
歌功颂德  gē gōng sòng dé








  • 这些并不是为不连贯的民主党歌功颂德
    None of this amounts to an enthusiastic endorsement of the incoherent Democrats.

  • 时至今日,还要为本土流氓集团歌功颂德
    To date, but also as a rogue group singing the praises of the local community.

  • 现在主歌功颂德
    Now to the Lord sing praises.

  • 他没想要任何贡品、颂歌或歌功颂德的墓碑、诗词。
    For he did not wish tribute or song, nor monuments, nor poems of war and valor.

  • 但若异口同声地为君主制歌功颂德,则是另一码事。
    But to assent to a consensus acclaiming its virtues is another matter.

  • 大英帝国在鼎盛时期,主流文化中洋溢着对皇权统治的歌功颂德
    At the peak of Britain's empire, its popular culture was filled with songs and verse extolling the glories of its imperial destiny.

  • 歌功颂德并不是对觉者恰当的赞扬方式,他不是表达敬意的好方法。
    Buddha once said that the ode of merits and virtues is not the correct way for an enlightened sage.

  • 我们并不需要有仇富心态,但其实也不需要大肆地对有钱人「歌功颂德」…
    We do not have to hostile to the rich, but does not actually need it to rich men without restraint either ' eulogize '.

  • 他的这一“高”不仅仅是为“神七”歌功颂德,同时也唱出了中国崛起的声音。
    He this "high" is not only is "the god seven" sings the praises, simultaneously also sang the sound which China rose.

  • 当然,美林和赛恩有其值得赞赏的地方,但投资者不该对他们过分地歌功颂德
    Of course, while giving Merrill and Mr. Thain their due, investors shouldn't shower them with rose petals.

  • 由于清教徒遣责罗马教会顶礼膜拜,歌功颂德的做法,所以他们在文学上反对粉饰。
    As the Puritans condemned the images and incense of the Roman Church, so in literature they distrusted the highly coloured.

  • 现在不是歌功颂德的时候。在这道路坎坷、征途艰险的时刻,甘言谀词不能解救我们。
    It is no time for adulation. The smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis.

  • 不过,巴别塔并不是为表达对上帝的崇拜和敬仰而建造,而是为人类自己歌功颂德的。
    However, the Tower of Babel was not built for the worship and praise of God, but was instead dedicated to the glory of man.

  • 你清除了我们国土上的毒蛇,你消灭了豺狼,我们是来向你表示感恩,来歌功颂德的。
    You have made clean the land of vipers, and you have brought the wolves to naught, and we welcome to sing our thanksgiving unto you.

  • 但是阎老贼公然为屠夫歌功颂德,如同日本人不但不认错,还跑到南京宣传大东亚共荣圈。
    But Yan publicly pays tribute to the murderers of the Han people in Jiangnan, which is like a Japanese goes to Nanjing praising the war criminals who committed the Nanjing massacre.

  • 钟南山还曾在人大会议外发炮,“10分钟的发言,8分钟用来对报告、对自己歌功颂德”。
    Zhong Nashan ever still was outside conference of National People's Congress hair artillery piece, "Speech of 10 minutes, 8 minutes are used pair of reports, right oneself sing the praises of sb " .

  • 后者则属宫廷艺人之作,以宣扬教化、点缀升平和歌功颂德为特色,体现出宫廷杂剧的风格。
    Its feature was to publicize traditional ethics, embellished peace prospects and extolled merits and virtues of emperor, therefore it embodied the style of imperial court drama.

  • 如果有一个小说家,无论因为什么原因,他为这堵墙歌功颂德,那么他的文字又有什么价值呢?
    If there were a novelist who for whatever reason wrote works standing with the wall of what value would such works be?

  • 汉赋,之所以长期受冷落,其主要原因在于它是专为统治阶级歌功颂德、润色鸿业的宫廷文学。
    The reasons for the absent treatment of Han Fu mainly lie in its property of being a royal literature, which sings the praises of the ruling society.

  • 而对谷歌拥趸来说,公司心怀大众,这么做是为人们打开隐藏的知识宝库,应该为其歌功颂德
    To its fans, it is a laudable effort by a publicly minded company to unlock a treasure trove of hidden knowledge.

  • 显然被许多供餐党会议歌功颂德的调子搞得烦躁不安的他,呼吁古巴人民“无畏地”讨论问题。
    Visibly irritated by the congratulatory tone of many Communist Party meetings, he has called on Cubans to discuss matters "fearlessly".

  • 就在民主党在窝里斗的你死我活的时候,共和党既定候选人,老麦却在美国悠哉游哉为自己歌功颂德
    While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation.

  • 即使拿到冠军,也不会有人为您歌功颂德,对于您这样头顶“神奇”光环的教练来说,那是理所应该。
    Even get championship, there will be no artificial your praises, for your head this "magic" ring of the coach, it is logical should be.

  • 四个狂热影迷还在2002年写了本名为《我是勒博斯基,你也是勒博斯基》的书,为影片歌功颂德
    A setup of four particularly obsessive fans in 2002, who also wrote the tribute book, "I'm a Lebowski, You're a Lebowski."

  • 最初有人会认为我们与其它刊物一般,会收取当事人金钱,替人家写故事,歌功颂德,或吹嘘他们的成就;
    At first, some thought that we would receive money to write stories for others to give them promotion.

  • 许多人几个月以来远离朋友和家庭,无休止地为奥巴马的最近演讲歌功颂德,不厌其烦地提醒人们为他投票。
    Many have already driven away their friends and family with months of endless praise for Obama's latest speech and constant reminders to vote.

  • 我们常常思维不清、见解极端时开卷,要求小说情节真实,诗歌内容虚幻,认为传记必是歌功颂德,史书定要迎合一己之见。
    Then you speak highly of the first two main courses. While the more you have, the calmer you are for you have found out all the flaws at the end of the feast.

  • 就在民主党在窝里斗的你死我活的时候,共和党既定候选人,老麦却在美国悠哉游哉为自己歌功颂德,这周是阿拉巴马和肯德基州。
    While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation. This week he was in Alabama and Kentucky.

  • 这一令人震惊的清除行动规模之巨,甚至超过毛泽东扩建天安门广场。天安门广场由此成为了为毛泽东的政权歌功颂德的柏油沙漠。
    This astonishing clearance was bigger even than Mao's extension of Tiananmen Square to create a desert of tarmac for the ritual glorification of his regime.

  • 每个世纪、每个时代都需要润色鸿业、歌功颂德的存在,它往往不只是消极的、“帮闲”的,有些时候它具有一种大团结、大统一、充满自信、迎接新时代的雄健精神和昂扬基调。
    Each epoch there is the need to sing praises, which is not always negative and sometimes characterized by solidarity, unification, self-confidence, high-spirited tone.

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