
雕虫小技  diāo chóng xiǎo jì








  • 音乐是重要的,足球只是雕虫小技
    Music was important. Football was the easy part.

  • 卡罗尔:想想看,这还算是雕虫小技
    Carol: And to think that is just from the top of his head.

  • 我们增加了很多的控制能力的巫师雕虫小技
    We've added a lot of control abilities to the wizard's bag of tricks.

  • 最近在北京特别流行智能化,我觉得完全是雕虫小技
    Special popular intelligent recently in Beijing, I think it is entirely territory.

  • 也许人们认为歌词是一种雕虫小技,但是写好真是不容易的。
    People may consider writing lyrics as a simple task, however, it's really hard work to write a good one.

  • 上述是讲某人所有的本领,充其量不过是雕虫小技,片善小人。
    All of the above is a person's ability to speak, at best, but Diaochongxiaoji, good little film.

  • 这般控诉可谓是工会活动中最近人注目的部分,但这只是雕虫小技
    This sort of thing is the most visible part of the union campaign, but perhaps the least important.

  • 这般控诉可谓是工会活动中最近人注目的部分,但这只是雕虫小技
    Because if you were, you can't have him. " This sort of thing is the most visible part of the union campaign, but perhaps the least important."

  • 写文章,是我们党的事业的一部分,是一种执政能力,决非雕虫小技
    Write an article, it is the one part of the career of our party, it is one kind is in office ability, be not insignificant skill definitely.

  • 游艺本是儒者历练性情与德业的重要科目,却被道家庄子视为“雕虫小技”。
    Entertainment from skills is originally an key subject for the Confucians to develop their character and moral but is looked down upon by Zhuang Zi, the representative of Taoism.

  • 自己居然鬼迷心窍,要求尊者特别表演一些雕虫小技,怎麽会有如此荒唐的想法!
    He, on the contrary, had lost his mind and asked the sage to display some minor skills. Where did he get that absurd idea?

  • 然后……这可是雕虫小技,于是我就对爸爸说,我要动手术,可那个医生只收现金。
    Right, and the, off the top of my head, I'd probable tell dad that I needed an operation from a surgeon who only takes cash.

  • 迈克:可在那儿你也并没有让我好受,说我演的是雕虫小技,取笑我想当演员是梦想。
    Mike: Dad, you didn't make me feel so hot in there. I mean, calling all of my plays, little! You making fun of my dream to become an actor!

  • 当然,我这种节约方法属于雕虫小技,周边不少男人在理财理论上往往更显其深刻与精明。
    Of course, this cost-saving methods are tricks I, many men in the surrounding its fiscal theoretically making it more profound and often smart.

  • 也要记得讲章的真理也是最重要的,真实性的就是不能掺杂任何手段、雕虫小技或者语言技巧。
    Also remember that the truth of your sermon is always the most important, deficit in truthfulness cannot be compensated by any manners, tricks or verbal acrobatics.

  • 他们的那些雕虫小技、法律规章、行为标准等等,实在是百害而无一利,对大家都没有好处的。
    Their petty craft and technique, constitutions and laws, and the codes of conduct are nothing but harm to all of us.

  • 更兼以大部分宗教界人士,多将诗文视为雕虫小技,哪里比得上探索宇宙本体、人生真相重要?
    Moreover, most people in the field of religion considered poetry and literature to be minor skills. How could they compare with searching for the essence of the universe and the truth of life?

  • 他们的那些雕虫小技、法律规章、行为标准等等,实在是百害而无一利,对大家都没有好处的。
    Their petty craft and technique, constitutions and laws, and codes of conduct are nothing but harm to all of us.

  • 观众可以自由报名参加选秀,展示自己的各种雕虫小技,赢取至尊摩登青年称号,并获取丰厚的奖品。
    Viewers are free to register for draft, to display their various Diaochongxiaoji to win the title of supreme modern youth, and access to the lucrative prizes.

  • 在环保问题上没有方向性指导思想,只在技术层面上施展雕虫小技,我们就会成为顾头不顾尾的企鹅。
    If we don't have guidelines and only tricks on technical levels, we will be like a penguin which attends to one thing and lose another.

  • 和扑克比起来,国际象棋只是信息完全、心理作用有限的雕虫小技,技高一筹者总是可以获胜,无聊透顶。
    Poker is certainly more exciting to most than chess, a game of complete information and limited psychology where the better player always wins.

  • 他们又不象魔术师,他们不只是会点雕虫小技,举个例子说,他们能用水做动力在家把接送卡车或汽车开起来!
    But unlike the magician, it's no mean feat that they could, for example, use water to run your pick-up truck or car at home!

  • 但,粉丝们和电视观众却认为这是愚蠢的,不可能的并且是为了提高收视率的雕虫小技,因为节目的制作人已经没有了吸引人的创意了。
    However, fans and other TV viewers felt that this silly and improbable action was a kind of cheap trick to get attention because the program's writers had run out of truly clever ideas.

  • 同学们,当你们卡在一个物理问题上的时候,你们应该清醒地意识到:这不是数学,所以需要用脑子。在一个真正的物理学家心中,数学永远是雕虫小技
    Schoolmates, when you are facing to a difficult physical problem, you should realize soberly: This is not a math problem, so it needs to use the brain.

  • 导致我们的弱点的部分原因是我们所遵循的言论自由哲学,另一部分原因--借用沃尔特-李普曼的话--是我们将新闻业这一雕虫小技发展成为一种发达的专业这一过程太慢。
    Part of our weakness has been due to the philosophy of free speech we picked up, part to our slow emergence from, in Walter Lippmann's phrase, a minor craft to an underdeveloped profession.

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