
蔚为大观  wèi wéi dà guān







  • 野外花园, 殊有情趣, 树木蔚为大观
    The gardens outside are specially cool and interesting. Trees afford a magnificent view.

  • 狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观
    The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.

  • 展出的美术作品,蔚为大观
    There's a splendid array of works of art on display.

  • 人生就像一座山,经历奇特才能蔚为大观
    Life is like a mountain, in order to experience strange .

  • 包括意象理论和具体某个意象的研究,成果亦是蔚为大观
    It includes the image theory and the research with some concrete images.

  • 苗族的人类学研究已有150余年的历史,其成果蔚为大观
    the anthropological study on the Miao ethnic has been history over 150 years, the achievements of which are present a splendid sight.

  • 在北京,数千人的排队长龙,在烈日酷暑之下越排越长,蔚为大观
    In Beijing, thousands of people queuing long and hot summer, the platoon in the longer fill.

  • 关于恢复性司法的理论,国外学者的讨论蔚为大观,并且颇为深刻。
    About the restorative justice theory, the overseas scholar's discussion presents an impressive sight.

  • 在中国古代戏曲中,鬼魂复仇戏蔚为大观,却未有学者进行专题研究。
    In the Chinese traditional drama, there are many plays about ghost's revenge, but the research about them is rarely seen.

  • 豆类身材娇小,不盈一掬,所能贡献的健康财富却丰厚殷实,蔚为大观
    For such tiny little things, beans offer some pretty big health benefits.

  • 特别是每年中秋前后有钱塘江潮,怒涛奔腾,激流汹涌,蔚为天下大观
    Especially round the Moon Festival every year, one can enjoy the raging tidal bore, which is a most spectacular natural phenomenon.

  • 方方的小说创作是蔚为大观的新时期文学研究中不可忽视的一个重要组成部分。
    The creation of Fang Fang's novels cannot be neglected in the magnificent literary-research of the new period.

  • 现代化进程中的绵阳,科技文化和人才资源蔚为大观,有着“西部硅谷”之美誉。
    For its rich resources of scientific technology and human talents, Mianyang is also called "Western Silicon Valley in China".

  • 会议经济?挂约胺康夭?开发从市区向城市边缘地带的挺进,颇有蔚为大观之势。
    Channel for irrigation. " meeting economic, hanging about amine Hong gentle, from urban development to urban periphery advance, quite fill tendency."

  • 湖面上天鹅翩翩起舞,起则如青天飞雪,落则似素锦铺地,震撼人心,蔚为大观
    Swan lake, dancing, such as the blue sky from the snow, off the ground like Su-Kam, stirring, !

  • 经历了漫长的发展历程,济南菜的品种多达千种以上,加上风味小吃,数量可谓蔚为大观
    Through a long course of development, Jinan dish has reached as much as several thousand species, plus flavor snacks, the quantity is enormous.

  • 玻璃也能出“个性”,反映出居家主人的情趣和追求,一举一动蔚为大观、大气、大手笔!
    Glass can a "personality", reflecting the life and the pursuit of home ownership, every move volumes, the atmosphere, generous!

  • 近20部散文集,100多万字的散文著作,显示出臧克家蔚为大观、不容忽视的散文成就。
    Though nearly 20 volumes of prose collections, over 1 million words in prose composing, presented a splendid sight of Zang Kejia"s unforgettable achievement in prose."

  • 驱车百里,扶老携幼,街谈巷议,经久不息的谢幕掌声,蔚为大观,宛若中国文化的一次盛大庆典。
    Drove Barry young and old, town talk and unremitting applause for the curtain call, could fill volumes, just like in a grand celebration of Chinese culture. The U.

  • 远古以来,地球上的芸芸众生在一种互相隔绝的状态下各自发展着属于自己的音乐,至今已蔚为大观
    From the remote antiquity, peoples had develop their music in isolation, it present a splendid sight in this epoch.

  • 芜湖已经形成了女性作家群体,其创作可以说蔚为大观,在芜湖文学艺术的原野上构成了一道靓丽的风景线。
    The city of Wu hu has formed a colony of female writer which presents a splendid sight and constitutes a land of beautiful scenery upon art and literature.

  • 同期,“假日住宅”北上促销蔚为大观,在最近北京几次房展会,“异地住房投资和消费”行为逐步的升级。
    Over the same period, "residential holidays" for marketing volumes, several exhibitions in Beijing recently, "while housing investment and consumption" acts gradual escalation.

  • 在我们面前的是漫山遍野的茶树,从山脚到山顶,一层又一层,连绵起伏,蔚为大观,我抬头看呀看,弄得我脖子酸酸的。
    In front of us was a mountain of teas, layer upon layer from the bottom of the mountain up to the top of it, so I had lifted my head high and high till I felt my neck hurt.

  • 再回过来说好训人,喜谐谑的富兰克林,可不动声色地使欧洲人相信鲸鱼象鲑鱼那样跳过尼亚加拉瀑布,真可谓蔚为大观
    To return to Franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured English readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of Niagara.

  • 陇西李氏发展到唐朝,达到了全盛时期,历史文化名人层出不穷,蔚为大观,在全国的影响亦达到了极致,故有“言李者称陇西”之说。
    Surname Li of Longxi had its heyday in Tang Dynasty. Many celebrities emerged one after another. And the influence of this surname also reached its prime. So …

  • 在《世界是弯曲的:全球经济的隐患》这本极具先见之明的奇书中,戴维 M。 斯米克指出,我们继承了一个蔚为大观的全球经济体系。
    In his astonishingly prescient book, "The World Is Curved: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy, " David M. Smick argues that we have inherited an impressive global economic system. It, with the U.

  • 这些七嘴八舌的沟通,涵盖了宁波市场的方方面面,蔚为大观,故如实记下:“我们公司5月1日到12日成交增加2。5倍,价格下降了10%。”
    Some of these communications, covering all aspects of Ningbo market, volumes, so truthfully recorded : "We Corporation on May 1 to 12 were 2. 5 times increase in the price dropped 10%."

  • 在中国古代诗论中,“以意为主”作为一种文艺思想源远流长,从萌芽到蔚为大观再到形成一种规定性的界说、一种稳定的话语模式,经历了一个不断演进的历史过程。
    In the Chinese ancient theory of literature , the poetry criticists contantly construct the frame of "Emphasizing content" , This theory had contantly developed with development of the Confucianists.

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