavy monsoon rains also are making life miserable for people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

  • 地方衙门贪官还要向老百姓征收田赋捐税,敛收财货,老百姓苦不堪言
    Corrupt local government offices would also like people to the Land Tax levied taxes, close convergence goods, people suffer.

  • 若是把今生虚度,等到黄粱梦醒,两手空空辞世之后,轮回无期,苦不堪言
    If one wastes this life in vain. then when the dream is over, one leaves the world empty-handed and undergoes indescribable suffering in the endless cycle of rebirth.

  • 布什表示,近几周美军在伊拉克境内持续遭遇到的宗教暴力冲突使美军苦不堪言
    Mr. Bush says recent weeks have been "rough" for U. S. forces in Iraq, amid a spike in sectarian violence in the country.

  • 有专家指出,重复抵押、假按揭不但让消费者苦不堪言,而且还会影响到整个国民经济。
    Some experts pointed out that duplication mortgage, the mortgage will allow consumers really leave, but also affect the entire national economy.

  • 但正如一枚硬币的两面,一面是你所需要的安全感,一面是债台高筑苦不堪言的局面。
    But as two sides of the same coin, you need a sense of security, one is high, causing the situation.

  • 很多人都知道,在中国做通用软件是相当难的事情,仅盗版问题就让软件公司苦不堪言
    A lot of people know, be in China to make current software is quite bad thing, only pilfer edition problem makes software company bitter can't bear character.

  • 也许吧。不过,贸易会谈的最终结果通常都取决于大国施加的压力--这种压力叫人苦不堪言
    Perhaps. But the usual outcome in trade talks is that big countries' arm-twisting is effective-and painful.

  • 前几年,市场上也曾出现因商品质量问题,商家与厂家相互推诿,消费者维权苦不堪言的情况。
    A few years ago, the market also due to product quality issues, merchants and manufacturers mutual prevaricating, consumer rights miserable situation.

  • 北京的房价之高,不但令购房者苦不堪言,甚至也令开发商心惊,政府也因此背负了很大的压力。
    Beijing's high prices, not only to property buyers everywhere, and even the developers read, and therefore the government bear considerable pressure.

  • 也许吧。不过,贸易会谈的最终结果通常都取决于大国施加的压力——而这种压力常叫人苦不堪言
    Perhaps. But the usual outcome in trade talks is that big countries' arm-twisting[6] is effective—and painful.

  • 三名警官且战且退,最后退到了草丛外,三个人的身上,沾上了不少泥土,个个神情狼狈、苦不堪言
    The three police backed off, and ran out of the brush, the three of them covered in dirt, all looking rather flustered, pissed right off.

  • 我们的孩子每日背着沉重的书包,心理承受着沉重的压力,真是苦不堪言,怎么能求得生动活泼、主动的发展呢?
    When our children's school life is weighed down with bulging schoolbags and psychological pressure, how can they grow in vibrant ways and take initiative?

  • 结果水旱灾害频繁发生,政府防灾抗灾成本过高,农民苦不堪言,强烈要求退田还湖、移民建镇、发展替代产业。
    After that, most farmers call for wetland filling to transmigrate and establish towns, developing replacement industry.

  • 我们的孩子每日背着沉重的书包,心理承受着沉重的压力,真是苦不堪言,怎么能求得生动活泼、主动的发展呢?
    When our children school life is weighed down with bulging schoolbags and psychological pressure, how can they grow in vibrant ways and take initiative?

  • 90年代的互联网泡沫曾让投资者们苦不堪言,但却预示着一个新的纪元——我们正在感受到互联网强劲的影响力。
    The internet bubble of the 1990s may have been investor folly but it heralded a new era, the impact of which we are only just beginning to understand.

  • 训练场上,站军姿时头上的骄阳,踢正步时肌肉的酸痛,蹲着时脚掌的麻木,随时随地蜜蜂的侵袭,都令我们苦不堪言
    Training ground, and stood at the head of the sun kicked at the way of muscle soreness, numbness of the feet when squatting at any time of the invasion of bees, have made us miserable.

  • 总之,巴基斯坦的穷人阶层已经愤怒了——没日地去忍受让人苦不堪言的通货膨胀、食物短缺以及不断恶化的电力供应。
    Above all, the poor mass of Pakistanis are enraged by gnawing inflation, food shortages and worsening power cuts.

  • 澳洲其中一个有史以来最严重的旱灾,让澳洲的农夫苦不堪言,但是当地农业其中一环有机农产品,却有著明显的成长。
    One of Australia's worst droughts on record is creating hard times for Australian farmers. But one sector of the agriculture industry is experiencing significant growth -- organic produce.

  • 从目前各种媒介披露的建筑质量问题来看,严重的楼毁人亡,令人惨不忍睹,轻一点影响住房的正常使用,住户苦不堪言
    Various media disclosure from the current issue of the construction quality, serious, crash, a horrible, the worst effects of the normal use of housing, tenants suffer.

  • 后来,严冬的天气变得干燥了,倒是干了一些活,但那却是一项苦不堪言的劳作,动物们再也不象先前那样满怀希望、信心十足。
    Some progress was made in the dry frosty weather that followed, but it was cruel work, and the animals could not feel so hopeful about it as they had felt before.

  • 若有一根魔杖能弹指一挥消弭不确定性,接下来的几个季度虽仍苦不堪言(其中一些损伤无法嘎然而止),却能很大程度上解除危机。
    Were a magic wand to remove uncertainty, the next few quarters would still be tough (some of the damage cannot be undone), but the crisis would largely go away.

  • 加州在1850年才脱离西班牙的殖民统治加入美国联邦,在此之前,最后一任总督拉弗尔用高压独裁统治对付当地百姓,民众苦不堪言
    Only in California in 1850 from Spain's colonial rule to join the U. S. Federal Before that, the last Governor of La Fuer high pressure to deal with the dictatorship of local people, suffering people.

  • 在城镇郊外,联合国难民署建立起了一个小的临时户外帐篷城市(好形象啊),那里的难民苦不堪言,不知道何时回家,甚至不知道能否重返家园。
    On the outskirts of town a small tent city has been thrown up by the UN's refugee agency (UNHCR) and its miserable inhabitants have no idea when, or even if, they are going home.

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