
正人君子  zhèng rén jūn zǐ








  • 见他的鬼,他才不是什么正人君子呢。
    The devil a gentleman that he is.

  • 他看上去完全是正人君子
    He looked every inch a gentleman .

  • 我以为你是个正人君子
    I thought you were a gentleman.

  • 哼,好一个正人君子
    What , you are a gentleman?

  • 他是一位道地的正人君子,一名很优秀的军官。
    He was a gentleman to the core, a fine officer.

  • 他可是个正人君子,虽然有时略显得傲慢了些。
    He was a real gentleman, first and last.

  • 上帝是正人君子,我相信他就静静地站到一旁。
    And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out.

  • 若是这家伙也算是正人君子,我是怎么也想不通的。
    If this fellow is a gentleman, I don't understand him.

  • 它能逼迫正人君子诲淫诲盗,也能迫使平凡女人发掘真相。
    it can force decent man to commit the darkest deeds, or compel ordinary woman to search for hidden truths.

  • 无神论者中有正人君子,宗教人士当中也有道德败坏的人。
    There are moral atheists and there are immoral religious people.

  • 嗜杀的人,常憎恨正人君子;正直的人,却关怀他的性命。
    Bloodthirsty men hate the honest man, but the upright show concern for his life.

  • 起初吉姆看上去俨然一个正人君子,可无法继续维持那种假象。
    Jim was unable to maintain the image of perfect gentleman for which he had succeeded in passing at first.

  • 放聪明些,别忘了我可不是正人君子,我的拳头可不是吃素的。
    Don't be a damned fool. Remember I'm not a gentleman. I know how to use my hands.

  • 当人们问起他这古怪行为时,他会回答说:“我正在寻找正人君子。”
    When questioned about his odd behavior, he would reply, "I am searching for an honest man. ""

  • 可是,说句老实话,我不能同意,这话一点不假,就象您是一位正人君子一样。
    Well, I speak frankly; as true as you are an honest man, I will not consent to it.

  • 当一个男人有机会和你发生关系而他并没有那样做,并不能证明他是正人君子
    When a man and you have the opportunity to a relationship and he has not done so and can not prove that he is Zhengrenjunzai.

  • 当一个男人有机会和你发生关系而他并没有那样做,并不能证明他是正人君子
    If a man does not have sex with you even when he has a chance, he may not be a genuine gentleman.

  • 他却是不懂得尊重任何人,当面欺骗大家,他没有公道可言,从来都不是个正人君子
    He was totally disrespecting everybody. He lied to them to their face. He's not a fair man, not a fair man at all.

  • 房中术的名声越来越坏了,它变成了左道旁门、纵欲淫乱的代名词,正人君子皆耻之。
    The reputation of the art in the room is worse and worse, it became heterodox school, indulge in sensual pleasures licentious pronoun, gentleman all of shame.

  • 虽然有些人外表看来极不老实,但仍有许多人是一派正人君子模样,而且显得生气勃勃。
    Some people might look totally corrupt, but many others look like decent people and appear very much alive.

  • 在无知山谷里,古老的东西总是受到尊敬。谁否认祖先的智慧,谁就会遭到正人君子的冷落。
    For in the Valley of Ignorance, whatever was old was venerable. And those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned by all decent people.

  • 因此,我们在教会努力企图装上假面孔,一点也不出奇,毕竟教会是一个「正人君子」聚集一起「行善」的地方。
    So it's not surprising that we are powerfully tempted to fake our way through church too. After all, it seems, church is where "good people" gather together to "do good.

  • 很久以后,有一个正人君子来提亲了,他有很多钱,因为这个磨房主挑不出任何毛病,于是他许诺把女儿嫁给他。
    long afterward a suitor came who appeared to be very rich, and because the miller could find no fault with him, he promised his daughter to him.

  • 如果你要的是情感,请你做个正人君子,女中豪杰,用真心,用真诚去换取,心存善念,情绪也会“天天向上”。
    if the emotion you want, please be a gentleman, Girls Hero, with a sincere, good faith in exchange for used, they emotional will be "up every day."

  • 对不起啊,我不是故意的,我是看你那么冲动,配合你一下而已,我虽然不是什么正人君子,但也不至于乘人之危啊!
    Sorry, I don't mean it. You do it strongly. So I want do it with you. Although I'm not a righteous man, I won't take advantages from the others.

  • 辛普顿答道:“正人君子决不会因为时间而改变自己已经说过的话,你就是二十年以后再来问我,我同样是这句话。”
    Xinpudu answers: "Gentleman will never change the word that he has said because of time, you ask me namely after 20 years again, I am this word likewise."

  • 上帝是正人君子,我相信他就静静地站到一旁。我们既然强令祂远离我们,又如何能期待祂保护我们并且赐福我们呢?
    I  believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect  God to give us His blessing and His protection if we  demand He leave us alone?

  • 要是有个狡猾的顾客非说木材质量不高,不值要的那个价,休就会感到,作为一个正人君子,只能表示歉意,低价出售。
    If any slick contractor chose to say that the lumber was of an inferior grade and not worth the price asked, Hugh felt that all a gentleman could do was to apologize and take a lower price.

  • “那么你当时为什么同意跟我到这儿来呢?”“我以为你是个正人君子。”“你简直让我感到厌烦。”“请你送我回家吧。”
    "Why did you agree to come here with me, then?" "I thought you were a gentleman. " "You make me tired. " "Take me home please. "

  • 她秀丽可爱,举止优美,由于缺乏自信而羞羞答答。大大的眼睛里带着一种孩子般的表情,这表情一下子吸引住了这位惺惺作态的正人君子
    She was pretty, graceful, rich in the timidity born of uncertainty, and with a something childlike in her large eyes which captured the fancy of this starched and conventional poser among men.

  • 正人君子造句相关
