
抖擞精神  dǒu sǒu jīng shén







  • 早晨新鲜的空气使他精神抖擞
    The fresh morning air makes him buck up .

  • 那匹马精神抖擞地昂起头来。
    The horse perked up its head.

  • 抖擞精神又开始了挑战。
    Dousoujingshen again a challenge.

  • 可是工作在身,不得不抖擞精神全力以赴啊。
    However, because of work, I will have to stay in good spirit.

  • 怪得很,这报时的钟声仿佛让他抖擞精神
    Curiously, the chiming of the hour seemed to have put new heart into him.

  • 舒活舒活筋骨,抖擞抖擞精神,各做各的一份儿事去。
    Activity the live physique, rouses pulls oneself together respectively makes an each matter to go.

  • 我将抖擞精神,在一个充满梦想的新世界里获得新生!
    I am Renewed, Refreshed, and Reborn into a 'Yummy' new world.

  • 去年战胜德维尔潘先生的学生们也抖擞精神迎接新的战斗。
    Students too, having defeated Mr de Villepin last year, are bracing for a new struggle.

  • 让我们一起为今年划上圆满的句号,抖擞精神迎接全新的开始吧!
    Together, let us write a nice period for this year, and be full of vigor to meet a new beginning next year!

  • 从今天起,我们必须打点自己、抖擞精神,为美国的复兴而努力奋斗。
    Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.

  • 用朗润、舒活、繁花嫩叶、呼朋引伴、抖擞精神、花枝招展连词成句。
    Use bright smooth , easy living , complicated flower tender leaf, to call a friend attracting a partner , pluck up , be gorgeously dressed ready-made a sentence conjunction.

  • 他对需要做的各项工作并没有袖手旁观,而是精神抖擞地投入了工作。
    He did not stand about looking at all the job to be done; he waded straight in.

  • 晒太阳不但令我们感觉温暖、舒适,冬日和暖的阳光更能令我们抖擞精神
    Exposure to natural sunshine offers a number of important benefits including a feeling of being pleasantly warm and comfortable, and a general boost to our spirits during the winter months.

  • 两大圣收了如意棒,抖擞精神将身一纵,站在佛祖手心里说:「我去也!」
    Wu-k'ung put his staff in his ear and leaped onto Buddha's palm, saying confidently, "Here I go! ""

  • 那大圣收了如意棒,抖擞精神,将身一纵,站在佛祖手心里说:“我去也!”
    Wu-k'ung put his staff in his ear and leaped onto Buddha's palm, saying confidently, "Here I go! ""

  • 是这盼望使得林先生依然能够抖擞精神坐在账台上守候他意想中的下午的顾客。
    It was this hope that enabled Mr. Lin to bolster his sagging spirits as he sat in the cashier's cage awaiting the customers he pictured coming in the afternoon.

  • 那大圣收了如意棒,抖擞精神,将身一纵,站在佛祖手心里,却道声:“我出去也!”
    Putting away his as-you-will cudgel, the Great Sage summoned up all his divine powers, jumped into the palm of the Buddha's hand, and said, "I'm off. ""

  • 所以希望各位同学,能从今天起,便抖擞精神,好好装备自己,以迎接未来的学习生活。
    My wish is that you would prepare and equip yourself to meet the challenges of your lifelong learning in future.

  • 饮一杯香浓的咖啡,抽一支哈瓦那雪茄,翻翻喜爱的杂志,有助您舒缓身心,抖擞精神
    Having a fragrant coffee, smoking a Havana cigar and reading a fond magazine will make you feel relaxed and full of vigor.

  • 看看英国和澳大利亚两国曾欣欣向荣的房市所走过的路,美国持房者也许能抖擞精神
    American homeowners may take heart from the experiences of two other once-booming markets: Australia's and Britain's.

  • 下面几点提示或者可以帮你保持精神抖擞,至少可以让你在找到时间休息之前继承下往。
    The following hints may help you stay energized or at least get you going until you can make the time for rest.

  • 看看英国和澳大利亚两国曾欣欣向荣的房产市场所走过的路,美国持房者也许能抖擞精神
    American homeowners may take heart from the experiences of two other once-booming markets: Australia's and Britain's.

  • 这些有力的动作,加上她抖擞精神和灿烂的微笑,使肖恩成为奥林匹克偶像中的顶尖人物。
    Those powerful moves, along with her bubbly attitude and brilliant smile, have put Shawn on the cusp20) of becoming an Olympic icon.

  • 曾经希望在金融职场打拼的学生们开始另寻出路──或者抖擞精神找份薪水低得多的短期工作。
    Students who had hoped for a finance career are looking elsewhere -- or bracing themselves for short-term work at much lower pay.

  • 故此你们要抖擞精神,要冷静戒备着,要把盼望完全钉住于耶稣基督显示时所要带来给你们的恩。
    Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.

  • 现在土星要求你去找喜欢干的事,如此一来你才能把满怀热情、精神抖擞地投入到你的工作中去。
    Now Saturn will demand that you find something you do like so that you can passionately throw yourself into your work with renewed vigor.

  • 但是,卡洛。安切洛蒂的小伙子们抖擞精神,将希望保持到了最后,他们无愧于积分榜首位的位置。
    However, Carlo Ancelotti's men kept going right to the end and are well worth their position at the top of the table.

  • 同学们,让我们抖擞精神,以最坚定的信念、最饱满的热情投身到新剑奥这场火热的英语盛会中来吧!
    Dear trainees, let's throw ourselves into the grand gathering of English language programs with enlivened spirits, firm confidence and great ardor.

  • 尽管贿赂丑闻对品牌造成了打击,但这家电子制造商正抖擞精神全力发掘它在绿色能源和大规模传输方面的技术实力。
    A bribery scandal hurt, but the electronics maker has moved on and aims to exploit its engineering prowess in green energy and mass transportation.

  • 骨骼内部不够紧密,更呈中空现象,容易折断。我们每个人都需要点阳光来维持生命!晒太阳不但令我们感觉温暖、舒适,冬日和暖的阳光更能令我们抖擞精神
    Exposure to natural sunshine offers a number of important benefits including a feeling of being pleasantly warm and comfortable, and a general boost to our spirits during the winter months.

  • 抖擞精神造句相关
