
滔滔不绝  tāo tāo bù jué








  • 然而面对喜欢的人,你可以滔滔不绝
    But in front of the person you like, you can.

  • 滔滔不绝地讲了两个钟头。
    She talked on for two hours without stopping.

  • 滔滔不绝地谈了他的计划达半小时之久。
    He talked his plan through for half an hour.

  • 当他滔滔不绝地讲话时,他不停地扇扇子。
    He kept fanning himself all the time he went on talking.

  • 我还未来得及回答,他有滔滔不绝地说起来了。
    I have not had time to answer, he has talked that up.

  • 滔滔不绝是一回事,言简意赅则是另外一回事。
    It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.

  • 滔滔不绝的口才。
    A torrent of eloquence.

  • 如果你给他机会,他会滔滔不绝地谈上几个钟头。
    He will talk for hours if you give him the chance .

  • 我的两个表姐,满心喜悦,滔滔不绝地叙述和评论着。
    My cousins, full of exhilaration, were so eloquent in narrative and comment.

  • 演说家来了,带来了滔滔不绝的语言和点点滴滴的道理。
    Here comes the orator with his flood of words and his drop of reason.

  • 他却仍在滔滔不绝地讲述着,“每个人都必须奋发向前”。
    He talked fluently about "the necessity for every man to get on".

  • 如果我们能使他谈谈他最得意的话题,他会滔滔不绝地谈几个小时。
    If we CAN set him off on his pet subject, he will go on for hours.

  • 绸缎商的确滔滔不绝地说了一大篇关于扒手和小偷天天偷窃他们的事。
    The mercer indeed made a long harangue of the great loss they have daily by the lifters and thieves.

  • 动物园里的那个家伙滔滔不绝地讲着各种动物的习性,但显然他一窍不通
    This chap at the zoo was holding forth about the habits of various animals, but he obviously knew very little.

  • 当你让他滔滔不绝的本领已经炉火纯青时,就应开始关注下面这些核心问题。
    Once you've perfectly positioned yourself to get him gabbing, here are the core issues to delve into.

  • 他并不很酷。讲话总是滔滔不绝,通过大量的语法从句表达自己的愤怒或欢乐。
    He was not cool. He spewed sentences whose dependent clauses piled up into midden heaps of outrage or joy.

  • 这位教授以滔滔不绝的讲话来拖延时间,但是他的讲话不过是文字游戏毫无内容可言。
    The professor tried to buy time by doing a lot of talking, but his speech was only a play of words.

  • 他们需要休息,不想11年都让别人滔滔不绝地告诉他们做什么,什么时候做,怎么做。
    They need to recover from being told what to do, when to do it and how to do it for 11 years.

  • 如果行动胜过言语,那么这只安静小鹿可是会滔滔不绝。他的恼人行径会令你哑口无言。
    If actions speak louder than words then this silent deer never stops talking. His annoying actions will leave you speechless.

  • 卡莉滔滔不绝地说着有关她不相信我会和一名大学生联谊会的男孩约会,我要比那更好等等。
    Carrie went on and on about how she couldn't believe I would date a frat boy, that I was better than that, etc.

  • 议会式辩论的规则很简单,即使是新手也能很快滔滔不绝,而其即时性又使得辩论极为刺激。
    The rules of parliamentary debate are relatively simple, soon the green can blar-blar, and its spontaneity make the game even more exciting.

  • 她现在的衣服如此之多……她可以滔滔不绝地说出它们的牌子,好像它们是她录制的歌曲的名字一样。
    She now has so many clothes … and she can tick off the labels as readily as if they were the names of the songs she has recorded.

  • 然而这些人的动机,特别是曼德尔森勋爵,绝非单纯为了个人利益或是渴望听到滔滔不绝的赞美之词。
    The gang's motives, however, and perhaps Lord Mandelson's especially, were more complex than a simple calculation of personal self-interest or lust for verbose kudos.

  • 半个钟头的车程里,他便滔滔不绝地说了他家这几年发生的大大小小的事情,小至家中的宠物要吃什么价位的饲料。
    Half an hour's drive, he said they talked at his home in recent years occurred in large and small things, small house pets eat what price feed.

  • 那商品虽琳琅满目但千篇一律,导购员虽滔滔不绝但并不高明的话语,总能有那么几样吸引我的目光,让我冲动地把它带回家。
    Though dazzling, but that product uniformity, although Purchasing Guide endless, but not clever words, always so kind of caught my eye a few, let me rush to bring it home.

  • 根本用不着主持人,只要让他坐在一张舒适的小沙发上,对准镜头,他就开讲,滔滔不绝,简直是一本单人的轶闻趣事的百科全书。
    You don't need a host; you just plonk Ustinov on a comfortable settee, point him at a camera and off he goes, a one-man encyclopedia of anecdotes.

  • 鲁迪从未与她谋面,只是狱友尼克在狱中与她频繁地书信联系,并且经常滔滔不绝地对鲁迪谈起与她的故事,鲁迪也因此对她渐萌爱意。
    Rudy has never met with her, but Nick inmates in prison with her frequent correspondence, and often talk to Rudy about her story, Rudy also gradually Meng for her love.

  • 杰西开始边走边谈论电影中的男主人公。我只能以点头回应她对他的性感形象滔滔不绝的赞美,根本不记得影片中还有个不是僵尸的男人。
    Jess started talking about the male lead in the movie as we walked. I nodded as she gushed over his hotness, unable to remember seeing a non-zombie man at all.

  • 我们让分时旅游的推销员开始他滔滔不绝的开场白,但当他采取高压式的销售战术时,我们清楚地表达了我们并无意愿,并同时阻止他继续说下去。
    We let the time-share salesman give us his opening spiel, but when he got to the high-pressure sales tactics, we cut him short and made it clear that we were not interested.

  • 他描绘它(拉脱维亚)的风土人情—森林啦、小村庄啦、人民啦、人民的强烈民族主义啦等等,只有深深热爱祖国的人才能说得如此娓娓动听,滔滔不绝
    He described it (Latvia)—its forests, its little villages, its people, its fierce nationalism—with an eloquence that could only arise out of deep love for one's motherland.

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