
高视阔步  gāo shì kuò bù








  • 她昂着头,高视阔步走出了房间。
    She stalked out of the room, her head high.

  • 她昂著头,高视阔步走出了房间。
    She stalked out of the room, her head high.

  • 她昂着头,高视阔步走出了房间。
    out of the room, her head high.

  • 知更鸟在草中高视阔步
    robins strutted upon the grass;

  • 改变高视阔步的角度将影响推进器推力锥体的方向。
    Changing the angle of the strut will effect the direction of the propellers thrust cone.

  • 行走的姿态似高视阔步,并带有特征性的点头动作。
    Strut like walking posture, with a characteristic move his head.

  • 高视阔步有一个正面角度当支柱轴指向向上往水表面。
    The strut has a positive angle when the prop shaft points upwards towards the water surface.

  • 在屋子角落里或有内部方式是好寻找收容所地方的好高视阔步
    In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum place.

  • 她接着就高视阔步的走出房间,弄得我们又羞愧又狼狈,不知如何是好。
    She then stalks out of the room . we are left ashamed and wretched and do not know which way to look.

  • 如果一个人能走上一小时,他会被称为高视阔步者。而我走了两个小时。
    If he stakes out a house for an hour, he's called a stalker. And i did that for two.

  • 是的,你的车是枯燥,你的女朋友不喜欢高视阔步围绕一个合格的剥离。
    Yes, your car is boring and your girlfriend doesn't prance around like a qualified stripper.

  • 圆顶在数以百计高视阔步和似乎太脆弱而无法忍受它的重量拱门上面飘浮。
    The dome floated above hundreds of struts and arches that seemed too frail to bear its weight.

  • 暗中设计毁谤同僚的人,我要消灭他;高视阔步,心高气傲的人,我不容忍他。
    Whoever slanders another in secret I reduce to silence. Haughty eyes and arrogant hearts I cannot endure.

  • 他们为这件事大吹大擂,并且在他们破靴子许可的条件下,大摇大摆,高视阔步
    They boasted about it and assumed as much swagger in their gait as their broken boots permitted.

  • 他们共同,男人的打扮,高视阔步,摇动和震动他们的羽毛装束,模仿当地的天堂鸟。
    Together, the men preen, strut, shimmy, and shake their feathered costumes, mimicking the local birds of paradise.

  • 众多的高视阔步者组成的伏兵可以给那些认为自己安全的敌人带来炎狱般的“报偿”。
    Ambushes by groups of stalkers have brought fiery doom upon many attack wings that thought themselves safe from retribution.

  • 这些高视阔步增加使结构支持允许变薄上面为更加伟大的共鸣和为声音的更好的发行全面的。
    These struts were added for structural support to allow thinning of the top for greater resonance and for better distribution of sound across the board.

  • 在新一年的一天,她跟平常一样坐在窗子旁,爱德华骑着一匹马,高视阔步地从车道上走来。
    One day in the new year she was sitting as usual at her window when Edward came prancing up the drive on horseback.

  • 在新一年的一天,她跟平常一样坐在窗子旁,爱德华骑着一匹马,高视阔步地从车道上走来。
    One day in the new year she was sitting as usual at her window when Edward came prancing up the drive on horseback.

  • 走鹃在地上来回地穿梭,追赶响尾蛇,最后,蛇筋疲力尽而被打垮,走鹃却高视阔步,炫耀胜利。
    The bird ran back and forth across the yard, exhausting the snake, who eventually curled up in defeat. The roadrunner strutted.

  • 我们美丽的东方样式风扇看来是一台繁体中文风扇被做在丝绸锦和被缝合对被雕刻的, 木高视阔步
    Our beautiful Oriental-style fan appears to be a traditional Chinese fan made in silk brocade and sewn to carved, wooden struts.

  • 有些鹤在原野上高视阔步或成双站立,仰头发出尖锐响亮的叫声,这是鹤的“齐鸣”,声音响遍四野。
    Some stalk the field or stand in pairs, lifting their bills to trumpet a shrill, rolling cry, a "unison" call that carries across the fields.

  • 单从举止外貌来说,那种庄严神气,就使那群高视阔步的武夫们即使没有显得怪模怪样,也是俗不可耐了。
    Even in outward demeanour, they showed a stamp of majesty that made the warrior's haughty stride look vulgar, if not absurd.

  • 单从举止外貌来说,那种庄严神气,就使那群高视阔步的武夫们即使没有显得怪模怪样,也是俗不可耐了。
    Even in outward demeanour they showed a stamp of majesty that made the warrior's haughty stride look vulgar, if not absurd.

  • 一个家伙高视阔步进入旅馆的一座电梯,而当电梯往上移动时,开始想要留下印象给那年轻漂亮的操作员。
    A fellow s_______ into a hotel elevator and, as it moved upward, started trying to im_____ the pretty young operator.

  • 这就是神使他们成为精兵之道——不是给他们穿上考究的制服,在营门前高视阔步,被公园中闲荡的人们看成是高雅的绅士。
    This is the way in which He makes them soldiers - not by dressing them up in fine uniforms, to swagger at the barrack gates, and to be fine gentlemen in the eyes of the loungers in the park.

  • 因为她虽说是高视阔步,但在人们逼视的目光下,每迈出一步都要经历一番痛苦,似乎她的心已经给抛到街心,任凭所有的人碾踩践踏。
    was, she perchance underwent an agony from every footstep of those that thronged to see her, as if her heart had been flung into the street for them all to spurn and trample upon.

  • 确信地,虽然中国领导人现在在世界舞台上高视阔步,但国内慢慢形成将要爆发的不满还是盘踞在他们的心头:每年都有数以万计的抗议活动。
    Confidently though China's leaders now strut the world stage, they remain preoccupied by simmering discontent at home: there are tens of thousands of protests each year.

  • 高视阔步造句相关
