
气吞山河  qì tūn shān hé







  • 他们力量很强,气吞山河
    their strong force, full of daring.

  • 但是接着布泽尔运球过了枷锁,然后来了一个剑拔弩张、气吞山河的扣篮。
    But then Boozer drove past Gasol for a rattling, grimacing slam dunk.

  • 另外还有就是屁股底下的小凳子,为了在放凳子的时候声音能够整齐划一、气吞山河,所以我们屁股下面的小凳子都是用纯铁做的。
    Furthermore the small stool under my buns was very boring, the small stools under our buns were all made of pure irons just for the sounds being full of power and grandeur when we put down our stools.

  • 那是一株有八九年树龄的鸭梨树,高度三米多,树冠呈纺锤型向上立着,枝条遒劲有力,横逸斜出,一副唯我我独尊,气吞山河之势。
    it is there is an old pear tree in 2089, more than three meters high, were spindle-type tree stand up, strong branches Wang Yi ramp that I was an only exclusive, full of daring trend.

  • 在莱茵河两岸至今仍保留着五十多座城堡、宫殿的遗址,每座城堡都有它们自己的名称。每一座古堡都有一段古老的故事和传说,它记载着英雄们气吞山河的业绩及幽幽的儿女恋情。
    There are a section of old story and legend, the achievement full of daring and faint loves of children that it is recording the heroes in every ancient fort.

  • 在莱茵河两岸至今仍保留着五十多座城堡、宫殿的遗址梅州日报,每座城堡都有它们自己的名称。每一座古堡都有一段古老的故事和传说,它记载着英雄们气吞山河的业绩及幽幽的儿女恋情。
    There are a section of old story and legend, the achievement full of daring and faint loves of children that it is recording the heroes in every ancient fort.

  • 气吞山河造句相关
