
茹毛饮血  rú máo yǐn xuè








  • 茹毛饮血,是人和猿的混合物。
    The animal supposedly looks like a mixture between a human and an ape.

  • 天人合一,难道生活在茹毛饮血的原始时代才是最好?
    Don't tell me that eating raw meat like a primitive person is the best way to be.

  • 茹毛饮血到田园农耕,从产业时代到信息社会,历尽沧桑。
    From primitive barbarism to agro-farming, from the industrial age to information society, mankind has gone through countless hardships.

  • 类处于茹毛饮血时代,盐的需要量主要从所食动物体中获得。
    Kind be in times of eat raw birds and animals, in needing a quantity to basically feed animal system from place, obtain of salt.

  • 那时,我们的祖先还不知道用火,在这里过着茹毛饮血的生活。
    At that time, our ancestors did not know the use of fire, where ru mao yin xue live life.

  • 火使人类告别了茹毛饮血的时代,促进了脑的发育和健康的改善。
    Fire allowed people to eat cooked food instead of raw food and promoted the development of the brain and improved health.

  • 有人说:河曲吃酸饭正如火的加工取缔了茹毛饮血,是一种文明,是一种进步。
    Some people say: eating Hequ acid food processing, as the fire Rumaoyinxue banned, is a civilization, is a step forward.

  • 经过无数代人的辛勤努力,人类从茹毛饮血原始社会进入生产力高度发达的文明社会。
    After the innumerable generation of person's industrious endeavor, the humanity from eats birds and animals raw the primitive society to enter the productive forces highly developed civilized society.

  • 以此为分界线,我国上古时期的人们结束了茹毛饮血的生活,进化到了一个新的阶段。
    As a dividing line, China's ancient people the end of the periods mao yin xue life, the evolution to a new stage.

  • 一万年前,我们的祖先茹毛饮血的时候,他们没有时间过多思忖除觅食以外的任何事物。
    When our ancestors were hunters and gatherers 10, 000 years ago, they didn't have time to wonder much about anything besides finding food.

  • 纵观人类社会的发展史,无论是最初的茹毛饮血,还是今天的信息化浪潮,人类的大部分活动都是合作性的。
    Throughout the development of human society, whether it was the initial stage of human beings, or today's information wave of humanity that most of the activities are under cooperation .

  • 这些原始的就是最好的,这也是为什么在茹毛饮血的时代人类比现代人更有力量(不知道是不是这么个意思)。
    He made and provided what we'd need before we were born.   These are best &more powerful when eaten raw.

  • 詹姆士•H•鲁宾逊也说过“如果人类未曾尝试过错误,迎接失败的挑战,也许人类至今还是茹毛饮血的灵长类动物”。
    James Harrey Robinson said that, if human beings had never attempted mistakes or rose to the challenge of failure, human beings might still be the primates that ate raw birds and animals.

  • 的发明、陶制炊具的使用,邯郸更是成为中华民族从茹毛饮血的时代走入早期饮食的一座里程碑,奠定了中华传统饮食的基础。
    Invention, the use of earthenware cooking utensils, Handan has become the era of the Chinese nation fromer mao yin xue eating into the early milestone, laying a foundation of traditional Chinese diet.

  • 他们不知道取火煮食,就茹毛饮血,他们还不知道建筑房屋,就住在林间和山洞里。这些生活的知识还在等着其他的神来教导人们。
    They didn't know how to make fire or how to cook. So they ate the fresh meat of animals. They didn't know how to build houses. So they slept in mountains and caves.

  • 茹毛饮血造句相关
