
量体裁衣  liàng tǐ cái yī








  • 他们必须量体裁衣[量人为出]。
    They must cut their coat according to their cloth.

  • 量体裁衣是很重要的。
    It's essential to cut to one's measure.

  • 西桥英语能提供给学员们量体裁衣式的全新课程。
    West Bridge offers students an English program tailored to their needs.

  • 更具体地,分别给你想去的公司量体裁衣写简历。
    Be specific, creating a separate resume for each company you approach.

  • 因此,当“包租婆”一定要量体裁衣量力而行
    Therefore, when the "charter parties" must cut, what.

  • 装修就像一个人穿衣戴帽,讲究的是量体裁衣,搭配得当。
    Decoration as a Dressing Up, stress is cut, and mix well.

  • 为客户量体裁衣,提供优化物流方案和供应链一 站式综合服务。
    Tailor-made for customers, providing optimization of logistics solutions and supply chain one-stop integrated services.

  • 裁缝说,心里却想,“是一个要量体裁衣的人,我得尽快逃走。”
    I will try to get away as fast as I can.

  • 做服装的人为顾客顾客量体裁衣,然后再缝制出来十分合身的衣服。
    The person who makes it measures the customer, and then sews it so that it fits perfectly.

  • 智能油田的启用应当那个根据精确的需求特性和当前情形量体裁衣
    An IOF implementation should be tailored based on the exact nature of the need and the status of the current state.

  • 传统管理软件的市场定位决定了其对于中小企业不能做到“量体裁衣”。
    The market fixed position of tradition management software decided its cannot be accomplished to medium and small businesses " act according to actual circumstances " .

  • 首先要由有关部门对楼体的结构进行安全鉴定,根据鉴定结果“量体裁衣”;
    First to the departments concerned for the safety, physical structure identification, according to the authentication of the "cut";

  • 后现代与现代不是截然对立的,在高等教育管理过程中需要量体裁衣,量力而行。
    Furthermore, since postmodernism is not completely opposite to the modernism, we should apply it according to the actual circumstance in the course of higher education management.

  • 专家们早就预测到,基因遗传学的发展会带来“量体裁衣”式医疗服务的黄金时代。
    Pundits have long predicted that advances in genetics will usher in a golden age of individually tailored therapies.

  • 研究单一核苷酸多态性,研究者希望能够在用药方面“量体裁衣”,而不是万用良方。
    By studying single nucleotide polymorphism, researchers hope to be able to tailor the right drug to the right person.

  • 德国制造商的实力在于为用户提供特需技术方案,按各个客户具体的要求“量体裁衣”。
    The German manufacturer strengthless in for the user provides the special requirement technology plan, "acts according to circumstances" according to each customer concrete request.

  • 文章中就这一问题提出了工业产品“量体裁衣”的概念,并从理论和实际两方面进行探索研究。
    This article suggests the conception of act according to actual circumstances to solve this problem.

  • 就每一个国家的情形来看,人们正在讨论“安全性行为”知识必须为特殊的文化需要量体裁衣
    In each instance, the "safer sex " message has to be tailored to the particular culture in question.

  • 救市计划当然要量体裁衣,适应各国不同的具体问题,但是至少各国应该共同宣布他们的计划。
    Of course, the rescue package tailored to suit the different specific issues, but at least all countries should jointly announced their plans.

  • 为用户量体裁衣、经过工艺优化的个性化专机广泛应用在各行业的中、大批量精密磨削生产的场合。
    These machines, built in all sizes and with automation , are supplied to all branches of industry which require large batch and mass production with highest inaccuracies .

  • 一些业内专家认为,这个项目是京城楼市目前为目标客户“量体裁衣”方面做得最彻底和最标准化的楼盘。
    Some industry experts believe that this project is currently targeted capital market customers "cut" doing the most thorough and most standardized market.

  • 就整体而言,居室的绿化要体现动态和静态的美,因地制宜、量体裁衣才是发现美、创造美、欣赏美的行家。
    On the whole, the green room to reflect active and passive U. S. conditions, the U. S. measure is found, the creation of the U. S. , the appreciation of beauty experts.

  • 本文提出了以嵌入式系统实现医用监护仪的设计思想,并最终依据嵌入式系统量体裁衣的开发原则加以实现。
    This paper proposes the idea of using the Embedded system to realize the medical monitor, and ultimately realize it based on the "tailor to the needs" principle of the Embedded system.

  • 本文提出了以嵌入式系统实现传真服务器的设计思想,并最终依据嵌入式系统量体裁衣的开发原则加以实现。
    This paper proposes the idea of using the Embedded system to realize the FaxServer, and ultimately realize it based on the "tailor to the needs" principle of the Embedded system .

  • 她说:“重要的是应该给妇女们量体裁衣,这样她们的运动胸衣才能让乳房组织紧贴胸脯,从而减小跳动幅度。”
    " It is vital that women are measured and fitted so that their sports bra holds the breast tissue close to the chest wall to minimize bouncing, " she says.

  • 作为外宣窗口,中文标语反映出中华民族特有的文化特征,运用语境也灵活多变,故其翻译需字斟句酌,量体裁衣
    Serving as a window, through which overseas audience may know what is going on in China, Chinese slogans fully reflect the unique Chinese culture in specific context.

  • 纽约(路透健康)-量体裁衣式的糖尿病管理计划效果好于千篇一律模式,依此成果完成了一针对拉丁美洲患者的计划。
    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Culturally specific diabetes management programs work better than a one-size-fits-all approach, going by the results achieved with a program tailored to Latino patients.

  • 公司秉承“以市场为导向,以顾客需求为准绳”的理念,量体裁衣以最大限度地满足客户需要,以最优质地服务来解决客户的问题。
    Companies adhering to the "market-oriented, customer demand as the criterion" concept, fulrank with maximum satisfy customer needs, with the most high-quality service to solve customer's problems.

  • 一个独特的博客设计就像量体裁衣一般适应你特殊的需求、信息,只有这样观众才会有一个漫长的把你和其他博客区分开来的过程。
    A unique blog design tailored to your specific needs, message, and audience goes a long way in setting yourself apart from others in a great way.

  • 在这种情况下,我们将积极地与他们展开沟通,从而了解他们的具体需求,并在措辞方面为他们量体裁衣,以满足他们的特殊要求。
    When this happens, we will actively communicate with them to know about their specific needs and "play down" our choice of words accordingly, in order to cater to their special requirements.

  • 量体裁衣造句相关
