
生灵涂炭  shēng líng tú tàn







  • 回魂夜当晚不免血流成河,生灵涂炭
    On the night their souls return, it'll be a tragedy.

  • 仅仅为了一件衣服,多少生灵涂炭
    how many lives just for a meal?

  • 仅仅为了一件衣服,多少生灵涂炭
    how many lives just for a coat?

  • 他们的任务就是:阻止地球的生灵涂炭
    Their mission:Stop the world's destruction…

  • 在它的周围生灵涂炭,而它始终是梦想的栖息地。
    as lives are shattered around it, it remains a place of dreams.

  • 从横跨整个欧洲,从斯大林格勒到伦敦,他所到之处生灵涂炭
    The bodies of his victims were heaped across Europe from Stalingrad to London.

  • 请注意,以下片段严重引起不安…全因时代文明,令大自然生灵涂炭
    Please note, following passage seriously cause uneasy… The whole reason era civilization, the people's life destroyed on the nature of the order …

  • 30年的战火中,残酷的生灵涂炭(两次大战)两次吞噬了这片大陆!
    In the span of 30 years, such carnage would twice engulf this continent.

  • 数以万计的生灵涂炭,还有几万同胞仍埋在废墟之下等着救命救人之手。
    Tens of thousand lives are perished, and tens of thousand more lives are buried in the rubbles waiting to be rescued.

  • 也许有一天豺狼当道生灵涂炭,人类面临生死存亡,但绝不会是今天!
    An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day!

  • 也许有一天,豺狼当道、生灵涂炭,人类面临生死存亡,但绝不会是今天。
    But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down.

  • 能置人于死地且已经在过去令人类生灵涂炭的老虎,我们又该如何处理呢?
    Or what about tigers, who can and have killed humans in the past?

  • 这场发生于1976年的里氏7。8级的大地震共导致二十余万人生灵涂炭
    The 1976 earthquake measured 7. 8 on the Richter scale and killed over 200, 000 people.

  • 昨天日本对夏威夷群岛的攻击对美国海军和陆军造成了严重损失,许多生灵惨遭涂炭
    The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces.

  • 昨天日本对夏威夷群岛的攻击对美国海军和陆军造成了厉害损失,许多生灵惨遭涂炭
    The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces.

  • 我不知道在你的象牙塔上是怎么一副光景。人世间,男男女女都在垂死挣扎,生灵涂炭
    I don't know what it looks like up there in your ivory tower. Down on the ground, men and women are dying and lives are being ruined.

  • 两名地球的特种部队队员有幸成为“魂斗罗”。他们的任务就是:阻止地球的生灵涂炭
    2 of earth's marines, Bill and Lance. become the "contra". their mission:shop the world's destruction…

  • 我们在那边还要做更多事,我们必需以国家形象出现并用美国的世界领导身份来制止生灵涂炭
    We have got to do more there, we have got to rise up as a nation and offer the leadership of the United States to bring this decimation of millions of people and their lives and children to a rest.

  • 在一种恶性病毒席卷全球之后,地球几乎生灵涂炭,然而内维尔却成为唯一幸存于纽约的人类。
    He is the last man standing in New York after a terrible virus becomes a worldwide plague. Almost everyone on the planet dies.

  • 在这次野蛮的战争中,德国全境一片荒凉,城乡处处残垣断壁,惨遭蹂躏,生灵涂炭,十室九空。
    In the savage fighting, Germany itself was laid waste, the towns and countryside were devastated and ravished, the people decimated.

  • 在这次野蛮的战争中,德国全境一片荒芜,城乡处处残垣断壁,惨遭蹂躏,生灵涂炭,十室九空。
    In the savage fighting, Germany itself was laid waste, the towns and countryside were devastated and ravished, the people decimated.

  • 诺曼底登陆是广泛国际合作的结果。截至登陆日,欧洲早已战火纷飞,五年的战争使得平民生灵涂炭
    By D-Day, Europe had been at war — total war — for nearly five years, at profound cost to its civilian population.

  • 每一任新主人都被玻璃屋散发的安谧力量所影响着;在它的周围生灵涂炭,而它始终是梦想的栖息地。
    Each new occupant is affected by the glass room's quiet power; as lives are shattered around it, it remains a place of dreams.

  • 在我们的生存之地,贫穷在扩散,罪恶在蔓延,战争在涂炭生灵。这一切都表明,世界迫切需要真爱。
    The increase in poverty, crime and war tells us that the world is in desperate need of true love.

  • 在我们的生存之地,贫穷在扩散,罪恶在蔓延,战争在涂炭生灵。这一切都表明,世界迫切需要真爱。
    The increase in poverty, crime and war tells us that the word is in desperate need of true love.

  • 我们回顾这些历史教训极其重要,因为给20世纪带来生灵涂炭的邪恶和憎恨今天依然存在于这个世界上。
    It's important that we recall these lessons because the evil and hatred that inspired the death of tens of millions of people in the 20th century is still at work in the world.

  • 尽管置身在这片荒凉之地,面对生灵涂炭,我们仍然可以歌唱,因为我们看见全能的耶和华在荣耀中作王的异象。
    In the midst of devastation and surrounded by the waste of our own lives, we can sing because we see a vision of the Lord Almighty reigning in glory.

  • 一些圣骑士认为,圣光教导他们每个人都可以被祝福,但是他们却无法救赎阿尔萨斯,这使得整个艾泽拉斯生灵涂炭
    Many paladins feel responsibility for him, because the Holy Light teaches that every person can strengthen other people. Since they were unable to strengthen Arthas, the entire world suffered.

  • 在03年接受哥伦布快报的采访时表示“原因就是这可以终结这次战争。我一直以来就是为了停止这次生灵涂炭的战争。”
    "That's what it took to end the war, " he told the Columbus Dispatch in 2003. "I went out to stop the killing all over. "

  • 我们不能无视自己亲眼所见、亲身经历过的这一切,远远走开,面朝大海,春暖花开,内心却深知世上存在着何等的恶人,掌控着世间万物,使得生灵涂炭
    What we've seen and experienced, we can't just walk away from that and go live on the beach, knowing that this entity thrives and hurts people and controls things, ' "Olmstead said."

  • 生灵涂炭造句相关
