
重整旗鼓  chóng zhěng qí gǔ







  • 穆萨维重整旗鼓吸引上万名支持者。
    Mousavi rally draws tens of thousands.

  • 该队在对手重整旗鼓后,被迫采取守势。
    the team was thrown on(to) the defensive as their opponents rallied .

  • 但是记住哭后擦干眼泪拥抱自己并重整旗鼓
    But the way remember dry your eyes after tears and huge yourself and carry on again!

  • 他承诺,一旦当选总统,他将重建家园,重整旗鼓
    He promised to rebuild the nation, bottom up.

  • 我想应该重整旗鼓,不可以这么颓废,一次的失败不要害怕。
    I think we should settle down, not so decadent, a failure not to be afraid.

  • 但他重整旗鼓,在保护“锡拉”的玻璃墙上割开了一个洞,进去了。
    But he regains focus and cuts a hole in the glass wall. He enters the Scylla chamber.

  • 少部分埃军能小心谨慎地驻留在索马里,重整旗鼓对抗伊斯兰青年党。
    A few Ethiopian soldiers are thought to remain discreetly inside Somalia, rallying armed opposition to the Shabab.

  • 失去了队中最好的球员固然带来了挑战,可我们必须重整旗鼓,昂首向前。
    Well, you miss your star player, your best player. It's tough, it's a challenge, but we need to pick up the pieces and move on.

  • 在全部为中国选手参加的决赛中,王励勤重整旗鼓成功卫冕世乒赛男单冠军。
    Intheall-Chinese finals, Wang Liqin ralliedtodefendhis title in the mens singles at the World Table Tennis Championships.

  • 面对庞大中国互联网市场,AOL并不死心,2007年重整旗鼓再次进入中国。
    Face market of giant China Internet, AOL not give up the idea forever, rally entered China again 2007.

  • 我们已经重整旗鼓,经历了考验,更加坚强。我们将取得自由事业上最伟大的胜利。
    Renewed in our strength -- tested, but not weary -- we are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom.

  • 在美国政府宣布接管面临危机的抵押贷款巨头房利美和房地美后,全球股市重整旗鼓
    Global shares have rallied after the US government said it was taking over troubled mortgage lenders Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

  • 至少,这几个同伙之间在互相鼓励彼此重整旗鼓,找到信心。他们可不想承认自己错了。
    At least, it's what the accomplices told each other to reassure themselves. They just simply refused to admit their error.

  • 在切除乳房后,我知道重整旗鼓的办法就是再次开始锻炼身体,所以我去了当地游泳池。
    After the mastectomies, I knew that one way to get myself going would be to start exercising again, so I headed for the local pool.

  • 队员们都重整旗鼓,当我们开始踢得有一些起色时,伊斯坦布尔的激情记忆鼓舞了我们。
    The players lifted themselves. As we started to play a bit better, inspiring thoughts of Istanbul crept in.

  • 但也有好的一面。加利福尼亚人相信他们的州可以重整旗鼓并领导这个国家走出经济困境。
    But there is an upside. Californians believe their state can pull itself and lead the country out of these economic hard times.

  • 可是他万万没有料到,德军竟能重整旗鼓,恢复元气,发动一次令人震惊的奇袭,猛扑西线。
    Yet he hardly expected the Germans to recover sufficiently to launch the stunning surprise that burst on the Western Front.

  • 灾难性的英国大奖赛之后,菲利普马萨重整旗鼓,在周四的霍根海姆的测试中做出了最快圈速。
    Fresh from his disastrous British Grand Prix, Felipe Massa got back into the swing of things with the fastest time during testing at Hockenheim on Thursday.

  • 我们必须重新发布军队的消息,我们必须要讲述一些宏伟的故事,才能够振奋人心、重整旗鼓
    We must publish the army news** again, we must tell magnificent stories, stories that exalt sacrifice and bravery.

  • 人仍然希望“群众阵线”,或其中一部分能重整旗鼓,从事民主运动,通过地方选举取得权力与责任。
    Some Azerbaijanis still hope that the Popular Front, or part of it, can regain its feet as a democratic movement, using local elections to assume power and responsibility.

  • 虽然在攻城中安度因·洛萨不幸战亡,不过联盟军奋起重整旗鼓,夺回了黑石塔,兽人被迫撤到了黑色沼泽。
    Despite the death of Anduin Lothar, the Alliance rallied to retake the Spire and push the orcs back into the Black Morass.

  • 眼看着又要到了生死存亡的决战之际,自己也“非条件反射”的有些紧张起来,为重整旗鼓的昔时战友们担忧。
    Also saw the decisive battle of life and death to the occasion, also "non-conditioned reflex, " some tension, in order to come out of the difficulties comrades worry yore.

  • 当然,石油公司将重整旗鼓卷土重来,但这一事件是一个鼓舞人心的胜利,因为理智明断的力量将很难逆转。
    Of course, the oil companies will regroup and return -- but this is an inspirational victory for the forces of sanity that will be hard to reverse.

  • 在最初两年里,泰米尔利用停火协议重整旗鼓,重新武装,然后在2005年,他们对政府军发起了大规模进攻。
    In the first couple of years, it used the cease-fire agreement to regroup, rearm, and then in 2005 it launched massive attacks on government forces, " said Kohona."

  • 当时,这家全球最大的软饮料企业所面临的是其121年历史里最严重的危机之一,董事局寻求体制外的人士来重整旗鼓
    With the world's biggest soft-drinks firm embroiled in one of the greatest crises of its 121-year history, its directors looked for an outsider to fix things.

  • 在那里火焰化身的身影赫然挺立在兽人们之上,他一边召集着打散了的拉洛斯军团们重整旗鼓,一边指挥着巨人们守住阵脚。
    The Avatar of Flame towered above the orcs, rallying the Rallosian forces and directing the giants to hold their ground.

  • 欧洲文明眼下面临许多危机,也面临不少展望,但我相信唯一能使欧洲重整旗鼓,重返荣耀的办法就是重新去认识探索其力量的泉源。
    I believe that this civilisation, with all its dangers and hopes, can only be tamed and led back to greatness if it recognises again the sources of its power.

  • 周六我要说我们会怎样一起重整旗鼓召集支持者支持奥巴马参议员,澄清利害关系高于其他,而且我们的任务如此重要,以致我们不能做别的。
    I will be speaking on Saturday about how together we can rally the party behind Senator Obama. The stakes are too high and the task before us too important to do otherwise.

  • 扎卡维在信中写道,逊尼派在伊拉克获胜的唯一途径,只有通过发起与什叶派的对抗并召集国外成千上万的逊尼派重整旗鼓,发动“宗派战争”。
    A "sectarian war, " Zarqawi wrote, was the only way Sunni insurgents could win in Iraq, by provoking a Shiite backlash and a rallying of the millions of Sunnis outside the country.

  • 这是一场典型的包围战,其结局使蒋介石在其控制地区几乎无可用之兵,断绝了他在军事上重整旗鼓、土重来的希望,甚至可以说敲响了他的丧钟。
    The end of this classic battle of no combat troops in parts of China under his control and wrote finish to his hopes of military comeback, and perhaps of survival itself.

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