
殊途同归  shū tú tóng guī








  • 条条大路通罗马。,殊途同归
    All roads lead to Rome.   st.

  • 条条大路通罗马。,殊途同归
    All roads lead to Rome.

  • 现代化在不同国家和地区殊途同归
    Dfferent countries and areas reach the same goal——modernization by different routes.

  • 千条江河归大海——殊途同归
    All rivers run into the sea.

  • 但在大旋涡的研究上,他们的工作看来却殊途同归
    But their work appears to merge in the study of large eddies.

  • 因而,“奖出限入”政策与自由贸易政策是殊途同归
    Therefore, the "Prize income limit out" policy with the policy of free trade would be the same.

  • 在语言使用与理解的互动方面,修辞学与语用学可谓殊途同归
    It is on the language use and interpretation that rhetoric and pragmatics converge.

  • 这行为带有极其偏执的无意义——它们殊途同归的唯一的目的地。
    This action is imbued with quite paranoiac meaninglessness-the only destination of their destiny.

  • 在这段旅程中,他看到了所有的差异殊途同归,一切提示指向同一点。
    In his journey he seeth all differences return to a single word and all allusions culminate in a single point.

  • 毕竟有些道路是殊途同归的--只是它要花更长的时间到达目的地而已。
    Some roads, after all, do lead to the same destination-they just take longer to arrive there.

  • 气道炎症与痰瘀阻肺为不同医学体系对同一病症的诠释,二者殊途同归
    The inflammation of airway and obstruction of phlegm and stagnated blood, the explanations to the same disease in two different medical systems. aims at the same goal while taking different routes.

  • 事实上,这些中国人的信念与西方的某些健康理论相似,可谓殊途同归
    In fact, these Chinese beliefs parallel some Western theories of health, although each takes a different path toward the very same goal.

  • 唯理论和经验论从各自的理路出发,却都殊途同归地将形而上学引入困境。
    Based on different theories, Materialism and empiricism reached the same goal by different routes that they led metaphysics into predicaments.

  • 霍尔牢牢地将现象学掌握在手中,纵使建筑风格千变万化,终究殊途同归
    He masters phenomenology intensively, and the architectures reach the same goal in spite of myriad of style changes.

  • 殊途同归,就像洛奇在15个回合的铃声响起后面对的脸庞那样,并不好看。
    Either way, like Rocky's face after 15 rounds in the ring, it won't be pretty.

  • 看来,裸露,不仅是一种“由内而外的美”,而且还是一种“殊途同归的美”。
    Look, bare, it is not only a kind " by inside and the beauty outside " , and or a kind " the beauty of reach the same goal by different routes " .

  • 对着孩子大吼大叫让他们听话就像开车时为了开道而拼命按喇叭,二者殊途同归
    Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steer your car, and you get about the same results.

  • 对着孩子大吼大叫让他们听话就像开车时为了开通而拼命按喇叭,二者殊途同归
    Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steer your car, and you get about the same results.

  • 对着孩子大吼大叫让他们听话就像开车时为了开道而拼命按喇叭,二者殊途同归
    Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steel your car, and you get about the same results.

  • 汤马克说:“得益于宽带业务,电信和媒体正殊途同归,那正是我们前进的方向。”
    "Thanks to broadband, telecoms and the media are converging and that is where we are moving, " says Mr Tronchetti Provera.

  • 因此,对传统文化中的和谐观的认同感,使“放任主义”与“干涉主义”殊途同归
    Therefore, the identification sense to the harmonization in the Chinese traditional culture makes the " Laissez Faire" and "Interventionism" to reach the same goals by different routes.

  • 网络符号可以分两种,一种本质上和假借一样,另一种与原始文字的产生、运用殊途同归
    There are two kinds of the network symbol: one is equal to the phonetic loan characters in essence, the other is the same as the creation amd application of the primitive written characters.

  • 我想,无论是为了将脚变小而缠脚还是为了增高而穿高跟鞋,目的似乎有点殊途同归:为了美。
    From the point of my view, the originally purpose of both foot-binding and pulling on high heel shoes is simple, beauty by which just run into the same sea by different routes.

  • 在IT业日新月异的今天,无论是传统的语音通信,还是现代的数据通信,都将“殊途同归”。
    In today's rapidly changing IT industry, whether it is traditional voice communications, or the modern data communications, will be "achieved."

  • 贝尼特斯是一个完美主义者,他经常相信还有许多地方需要提高,他钦佩他的队长与他殊途同归
    Benitez is a perfectionist who always believes that there is a way to improve, and he admires the drive within his captain that makes him the same way.

  • 即以余秋雨作为一个典型的范例论证在文学样式纷呈的今日,读者市场将会成为他们殊途同归的舞台。
    That is to say, the case of Yu Qiu-yu can prove that reader market will become a stage to all kinds of literature.

  • 在每人不同的修练课程以及不同的修练方式下,最后殊途同归,到达同一目标才是我们共同追求的理想。
    Your actions don't correspond to Qi. The ideal that we seek for in practice is each one has his practice course and way, but reaches a same goal at last.

  • 但其后不久两种性质完全不同的农地制度却殊途同归,都在不同程度上阻碍了农业生产的进一步发展,急需改革。
    However, the both farmland systems with complete different property obstruct the development of agriculture production to some extent and require for reformation.

  • 一些艺术评论家也表示,(上图中)裸体的男人与女人由一个天使唱诗班围绕,这也意味着欧洲各国正殊途同归,走到一起。
    Some critics have suggested that the naked figures of a man and woman (pictured above) surrounded by a choir of angels signify the nations of Europe coming together.

  • 他的意思是,弗洛瑞斯人是直立人的侏儒版本,在这个演化过程中,他们有些形态特徵凑巧与身材同样矮小的南猿人殊途同归
    That is, as the Flores people dwarfed from H. erectus, some of their anatomy simply converged on that of the likewise little australopithecines.

  • 殊途同归造句相关
