
无计可施  wú jì kě shī








  • 看到客人们无计可施,杨国雄笑了。
    See the guests do, Anthony Yeung Kwok-hung laugh.

  • 当然,商人非常气愤,但却无计可施
    Of course the merchant was very upset, but he could do nothing at the moment.

  • 对于山火,对于直接切断氧气供应可谓是无计可施
    With wildfires, there is little that can be done about turning off the oxygen supply directly.

  • 那么,欠款者仍可以居住其中,银行对此将无计可施
    Then, These persons can live in arrears, the bank will do this.

  • 面对困难,他无计可施/束手无策。(非“伸出他的手”)
    In the face of the difficulty, he threw up his hands.

  • 可能会发现一起生活的人不是那么开心,但妳却无计可施
    You may find that someone you live with is not too happy, but you can't really do anything about that right now.

  • 我有好多好多有趣的故事要和你们分享,但在这里无计可施
    And I have so much nice and exciting stories to tell you. But I am hopeless here.

  • 这个让美国懊恼对话实际上已经开始,但是文官们无计可施
    Talks have indeed taken place, to the chagrin of the American administration. But the civilians had little to do with them.

  • 士兵们无计可施,只能试图炸开山崩中的泥土,以便把水引导出去。
    Soldiers will try to blast its landslide barrier away in a desperate attempt to drain the water.

  • 幸而我有在利比里亚及营养中心工作的经验,否则就真是无计可施
    But I am lucky that I have worked in Liberia and had some experience in the Feeding Center — if not I would be very lost.

  • 消费者购买了质量不好的产品,想换货或者维修时,就无计可施了。
    When the consumer bought products of superior quality, there is no way for them to exchange or repair.

  • 从政治角度看,也是无计可施,任何针对军政府的行动都回引起争议。
    Politically, too, any action that defied the generals would be controversial.

  • 动物 保护区内大部分的鸟都是“问题宠物”,它们让主人无计可施
    The majority of birds at the sanctuary are "problem pets" which overwhelmed their owners.

  • 巨大的交易量差距也让意图在两者之间寻找套利机会的投资者无计可施
    Gap between the enormous trading volume also the intention of looking for arbitrage between the two investors the opportunity to do anything.

  • 有个银行家说,一旦发生了“往银行跑”,那就无可挽回,无计可施的了。
    When a run on the banks was started there was not much they could do, said a banking expert.

  • 甲﹕噢,我明白你的感受。但也实在无计可施,干啥你不在报纸上登广告呢?
    A﹕ Oh. I know how you feel. There's not much you can do about it. Why don't you put an ad in the paper?

  • 令我感到惊奇的是,我竟然可以轻而易举地连续出刺拳,他对此却无计可施
    Can Marquez be as effective with the jab?I think he can. He is shorter than I am but I fought Mayweather short.

  • 看看美元,如果它严重下跌,决策人即便想要补救随之而来的金融混乱也无计可施
    Watch the dollar. If it falls hard, there may be nothing policymakers can do to restore the ensuing financial chaos.

  • 即使朝鲜的宣传机器愿意满足人们对世界杯足球赛的渴望,它对比赛结果也无计可施
    Even if the North Korean propaganda machine agrees to sate the public thirst for World Cup football, there is little it can do about the results.

  • 市长惠特米尔说,“我已向工务局表示:我已无计可施,我想大部分市议员也是如此。”
    "I have indicated to public works that I've come to just about the end of my rope, and I guess most of the council has too, " Whitmire said.

  • 而那条船却困住了我,让我无计可施——万一发生什么事,我掉到了水里,我甚至连自救都不会。
    That boat traps me so I can't do anything—I couldn't even save myself if something happened and I fell out.

  • 在一个无法运用学术训练和词语天赋,而只能靠双手去从事复杂又艰辛的劳作的领域里,我无计可施
    In a world where I could not use any academic training and my verbal talents but had to do something intricate or hard, working with my hands, I would do poorly.

  • 奥巴马政府没有预见到民众如此愤怒的程度,而在上周末表示,政府在法律上对这笔奖金的发放无计可施
    The Obama administration, failing to anticipate the extent of public anger, said over the weekend that legally it was unable to do anything about the bonuses.

  • 在推销活动开展几天之后,他迫于无奈,竟然做出毫无挽回余地的争辩——告诉国会,即使它想要阻止,也无计可施
    A few days into his sales drive he was even forced to resort to his last-ditch argument—telling Congress that it cannot stop him even if it wants to.

  • 对此他母亲也无计可施,只得走下墓穴,用棍子在那手臂上敲了一下,他这才缩了进去,这样小男孩总算在地下安静地长眠了。
    So the mother herself had to go to the grave and beat the little arm with a switch, and as soon as she had done that, it withdrew, and the child finally came to rest beneath the earth.

  • 在此局面下,专家、官员们应该把同情给予除了观望再也无计可施的老百姓呢,还是给予那些为了守住高房价而不惜捂紧楼盘等待“回暖”的开发商呢?
    In this situation, experts and officials should be sympathetic to the ordinary people do not wait any longer, or if it is given to those holding high property prices, even Wujin wait "up" developers?

  • 他满头银发,饱经沧桑,见了人忙不迭地握手。还是孩子时,他的脸颊上出现了一个鲜红的斑点。父母无计可施,只得把他送到火奴鲁鲁之外的一家医院。
    When he was a young boy, a rosy spot appeared on his cheek, and his parents had no choice but to take him to a special hospital outside Honolulu.

  • 这个海员凄厉地呼喊着,挣扎着,可是船上的其他人无计可施,眼睁睁看着他,随冲走的断桅一道在迅速远去的浪滔中阵阵沉浮,最终沉入黑暗的远方海底。
    The man cried out, trapped, but there was nothing they could do and they watched as he and the mast appeared and disappeared alongside, then came back no more.

  • 德军所有的参战者对此均无计可施,如此混乱局面下,成年兵太老,娃娃兵太小的德军兵员中充斥逃兵、动摇分子和苟且偷生者,都在寻找着安全投降美军的机会。
    By no means did all the Germans participate. Slackers, defeatists, realists, men too old or boys too young to be in such a pickle, seized their opportunity to surrender safety to the Americans.

  • 对这种人你除了学会和其接触无计可施,同时你也要学会择友,选择那些对你友善的,那些真正关心你的,那些令你对自己感到很好的人做朋友。当你寻找到像这样的朋友,就一定要坚守这份友谊,珍惜他们,花些时间和他们在一起,友善的对待他们并爱他们。
    There's not much you can do about these people except to learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you, who actually care about you, who make you feel good about yourself.

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