
风言风语  fēng yán fēng yǔ








  • 一些风言风语也可能就此流传,将她骂得臭名满村里。
    Some gossip spread for this and she will become notorious.

  • 一些风言风语也可能就此流传,将她骂的臭名满村里。
    Some gossip spread for this and she will become notorious.

  • 我猜现在要收回一些我在你们背后的风言风语已经太慢了。
    I guess it's too late to take back some of the names I called you.

  • 閒言碎语风言风语是能毁掉一个人的,而球员并不比其他人要强。
    Gossip is a brutal thing and footballers are no better than anyone else.

  • 闲言碎语风言风语是能毁掉一个人的,而球员并不比其他人要强。
    Gossip is a brutal thing and footballers are no better than anyone else.

  • 随着年龄的增长,我听到一些风言风语:吉姆神父在更衣室待得时间太长;
    As I got older, I heard whisperings: Father Jim hanging out too long in the locker room;

  • 可那时我像大多半年老一样,把这句谚语看是与我生毫无相干的风言风语
    At the time, like most young people, I regarded this proverb as an old wive's tale with no relevance to my own life.

  • 我听到一些风言风语,说是少有人问津毫无一用的写作,不如改头换面云云。
    A rumor that give a good kicks on my ears says this program should be canceled because less people sacrifice time on useless writing.

  • 由于这些不寻常的朋友所引起的一个问题在杰克逊死前依然是传的风言风语
    The questions raised by these unusual friendships continued to hang in the air until his death.

  • 她在厨房里对厨子发表了她的看法,结果风言风语就在整幢公寓里悄悄地传开了。
    She gave vent to her opinions in the kitchen where the cook was.

  • 她在厨房里对厨子发表了她的看法,结果风言风语就在整幢公寓里悄悄地传开了。
    Drouet was absent. She gave vent to her opinions in the kitchen where the cook was.

  • 但是经过夏天的风言风语,我仍然在这,俱乐部并给我提供了一份一年的新合同。
    But after all the uproar this summer, I am still here and the club have offered me another year, " Torres said."

  • 这一路上,有似锦的繁花,也有灼人的毒草,他选择诗意地走下去,不在乎风言风语
    This way, there are the flowers bright, but also scorching the poisonous weeds, he chose poetry to go on, do not care about baseless rumor.

  • 刚来美国读博士的时候,在系里听到风言风语,说是中国留学生只喜欢与中国人做室友。
    When I first came to the US to study for a doctoral degree, I heard some rumors that Chinese students liked to be roommate with only Chinese students.

  • 不过似乎,汉密尔顿的状态已经有些入定了,耳边吹过的风言风语并不容易对他产生影响。
    However as if, Hamilton's condition already somewhat had sat in meditation, nearby the ear has blown the baseless rumor has the influence not easily to him.

  • 当银行起步发展时和出现产业有抑价风险等风言风语时金融调度师对其的抑制和禁止作用微乎其微。
    Financial regulators did little to restrain banks when the boom was under way, bar the odd comment that the industry was under pricing risk.

  • 先不说外界的风言风语,就拿家人的态度来说,就让赵月很有压力。“开始的时候,我父母都不同意。
    Did not say the first outside the baseless rumor, took family member's manner, let Zhao Yue have the pressure very much. starts, my parents did not agree.

  • 我只希望上面这些故事,能够为多年来那些关于“我是怎么弄了这么一个奇怪假肢”的风言风语画上一个句号。
    I can only hope that this entry puts to rest the years of speculation as to how I came about sporting such an odd appendage.

  • 但从曼城方面传来的这些风言风语暗示这些报道并非空穴来风,曼联的投行债务累积利息高达14。25%,此次再融资计划被认为正是针对于此的。
    However, City sources indicated the reports are correct, and the refinancing is thought to be concentrating on the hedge fund debt, which is accumulating interest at 14. 25%.

  • 然而,更为重要的原因还是,中国女子如果没有结婚就生了孩子,她们所要承受的风言风语就会非常严重,(因为)文化传统根本就容不下(这种行为)。
    But even more importantly, there is still a strong social stigma that is placed on women in China who have children before they are married. It is simply not culturally acceptable.

  • 打在脸上的拳头总比背后的风言风语强,后者会破坏队内气氛--拜仁慕尼黑队后卫比克森特·利扎拉祖这样解释他在训练时动手打在队友尼科·科瓦克脸上的行为。
    It's better to box the ears than to talk behind someone's back. That spoils the atmosphere ?FC Bayern M?nchen defender Bixente Lizarazu after he hit teammate Niko Kovac in the face during training.

  • 打在脸上的拳头总比背后的风言风语强,后者会破坏队内气氛--拜仁慕尼黑队后卫比克森特-利扎拉祖这样解释他在训练时动手打在队友尼科-科瓦克脸上的行为。
    It"s better to box the ears than to talk behind someone"s back. That spoils the atmosphere ?FC Bayern M?nchen defender Bixente Lizarazu after he hit teammate Niko Kovac in the face during training.

  • 风言风语造句相关
