
豪情壮志  háo qíng zhuàng zhì







  • 自然,鞭牛士也有这样的豪情壮志
    Natural, flog Niu Shiye has such lofty sentiments lofty ideal.

  • 酒瓶掷向天空的壮志豪情何在?
    Where was the will of throwing wine bottles into the blue sky?

  • 展未来,我们信心百倍,壮志豪情
    Show the future, our confidence, enthusiasm and high aspirations.

  • 想起了满怀豪情、雄心壮志的豪迈青年;
    remembered with pride and enthusiasm, the ambition of the heroic youth;

  • 深知追赶的路还有很远,马云依然豪情壮志
    Know very well pursuant path still has very far, ma Yun still lofty sentiments lofty ideal.

  • 深知追赶的路还有很远,马云依然豪情壮志
    Know very well that there is still a way to catch up with far, Ma is still pride of aspiration.

  • 宣传部王硕也代表全体新部员发表了充满豪情壮志的发言。
    Wang Shuo, the commissary of the new comers of the propaganda group gave ambiguous talk.

  • 本色是你最真实的映射,它豪情壮志地打开你世界里的那扇门。
    Color is your real map, it's grand ambitions to open your world of the door.

  • 我们很少真正完全地胜过一个毛病,又缺乏日求进步的豪情壮志
    Rarely do we completely conquer even one vice, and we are not inflamed with the desire to improve ourselves day by day;

  • 就蕴藏在我国创业者的想象力和地球上最勤劳的人民的豪情壮志之中。
    in the imaginations of our entrepreneurs and the pride of the hardest-working people on Earth.

  • 龙舞已从祈神、求雨而升华为人们表达豪情壮志、展现群众智慧的舞蹈形式。
    The dragon dance , accordingly, has been elevated from asking for God and rain to expressing people's courage, pride and wisdom.

  • 这一首是说一位胸怀豪情的侠士,自叹生不逢时,尽管眼前金樽玉盘,却壮志难伸。
    The song told of a bold gallant who laments being born too late. Though gold cup and jade plate were set before him, momentous deeds were never his.

  • 挣脱地心引力的广阔眼界,将于此刻豁然开朗,喷发壮志雄心的大国豪情,也于瞬间惊喜梦圆。
    Get rid of gravity of the broad field of vision, will suddenly see the light at this time, the eruption of great power ambitions are lofty sentiments, but also pleasant dream round at the moment.

  • 我们的梦想,是一个简单的信念,是一份对自己未来与生命的责任,也许,是十六岁的豪情壮志
    Our dream is a simple belief, is a life of their own future and the responsibility, perhaps, is the 16-year-old's grand ambitions;

  • 例如,有时候我们会有诸如要在竞争中取胜的豪情壮志,然而我们的梦想渐渐的成为了久远的记忆。
    For example, sometimes we get so caught up in the rat race, our dreams seem like a distant memory .

  • 摆放于大老板的案头,尽显主人爱玉之风范,高雅之情操,更显其生意场上之威武雄姿,壮志豪情
    On display on the big boss 's desk creative masters love-environment style, elegance Zhi sentiment, more market Zhi its business with high precision and great ambition.

  • 放眼今日之中国,九州大地涌动着改革和建设的澎湃热潮,各族人民焕发出创造美好未来的壮志豪情
    A look at today's China will reveal the rising enthusiasm for reform and construction and the soaring aspiration of people of all ethnic groups to create a beautiful future.

  • 放眼今日之中国,九州大地涌动着改革和建设的澎湃热潮,各族人民焕发出创造美好未来的壮志豪情
    In today's China, enthusiasm for reform and construction abounds everywhere and people of all nationalities have high aspirations for creating a bright future.

  • 摆放于大老板的案头,尽显主人 爱玉 之风范,高雅之情操,更显其生意场上之威武雄姿,壮志豪情
    On display on the big boss's desk creative masters love-environment style, elegance Zhi sentiment, more market Zhi its business with high precision and great ambition.

  • 立意美好,摆放于大老板的案头,尽显主人爱玉之风范,高雅之情操,更显其生意场上之威武雄姿,壮志豪情
    A better idea, for display at the boss's desk creative masters love-environment style, elegance Zhi sentiment, more market Zhi its business with high precision and great ambition.

  • 我没有多少豪情壮志,没有远大的追求。我的梦想就是这样一种简单而从容的生活,并且总是怀着一份温暖,和朋友们来分享我的快乐!
    I do not have lofty sentiment and ideal. My dream is just such a simple and calm life, which is always full of love and warmth.

  • 一位绅士表面上摆出一副慈眉善目时完全不必作出任何牺牲,而沉溺于最美丽、最辉煌的豪情壮志虽是一种奢侈行为,但决不会使人损失一个便士。
    It costs a gentleman no sacrifice to be benevolent on paper; and the luxury of indulging in the most beautiful and brilliant sentiments never makes any man a penny poorer.

  • 以十九世纪为背景,以诗人拜伦的诗稍加抒发,造就这样一部以海盗为主题,揉合中东风情,交织成既有四海遨游的壮志豪情,也有旖丽缠绵的儿女情长的冒险故事。
    A nineteenth-century adventure yarn , loosely derived from a poem by Lord Byron , Le Corsaire tells of harems , abductions , pirates , pas has , slave girls , treachery , true love and a shipwreck.

  • 迭戈。克拉雷斯有成为拳王的豪情壮志。当我们在拳台上作为对手对抗时,他是个我非常尊重的人。他的打拳的精神和激情使我无论在拳台上还是在拳台下都至今难以忘怀。
    Diego Corrales had the heart of a champion, and while we were competitors in the ring, he was someone who I greatly respected and will be remembered for his spirit and passion in and out of the ring.

  • 豪情壮志造句相关
