
抱残守缺  bào cán shǒu quē








  • 所谓正确的思考方法就是抱残守缺
    But who said logical thinking can be applied to everything?

  • 清政府顽固派却抱残守缺,反对维新变革。
    The Qing government was conservative diehards against the reformers change.

  • 他不抱残守缺,师古不泥古,主张革新,力求再创造。
    He is not old, not ancients gu division, innovative ideas to re-creation.

  • 还是抱残守缺,抓住“老祖宗”(的设计理念、风格)不放;
    Should the ancestors" design ideas be strictly stuck to?"

  • 欧洲共产主义的沉寂原因是抱残守缺,泥旧不化,理论落后于形势;
    The reasons for eurocommunisim's fall are as follows: Being conservative and the theory falls behind the situation;

  • 如果竞争不过对手,这也不失为明智之举———抱残守缺可能死得更惨。
    But if the competition rivals, which may be a wise move - pander to outworn beliefs may die even worse.

  • 一些行业泰斗,比如亨利。福特,在时代变迁,风光不再时依然抱残守缺
    Some great industrialists, like Henry Ford, stick around even as the world moves on and their powers fail.

  • 老人看似反常的举动,体现了他清醒的价值判定:与其抱残守缺,不假如断放弃。
    the old person sees the move that seems abnormality, reflected his sober valuation: Gizzard watersides Р Xing laying? if break, do not abandon.

  • 抛弃抱残守缺思想,打消“肥水外流”顾虑、摒弃“关门宰客”陋习,养成开放的心态。
    The abandonment clings to the remains the thought that dispels Fei Shui to flow out the worry, the rejection to close butchers the guest the vulgar customs, fosters the opening the point of view.

  • 业内人士指出,楼市加速演进,面对来自新盘的品质冲击与价位冲击,老楼盘惟有图强求变之一途,哪敢抱残守缺
    In the industry, the property market accelerated evolution, in the face of shocks from the new disc quality and price shocks, the market can only grow old - just one, kill beliefs?

  • 我们不应该为稳定而维护稳定,如果所谓的稳定意味着抱残守缺,沿用一种对很多人已不适用的体系的话,我们就不应珍视这种稳定。
    We should not prize stability for its own sake, and we should not prize stability when it means embracing a system that is failing so many.

  • 尽管为了能使汽车产业继续运转,已经有数百万英磅的政府资金和纳税人的钱用来挽救这个垂死挣扎的产业,应该有更多的人来考虑在如何将其革新为绿色产业,而不是抱残守缺
    Whilst millions of pounds of government and tax-payer money goes in to keep it afloat, more heads must be made to think about how to implement a future green industry, than how to save the old one.

  • 抱残守缺造句相关
