
烽火连天  fēng huǒ lián tiān








  • 秋展第一天,未见开门红,反倒是烽火连天,出现了业主大闹展台的一幕幕闹剧。
    Autumn Fair one day, no driving, rather flames incessantly, a string of owners row Booth farce.

  • 来玩就给50元吉祥“铜雀包”,烽火连天,只为红颜,一切尽在《烽火红颜》!
    Play Jiuji 50 auspicious "Dongjak-package", the flames reaching the sky, only roots of everything to make the "flames of Dam Street"!

  • 而作为一款战争策略型网页游戏,《热血三国》力求再现当年历史古的壮怀激烈,尔虞我诈的三国,烽火连天的战场。
    As a web-based war strategy game, "the three blood" was to reproduce the history of the ancient Zhuanghuaijilie, the intrigues of the three countries, the pain of the war on the battlefield.

  • 其实,晚年薄一波身体安康、思维清晰,既难忘昔日烽火连天的岁月,也仍在关注中国的现代化建设与改革开放事业,真情依旧。
    In fact, old age, Bo physical well-being, clear thinking, we forget the past war-torn years, are still concerned about China's modernization and reform and opening up, the truth remains.

  • 尤其是现在烽火连天的索马里,正需要一支由联合国自己控制的军队进行干预,既不需要西方也不需要索马里的邻国越俎代庖(另见他文)。
    Right now a small battle-ready force, raised by the UN itself and not by any Western or neighbouring government, is exactly what is needed in war-torn Somalia (see article).

  • 而许多黎巴嫩人,特别是相对富裕的中产阶级,则通过陆路逃往辟领的叙利亚,和他们一起逃离的还有那些从这片烽火连天的战场回家的海湾地区来的游客。
    just as many Lebanese, especially better-off middleclass ones, have gone by land to Syria next door, along with Gulf Arab tourists who had come to get away from the broiling heat back home.

  • 就连距离烽火连天的达尔富尔只有区区几百公里的喀土穆(苏丹首都Khartoum-译者注),也要把赚来的石油金元砸到闪闪发光的摩天大楼和新兴技术上去。
    Even Khartoum, a few hundred kilometres up the road from war-torn Darfur, is spending its oil bounty on glittering skyscrapers and new technology.

  • 故事讲述美国南北战争末期,处处烽火连天,人们遭逢心灵巨变,受伤士兵艾民身心饱受战火摧残,但为著与情人爱达相见,不惜独自跨过陷于一片混乱的战地,踏上艰辛的归家之旅。
    Wounded and disillusioned from fighting the Civil War, INMAN, a Confederate soldier, walks the long journey back to his home in Cold Mountain, North Carolina and to ADA, the woman he loves.

  • 烽火连天造句相关
