
没精打采  méi jīng dǎ cǎi







  • 没精打采的步态或者姿势。
    with a slouching gait or posture.

  • 这个工人因为生病了,有点没精打采的。
    The worker was absent-minded for he was ill.

  • 笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。
    The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone.

  • 没精打采地走来走去,沮丧地低声哼着。
    She walked about listlessly, humming to herself in dejection.

  • 姑娘们没精打采的,互相依偎着坐在那里。
    The girls sat listless, leaning against each other.

  • 下了这么多天的雨,我们都觉得没精打采的。
    We were feeling out of spirits after so many days of rain.

  • 他在缺食的时候、总是情绪低落、没精打采的。
    He's always rather low and despondent when he's wanting his victuals.

  • 其他的大衣都显得没精打采,惟独这件衣服趾高气扬
    Other coats look like dead-alive, but this coat is on its high horse.

  • 其他的大衣都显得没精打采,惟独这件衣服精神抖擞。
    While the other coats drooped, this one looked as if it were holding itself up.

  • 我已经有一段时间没精打采了,因而我想我需要休假了。
    I've been feeling out of spirits for some time, and I think need a holiday.

  • 树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是瞌睡人的眼。
    And between the trees appeared one or two street lamps, listless as the eyes of someone drowsy.

  • 在波威里街上,人们都把衣领和帽子拉到耳朵边,没精打采地从街上走过。
    Along the Bowery, men slouched through it with collars and hats pulled over their ears.

  • 原因很简单,是暗藏在杂乱之后的脏乱让你在一开始就感到没精打采罢了。
    It was simply the clutter lurking behind the mess which made you feel drained and exhausted in the first place.

  • 没精打采地走进校园,心里想贝基要是个男孩子,他非得很很地揍她一顿不可。
    He moped into the schoolyard wishing she were a boy, and imagining how he would trounce her if she were.

  • 她看得出,最近一个月来,自己变样了,脸色比从前苍白,面容也没精打采的 。
    She could see that she was altered within the last month; that the hues of her complexion was paler, her countenance was dejected.

  • 过了20分钟没精打采的搅拌后(我是边搅边看书的),就有了半磅黄金般的奶油了。
    After 20 minutes of lackadaisical cranking (I read a book while I do it), the paddles hang up on a half pound of golden butter.

  • 相反的,不快乐的人总是拖着脚,步子很小,走得很慢,一幅没精打采萎靡不振的样子。
    In contrast, unhappy people shuffle their feet, take tiny steps, walk slowly, and slouch.

  • 年轻人没精打采地在房间里往来蹀躞,瞧瞧这儿那儿撒在地上的小零散儿,有时还去摸摸它们。
    For some time the young man wandered restlessly about the room, looking at and sometimes touching the knicknacks lying here and there.

  • 萨莉阿姨整天整夜呆在病人的房间里。每逢西拉斯姨父没精打采走过来,我马上就躲到一边去。
    Aunt Sally she stuck to the sick-room all day and all night, and every time I see Uncle Silas mooning around I dodged him.

  • 就是那匹没精打采的老马,每逢绕着圈儿走到窗户跟前的时候,也好象带着绝望的神气,往里窥探。
    Even the melancholy horse himself seemed to look in at the window in inquiring despair at each walk round.

  • 我既不反对也无热情,一副漠不关心的神气,自从我离开巴黎以后,我的一切行动都是没精打采的。
    I went along as unprotesting as I was unenthusiastic, in the mood of apathy which had characterized all my actions since my departure.

  • 大胆的小人掉了下来;臭鼻涕虫没精打采。很快它们换了个个儿,大胆的小人没精打采而臭鼻涕虫掉了下来。
    The spunky skunk slumped and the stinky slug slouched. Soon they switched and the spunky skunk slouched and the stinky slug slumped.

  • 我得记住不可没精打采,他这样想,得设法减去十五磅体重,不然的话简直成了一个脑满肠肥的杂货铺老板。
    I must remember not to slouch, he thought, and I must lose fifteen pounds. I look like a fat grocer.

  • 大胆的小人掉了下来,臭鼻涕虫没精打采。很快它们调换了一下,大胆的小人没精打采而臭鼻涕虫掉了下来。
    The spunky slumped and the stinky slug slouched. Soon they switched and the spunky skunk slouched and the stinky slug slunped.

  • 如果你觉得下午的没精打采让你无法最佳状态的完成任务,我建议能够小睡一会让你自己精神集中的投入工作。
    If you feel a slump in the afternoon and from then on don't perform at your best, I recommend taking a short power nap to get yourself feeling alert and ready for work.

  • 这个想法被现实击破了,我哭过、伤心过、甚至有一个月我都没心情上课,整天都没精打采的,一句话都不说。
    The idea was the real break, and I cried, too sad, or even a month I have no feelings of classes all day slouch, and not say a word.

  • 如图中这只印度班达迦国家公园的雌老虎,在炎热的天气里老虎总是没精打采的打瞌睡,以为夜里的捕猎积蓄能量。
    Photograph by Michael NicholsTigers, like this female in India's Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting.

  • 无论男或女,回家后也没精打采的只是想著睡觉,闺中乐事对他们来说是件“苦事”!但玉乔和正人就是与别不同的一对夫妇!
    Yuk and Ching was a pair of unique couple, they like to have sex with music and dance in order to achieve the most excitement.

  • 没精打采地走在路上,忽然眼睛一亮── 一个书店出现在我面前,我走进去一看,咦,这不正是我梦寐以求的《长袜子皮皮的冒险故事》吗?
    I slouch along the road, suddenly a bookstore ─ ─ eyes appear in front of me, I went to see, Why, this is not exactly what I dreamed of "Pippi Longstocking adventure story, " right?

  • 但杨柳的丰姿,便在烟雾里也辨得出。树梢上隐隐约约的是一带远山,只有些大意罢了。树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人的眼。
    All the trees were somber as dense smoke, but among them you could make out the luxuriant willows, while faintly above the tree-tops loomed distant hills - their general outline only.

  • 没精打采造句相关
