
文以载道  wén yǐ zài dào








  • 字禅所强调的“文以载道”,即是谓此。
    What Written Zen of Song Dynasty emphasizes just is such a kind of possibility.

  • 第一章:“文以载道”思想在元杂剧中的折射。
    Chapter one: " The thought of literature contain politics" refraction in Yuans of drama.

  • 其二是本着传统文以载道的使命感,反映社会上的不平。
    Secondly, it was the taking up of intellectual's historical mission to bring about justice, equality etc. to society.

  • 从论赋的创作理论来看,其主旨显彰于诗赋同源与文以载道
    The gist of most literature-criticizing fu is that shi (poetry) and fu are of the same resource, and that they all should express the Confucian Tao (doctrines).

  • 铁凝在寻找一条“文以载道”精神与西方表现主义艺术的结合之路。
    Tie Ning has been looking for a way that will combine the spirit by which truth is expressed in literature with the Western arts of expressionism.

  • 从“文以载道”到“艺术就是人生”——钱穆美学思想基本问题论析。
    From "Dao is Conveyed by Wen" to "Art is Life"——Analysis on the Basic Aesthetic Questions of Qian Mu.

  • 文以载道”思想是儒家功用诗学的核心,而美刺说则是其重要内容。
    "Literature for moral instruction" is a key tenet of Confucian utilitarian poetics, in which the idea of "praiseandcriticize" plays an important part.

  • 学功能观上,“人生派”的主张就与“文以载道”有了内在的联系;
    On the functional view of literature, there are inherent connections between the claim of the "Literature produced for people" and "Run a country with literature";

  • 文以载道”是中国古代论的一个重要概念,对中国学的发展影响深远。
    "Literature carrying Tao" is a very important concept that affects the literary development in ancient Chinese literary theory.

  • 关于学艺术的功能,中国传统美学有一个“诗言志”和“文以载道”的模式。
    The traditional aesthetics of China has a mode of "Poetry Express Will" and "Writing Carry Doctrine" on the function of literature and art.

  • 当他的同胞们还在鼓吹“文以载道”之时,爱伦·坡的小说却呈现出惊人的独创性和现代性。
    When his compatriots was advertising "inculcate a moral", the novels of Allan Poe had been demonstrating surprising originality and modernity.

  • 她的学创作走的其实是一条融外国化思潮创作方法和中国传统学“文以载道”观念于一体的路。
    Actually, the writing method of foreign literature and the concepts that contained in traditional Chinese literature, which think that to write is to convey ideas, are blended in Bai Wei's writings.

  • 文以载道”为使命的中国古代诙谐小说,是一个动态的发展概念,而至明王朝则达到其发展的辉煌时期。
    Chinese ancient humorous novels is a dynamic and developing concept , and in Dynasty Ming it reached the summit.

  • 传统文以载道艺观念和社会现实,都促使陈亮格外关注于国家的危亡,试图在考古论今的政论中对现实政治有所启发。
    It was the material behave of the energy that cried up by the litterateurs of Song dynasty, for the traditional literary notion, Chenliang especially attention to the danger of the country.

  • 这两位作家都挣脱了维多利亚时代的传统,在那个时代儿童学具有“文以载道”的功能,要教导儿童尊崇成人的价值观和行为模式。
    Both writers were emerging from a Victorian tradition that saw children's literature as a didactic form whose function … was to instill a respect for adult values and behavior.

  • 这种“义理”思索虽然比宋儒“穷理尽性”的形上思辨“低级”得多,但朱彝尊之考据绝非“纯考据”,“文以载道”论与“统”思想就是这种“义理”探求的产物。
    The grade of this system was lower than that of the scholars in the Song Dynasty. But Zhu Yizun's sinology was not pure one.

  • 他借鉴西方的艺思想,对中国“文以载道”的学传统提出鲜明质疑和强烈批判,强调学独立于社会因素之外的审美价值,形成了中国学史上独树一帜的“超功利”艺观。
    By borrowing western ideas, he criticized Chinese tradition and emphasized independent esthetic value of literature, and so formed unique artistic ideas in Chinese history of literature.

  • 文以载道造句相关
