
钟灵毓秀  zhōng líng yù xiù








  • 乌兰镇历史悠久,文化灿烂,钟灵毓秀
    Ulan town has a long history, splendid culture, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau.

  • 这是一片钟灵毓秀的土地。
    This is a Zhong Lingyu's beautiful land.

  • 得益于天地的钟灵毓秀,青岛女人长的美。
    ZHONG Ling Yuxiu benefited from the world, women of the United States and Qingdao.

  • 屏山岩的钟灵毓秀,曾吸引古今诸多文人墨客的题咏。
    Zhong Ling Yuk-ping of rock, has attracted a lot of seekers can explore the ancient and modern Tiyong.

  • 该镇历史悠久,钟灵毓秀,为环江翼龙古化石发现之地。
    The town has a long history, ZHONG Ling Yuk Sau for Huanjiang pterosaur fossils were found in the ancient land.

  • 第一节叙写诗人故里,历史悠久、人文荟萃,钟灵毓秀
    First section narrates his native place, the history glorious, the wealth or galaxy of talent, Zhong Ling Yu Xiu.

  • 三亚,地属北纬十八度休闲地带,钟灵毓秀,如诗如画!
    3 inferior, the ground belongs to north latitude 18 degrees of recreational regions, zhong Lingyu is beautiful, if the poem is picturesque!

  • 小桥流水,钟灵毓秀,恰似人间仙境。樱花争春,夺人景色;
    The flowing water of small bridge, pregnant with beauty and productive of talent, just like the Fairyland.

  • 钟灵毓秀的玛曲草原孕育了藏族牧民淳朴、开朗、热情的性格。
    ZHONG Ling Yuk's Maqu gave birth to the Tibetan steppe nomads honest, open, warm character.

  • 工厂位于钟灵毓秀人杰地灵的南通,是中国纺织工业的故乡。
    ZHONG Ling Yuk Sau factories located, the Nantong outstanding is the hometown of China's textile industry.

  • 江苏鼎泰工程材料有限公司位于钟灵毓秀的长江三角洲上海经济区。
    Located at Shanghai Economic Development Zone, Yangtze River Delta, an area with beautiful sceneries, Jiangsu Dingtai Engineering MaterialCo.

  • 这是钟灵毓秀、人杰地灵的上饶提出的与时俱进的农业发展新思路。
    This is spirit of ground of show of bell clever to bring up, an outstanding personality on Rao Di goes out with when the agriculture that all takes develops new thinking.

  • 我又拿出词典查了一下“钟秀”的词义,原来是“钟灵毓秀”的简称。
    I also checked out the dictionary "Zhongxiu" meaning, the original is "ZHONG Ling Yuk Sau" abbreviation.

  • 林重萆遍访半个中国,慧眼独具,选中了钟灵毓秀、易守难攻的天桂山。
    Castor seed Lin visited more than half of China, unique eye, select the Zhong Ling Yuk Sau, easily defensible days of the Shan.

  • 韶山,钟灵毓秀,人杰地灵,因伟人毛泽东而成为千百万人心中的圣地。
    Shaoshan, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau, Renjiedeling, as a result of Mao Zedong as a great man in the hearts of millions of people of the Holy Land.

  • 是啊,上善若水的凤凰钟灵毓秀,才能有沈老这样的人之大杰对湘西轻轻叹咏。
    Yes ah, the good is like the Phoenix ZHONG Ling Yuk Sau can there is such a great kit for people Xiangxi Wing gently sigh.

  • 在6000多年的历史长河中,无时不闪耀着钟灵毓秀,人杰地灵的斑谰光彩。
    In 6000 years of history, the ever-shining ZHONG Ling Yuk Sau, outstanding brilliance of the spot make a false charge.

  • 和平集团座落于钟灵毓秀、人文荟萃的国际旅游、历史文化名城杭州的市中心。
    The peace group lies in the center of renowned hangzhou city which has an combination of international travel and historical culture.

  • 山、水、林、雪特色突出,钟灵毓秀,自然天成,被誉为“长白山生态立体宝库”。
    Hill, water, forest, snow distinguishing feature is outstanding, zhong Lingyu is beautiful, natural day is become, be known as " zoology of long white hill is stereo treasury " .

  • 绵延千余年的佛事活动,使普陀山这方钟灵毓秀之净土,积淀了深厚的佛教文化底蕴。
    Devoted to Buddhism for over one thousand years, the pure land impregnated with subtle spirit of nature has now piled up a profound amassment of Buddhist culture.

  • 中山大学康乐园是晋朝时期著名诗人康乐公谢灵运被贬后的居住之地。钟灵毓秀,物华天宝。
    Sun Yat-sen University Hong Lok Yuen Jin Dynasty period is the famous poet Leisure Xie Lingyun was banished after the living land. ZHONG Ling Yuxiu, Mut Wah Tianbao.

  • 青浦是一个有着六千万年历史文明的人文璀璨之地,丰饶秀丽的自然环境使之更加钟灵毓秀
    Qingpu is a district more than 6, 000 years of human history &civilization the beautiful natural environment makes it more neat &graceful.

  • 临沂市地貌类型多样,融北国的粗犷风光与南国的鱼米之乡风韵于一体,钟灵毓秀,仪态万方。
    Linyi City, the landscape types, into the rugged scenery in the north and southern charm in the land of fish and rice together, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau, Yitaiwanfang.

  • 浑源物华天宝,钟灵毓秀,蓄势待发,前景广阔,是国内外有识之士施展才华,投资创业的理想天地。
    Hun Yuan Tian Bao-hua, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau, ready and broad prospects, is the people at home and abroad to display their talent, business investment in an ideal world.

  • 天桂山钟灵毓秀,素有“北方桂林”之称,中山国都城遗址、中山国王墓,距今两千多年,历史悠久。
    Tian Shan Zhong Ling Yuk Sau, known as "Guilin in the north, " said Zhong Shan State capital of the site, Zhongshan royal tombs, more than two thousand years ago, has a long history.

  • 还有那高山流水,这是妈祖山的缩影,山青青、水潺潺,一方水土养一方人,公元960年,妈祖就诞生于这钟灵毓秀的一方圣土;
    and the alpine and waters is the epitome of Macau. With green mountains and flowing water, this piece of land cultivates the people here. In 960, Macau was born on this elegant and graceful land;

  • 这就是世界自然文化遗产和国家重点风景区乐山大佛风景区。这里有气势宏大的世界第一大佛,有钟灵毓秀的人文景观和充满神秘传说的佛教。
    This is none other than Leshan Giant Buddha, the biggest of its kind in the world, as a world natural and cultural heritage in the UN List and state scenic spot.

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