
血气方刚  xuè qì fāng gāng








  • 麦克血气方刚。(非“动物的精神”)
    Mike is a youth full of animal spirits.

  • 青春无限,还有血气方刚
    When youth and blood are warmer;

  • 血气方刚,多热情;
    When youth and blood are warmer;

  • 血气方刚,风华正茂,心已不羁,天堑变通途!
    Energetic, young and heart have been unruly, natural moat change thoroughfare!

  • 岁月的年轮不停的转,转走了爷爷的血气方刚
    Years of the rings non-stop turn, turn away the young blood of my grandfather;

  • 但在这里的每样事物都召唤孤独和血气方刚的年轻人。
    But everything here calls for solitude and the blood of young men.

  • 守住第三戒会最困难,少年血气方刚,不过我会尽全力。
    The Third Precept will be the toughest to follow, for a young guy, but I will try my ultimate best.

  • 血气方刚,矜持自负,此外,我敢担保,一定很缺钱用。
    Plenty of blood, plenty of pride, and right great scarcity of ducats, I warrant thee.

  • 他们不顾羞耻,血气方刚,在这儿跳舞取乐,至少要闹到天亮。
    They brought their shame and their youth here, to dance and be merry till the dawn at least.

  • 风风雨雨,一个血气方刚的黑发人,变成了一个饱经沧桑的白发老人。
    Wind storm rain, a full of sap black hair person, turned a white hair that have been through the vicissitudes of life into the old person.

  • 他更是一位血气方刚的汉子,一定会消灭对内所有不利于团结的因素。
    He is a full of vigor man, certainly will eliminate internal all does not favor the unity the factor.

  • 人重视这一点很一不容易,尤其是当我们血气方刚的时候,胸怀负,指点江山。
    Emphasis on this point is not an easy task, especially when we are the flower of their time, considering the negative, pointing out the Jiangshan.

  • 蓝为蔚蓝的地中海,黄是常年普照西班牙大地的太阳,而红则是血气方刚的生命。
    For deep blue Mediterranean Sea, yellow is blue year to year shines the Spanish earth the sun, but red is the full of vigor life.

  • 这是一个全新的起点,对我而言,却少了血气方刚时的无畏,多了一份忐忑不安的心情。
    It's a new start. And it means more fear and trembling but less bravery like other younger s to me.

  • 左拉说:血气方刚,眼睛明亮而含笑,沉默不语,在老师面前像儿子对待父亲一样谦恭。
    Emile Zola said The mettle of youth , the eye are bright but keep silent with a smile, not to speak, one kind are before teacher modest and courteous like the son treats father.

  • 然而,有这么一位“傻子”,在血气方刚、风华正茂的24岁那年干起了镇上的民政工作。
    However, have so " fool " , in full of sap, elegance and talent luxuriant do the civil administration work that had a town to go up that 24 years old years.

  • 一个29岁的血气方刚的男人,起码应该对更多亲密接触表现出某些兴趣吧,可是他却没有。
    A normal red-blooded guy of 29 would have at least shown some interest in getting more intimate.

  • 我就说你们不要打人,他们就朝著我来了,几个人围上来就要打,当时我才20岁,血气方刚
    I said, "You should not knock them down, " so they walked towards me, and were about to fight with me. At that time, I was only 20 and not afraid of anything.

  • 他猛烈抨击现实和理学家们的修养论,倡导功利主义,追求能文能武的才具和血气方刚的粗豪人格。
    He fiercely assails the ruler's external policy and the accomplishment views, initiates Utilitaranism and seeks the ability adepting with both pen and sword and forthright personality.

  • 中国学者应该发挥血气方刚之气概与独立自主之精神,推动演化经济学在中国获得原创性的大发展。
    Therefore, Chinese scholars should achieve giant originated developments of evolutionary economics with their courage and independent thoughts.

  • 那些任性、血气方刚的弗吉尼亚青年中有许多人却往往把大学生活消磨在无休止的酗酒和赌博之中。
    Many of these self-willed hot-blooded young Virginians tended to convert university life into a long course of drinking and gambling.

  • 而那些服役多年的老警察和血气方刚的年轻警察却会因一些“过激”行为而丢掉工作,甚至被关进牢狱。
    And those who served many years of energetic young police officers and police because of some "extreme" acts of losing their jobs, and even sent to prison.

  • 一点不假,和奥是给淹得半死了,不过对于一个才二十五岁的血气方刚的小伙子来说,也没有什么大不了的。
    Leo, it is true, had been half drowned, but that is no great matter to a vigorous young athlete of five-and-twenty.

  • 君子有三戒:少之时,血气未定,戒之在色;及其壮也,血气方刚,戒之在斗;及其老也,血气既衰,戒之在得。
    A gentleman has three ring: less, flesh, is in color, And also, zhuang, in XieQiFangGang fight, And also, as old mankind, failure in May.

  • 一点不假,和奥是给淹得半死了,不过对于一个才二十五岁的血气方刚的小伙子来说,也没有什么大不了的。
    Leo, it is true, had been half drowned, but that is no great matter to a vigorous young athlete of five-and-twenty.

  • 对于人类生命来说血液是如此之重要,所以,在人类的语言中,关于血液的词汇也十分丰富,如血气方刚、热血沸腾、呕心沥血等等。
    The blood is a human life is so important in human language, blood on the terms of the very rich, such as the energetic, emotional, hard, and so on.

  • 一个是经验丰富的打算退休的老手,而另一个是血气方刚的谋杀案探员,即将上任顶替老手,这两名警探联手捕获这一连串可怕杀戮的作案者。
    Two cops, an experienced veteran of the streets who is about to retire and the ambitious young homicide detective hired to replace him, team up to capture the perpetrator of these gruesome killings.

  • 应该指出,那个时候的汤姆,正当血气方刚,所以其争强好胜可想而知。我至今记得某次他赢了我和他的打字比赛之后那挥斥方遒洋洋得意的架势。
    I should point out Tom was combative in that ages. One evidence , I was the loser when we competed in typing , and he was highly pleased.

  • 应该指出,那个时候的汤姆,正当血气方刚,所以好胜可想而知。我至今记得,有一次他赢了我和他的打字比赛之后,他那挥斥方遒洋洋得意的架势。
    I should point out Tom was combative in that ages. One evidence , I was the loser when we competed in typing , and he was highly pleased.

  • 那时我才二十多岁,正是血气方刚的年龄。我被虱子折磨得不堪忍受,要不是朋友带我去了药店,买回来一瓶叫做“镇静剂”的东西,我肯定恨不得把全身都挠个遍,一直挠到骨头里去。
    I was in my mid twenties at the time and probably would have itched myself all the way to the bone had a friend not taken me to a drugstore, where I got a bottle of something called Quell.

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