
门庭若市  mén tíng ruò shì







  • 原先整天门庭若市, 现在却“门前冷落车马稀”。
    The door to his house used to be crowded with visitors who had since deserted him.

  • 各个汽车租赁公司门庭若市,业务激增。
    Each automobile lease company bustling place, the service increases sharply.

  • 那些当地的爱慕者把她的家搞得门庭若市
    Her local admirers beat a path to her door.

  • 哦,这里真是门庭若市啊!你的生意真兴隆!
    Oh, it's kind of a full house here. Your business is booming!

  • 如果你是自己的老板,工作会很顺利,门庭若市
    If you are self-employed, business will be good and new clients will be coming in the door.

  • 今天是他的婚礼,他家门庭若市,来往宾客络绎不绝。
    Today is his wedding. Many people are streaming to his house.

  • 连续几天踩盘发现,各大楼盘的销售现场,更是门庭若市
    consecutive days hit plate found that the major development site sales is certainly.

  • 即便目前经济低迷,许多足浴中心仍是门庭若市,华洋共享。
    Even in an economy suffering severe economic pain, many foot massage centers are still bustling with customers, both Chinese and foreigners.

  • 当然,在某些情况下,品牌是门庭若市的条件,但不是唯一条件。
    Of course, in some cases, the brand is Mentingruoshi conditions, but not the only conditions.

  • 开业后门庭若市,营业额领先于广州同业各公司,蔡昌乃名震港穗。
    Mentingruoshi after opening, sales in Guangzhou with the industry's leading companies, CAI Chang-Ming Zhen is a Hong Kong-Guangzhou.

  • 这项努力有了成果。捐血民众回流人数提高,算命日更是门庭若市
    The effort has been paying off. The number of returning donors has gone up, especially on the day of the fortune telling.

  • 组织这些讲座或论坛者门庭若市,可我们发现,聆听了这些理论研讨后,并未受益。
    These seminars or forums of expression organizations, we found that listening to these theoretical discussions, did not benefit.

  • 自200多年前开业以来,杜莎夫人蜡像馆一直门庭若市,吸引了数以百万计的游客。
    Madame Tussauds Wax Museum has been crowded with guests for 200 years since its opening, attracting millions of tourists.

  • 坚持“双优”的经营方针,(优质商品、优良服务),就能获得门庭若市,生意兴隆的效果。
    Persist in the operation policy of "douBle good"(good commodities and good service), and your shop will Be full of customers and prosperous in Business.

  • 近些年对废名的关注日渐升温,虽然远谈不上门庭若市,但毕竟已不再“孤绝”(李健吾语)。
    The recent years elevate temperature day after day to the Fei Ming attention, although the attention are not many but no longer "are after all orphaned certainly"(Li Jianwu).

  • 半个月来鹏润家园的售楼处门庭若市,房子卖得喜人,看来价钱真的对购房者有很大的吸引力。
    Pengrunjieyuan visitors to the second half of the sales offices, houses sell gratifying that the price really seems to be very attractive property buyers.

  • 靠工资吃饭的一家三口,没有财大者的金碧辉煌,没有掌权者的门庭若市,冷清中舞动着阵阵书香。
    Wage family meals, there is no major fiscal's resplendent, there is no power of crowds, deserted in the bursts of dancing Shuxiang.

  • 小镇的中医门诊基本上门庭若市,偶尔空闲的时候,他们也会聊聊天,或者干脆望望外面打发时间。
    Basically, the Chinese medicine out-patient in town is always full of patients. Occasionally when they can take a break, they will chat or just stay there and look outside to kill the time.

  • 作为首先倡导这种居家设计新概念的白云高尔夫花园,其售楼部日前更是门庭若市,参观者络绎不绝。
    As a first initiative of this new concept of home design Baiyun golf Garden, the sales department is certainly more recently, visitors flooded.

  • 业务处室都反映,以前各处室门庭若市忙审批,现在可以静下心来谋大事,这是一场真正的效能革命。
    Business offices are reflected in previous offices and restaurants busy, can now start their event, this is a real revolution effectiveness.

  • 有些则是纯粹的商业中心,透过门庭若市的贸易与地方市场活动,更可勾勒出市井小民的日常生活样态。
    Others were purely commercial centers, where trade and local markets dictated the patterns of daily life.

  • 《科斯比秀》之〈门庭若市〉(1986年2月27日)。闲暇日里,克利夫试图在家中找个安静的角落看报。
    The Cosby Show, "Full House" (2/27/86). Cliff tries to find a quietzcorner of the house in which to read his newspaper on his day off.

  • 《科斯比秀》之〈门庭若市〉(1986年2月27日)。闲暇日里,克利夫试图在家中找个安静的角落看报。
    The Cosby Show, "Full House" (2/27/86). Cliff tries to find a quiet Dating corner of the house in which to read his newspaper on his day off.

  • 《科斯比秀》之〈门庭若市〉(1986年2月27日)。闲暇日里,克利夫试图在家中找个安静的角落看报。
    The Cosby Show, "Full House" (2/27/86). Cliff tries to find which to read his newspaper on his day off.

  • 《科斯比秀》之〈门庭若市〉(1986年2月27日)。闲暇日里,克利夫试图在家中找个安静的角落看报。
    The Cosby Show, "Full House" (2/27/86). Cliff tries to find a quiet corner of the house in which to read his newspaper on his day off.

  • 有时你能靠常规战术和计谋应付过去,然而高质量的女人常常门庭若市,因此培养令她心动的生活方式对于男人异常重要。
    You can get by for a while on routines and tactics, but higher-quality women are has a lot going for him, and creating an exciting lifestyle is an important part of this.

  • 在现实社会生活中,时常有人会发出“人走茶凉”的感叹。因为他们在位时门庭若市、车来人往,离职后门司罗雀、车稀人少。
    Because bearer of bustling, car is gone to when their v/arc be on the throne, leave one's post rare person of postern department Luo Qiao, car is little.

  • 虽然京城宾馆饭店林立,但众多的拖家带口的“自助式”游客自然消费不起,这使得一夜几十元钱的家庭式旅馆家家门庭若市,应接不暇。
    Although Beijing hotels, buildings, but many home-mouth on the "self-help" visitors can naturally consumption, which makes night dozens yuan family-style hotel each family visitors, too.

  • 在周二雅加达Marriott酒店发生汽车爆炸案之前,该酒店门庭若市,因为在印尼经济复苏过后不久,许多投资银行家蜂拥至此洽谈生意。
    Jakarta's Marriott Hotel, which was the target of a car bomb attack on Tuesday, had been busy recently as investment bankers flocked to Indonesia to arrange deals on the back of an economic recovery.

  • 某日,当通用汽车公司和IBM这样的工业巨头们正通过裁减雇员数目以求设法生存时,总部在威斯康星州密尔沃基市的“人力公司”却是门庭若市
    One day at a time. As industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle to survive by reducing the number of employees, Manpower, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is booming.

  • 门庭若市造句相关
