
荒诞无稽  huāng dàn wú jī








  • 她给我讲了一些荒诞无稽的故事。
    She gave me some cock and bull story.

  • 无稽之谈;荒诞的故事。
    a cock-and-bull story.

  • 有时候脑子里竟会想到多么荒诞无稽的话啊!
    What nonsense does sometimes come into one's mind!

  • 有些恐惧荒诞无稽
    Some of this fear is absurd.

  • 我从不相信杰克的话。他总是说些荒诞无稽之谈。
    I never believe what jack says, he always tells cock and bull stories .

  • 研制这样的一艘航天器的费用将是巨大的,但还不是离得荒诞无稽
    The cost of developing a 160kmasecond spacecraft would be large but not absurd.

  • 你的理论假设从常识角度看来明显荒诞无稽。而华生的假设至少看上去还算合理。
    B. Your THEORETICAL assumptions are OBVIOUSLY RIDICULOUS judging by common sense. Unlike those apparently reasonable by Watson.

  • 对这番荒诞无稽的说法半信半疑的闪登,逐渐认同了布拉格的存在,并协助她工作。
    Doubtful dodges to this incredible unfounded view ascends, has approved Bragg"s existence gradually, and assists her to work."

  • 一个浸透了我们这个时代荒诞无稽的政治思想的历史家却这样兴致勃勃地来写这次不幸的远征。
    This is how one historian, soaked with the fantastic political ideals of our times, is pleased to write of this evil expedition.

  • 琼斯:他在耍你。他知道自己有麻烦,所以他提出一些荒诞无稽的故事,关于他如何被迫留在该国的故事。
    Jones: He's playing you. He knows he's in trouble, so he's come up with some cock and bull story about how he was forced to stay in the country.

  • 在这样一种荒诞无稽又高度苛刻的氛围下,一根指尖的倒刺就是一种罪过,一个肿肿的眼袋就是一种犯罪。
    It's an environment that is at once trashy and highly exacting: every hangnail a sin, every eye-bag a crime.

  • 诚然,《圣经》有其神秘成分,让在“不语怪、力、乱、神”的传统熏陶下成长起来的中国人觉得荒诞无稽
    Bible has its mysterious component and makes the Chinese growing up in traditional atmosphere feel it is absurd.

  • 将来有朝一日天文学家们可能会接收到外星人发出的信号,这种想法现在天文学家们不再认为是荒诞无稽的了。
    Astronomers no longer regard fanciful the idea that they may one day pick up signals which have been sent by intelligent beings.

  • 在中国的时候,我很少有机会听到福音,而且就是听到一点,家人也会对我说那只是一些荒诞无稽的迷信罢了。
    In China, I didn't have many chances to hear the Gospel and even if I did, my parents would tell me it's just preposterous superstition.

  • 有些人认为此举异常荒诞,结婚或者离婚是别人自己的事,如果不想参加婚礼,大可不来,签订此协议实在是无稽之谈。
    The only thing you, as an outsider, can do is accept the invitation or just forget it. Signing such an agreement is just ridiculous.

  • 他这样把问题更加彻底混淆以后,便埋头于最深沉的研究中,去探讨在他的两个荒诞无稽的范畴中,究竟哪一种较古:是外婚还是内婚。
    Having now made the muddle complete, he could give himself up to the profoundest inquiries as to which of his two absurd classes was the older exogamy or endogamy .

  • 尽管剧中大量对话和情节表面上显得荒诞无稽,但却以轻松、戏谑的笔调暴露和讽刺了英国上流社会人士的种种弱点及现代英国社会的种种弊端。
    But, despite its seeming absurdity and nonsensicality, it brings to light the moral weaknesses of the English upper class and other problems in modern English society in a jocular manner.

  • 荒诞无稽造句相关
