
满盘皆输  mǎn pán jiē shū






  • 一着不慎,满盘皆输的英文表达?
    One false move may lose the game.

  • 好则回报高,差则可能满盘皆输
    Good returns are high, it may worth worse.

  • ——一步不慎,满盘皆输
    One careless move may lose the whole game.

  • 稍迟一步,满盘皆输
    A little late, much to late.

  • 一步不慎,满盘皆输
    one step careless , all you will lose.

  • 稍迟一步,满盘皆输
    A little late, much late.

  • 一着不慎,满盘皆输
    One careless move loses the whole game.

  • 一步不慎。满盘皆输
    One careless move may lose the whole game.

  • 一步不慎,满盘皆输
    One careless move may lose the wlole game.

  • 一着棋错,满盘皆输
    One wrong move can lose the whole game.

  • 一步不慎,满盘皆输
    One careless step may lose the whole.

  • 一着走错,满盘皆输
    One false move may lose the game.

  • 一步不慎,满盘皆输
    One careless move may lose the whole game.

  • 这样,即使一些投资受了损失,也不致于满盘皆输
    Thus, even if some of the investment losses, not worth.

  • 但是,如果收入未见增长而储蓄率迅速上升,则会满盘皆输
    But if the savings rate rises quickly when incomes are not growing, all bets are off.

  • 轻抚脸颊可能会误导她,如果实施的不正确更可能满盘皆输
    Cheek stroke could be misperceived and a write-off if you don't execute it properly.

  • 不过,就一些前景光明的企业表现来看,东南亚并非满盘皆输
    As a handful of promising companies are showing, not all is lost.

  • 他用了一个比喻来做形容:“房地产界水深,一招不慎,满盘皆输。”
    "He uses a metaphor to describe doing :" the real estate sector depth, one careless move and worth.

  • 好名声,就像良好的意愿,需要很多行动才能成就,然若一招不慎,即刻满盘皆输
    A good name, like good will, is get by many action, and lost by one.

  • 在踏入市场之初,是投资成功与否的关键时刻,此时一着不慎,极有可能导致满盘皆输
    entered the market in the beginning, the success of the investment is a critical moment, when one of neglect, the most likely lead to stakes.

  • 因此,定位要准确,品质要高档,必须摸清特定人群的居住需求,否则,一招棋错,满盘皆输
    Therefore, to accurately position, to high-grade quality, we must understand the housing needs of specific groups, or move chess mistake worth.

  • 千万别误以为迟结果就是满盘皆输的结果。坚持下去放慢脚步,再等一等。惟有“耐性”才是最聪明的选择。
    Never think that god's delays are god's denials. hold on, hold fast, hold out patience is genius.

  • 千万别误以为迟 结果就是满盘皆输的结果。坚持下去放慢脚步,再等一等。惟有“耐性”才是最聪明的选择。
    Never think that god's delays are god's denials. hold on, hold fast, hold out patience is genius.

  • 千万别误以为迟来的结果,就是满盘皆输的结果。坚持下去,放慢脚步,再等一等。惟有“耐性”才是最聪明的选择。
    Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius.

  • 千万别误以为迟来的结果,就是满盘皆输的结果。坚持下去,放慢脚步,再等一等。惟有“耐性”才是最聪明的选择。
    Never think that God delays are God denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius.

  • 生活并不是一个象征,并不是一个谜,不是一个猜不透的谜,生活并不是执着追求某一个人,不能看作一着失算便满盘皆输,更不能立即轻生;
    Life is not a symbol, is not one riddle and one failure to guess it, is not to inhabit one face alone or to be given up after one losing throw of the dice;

  • 满盘皆输造句相关
