
电闪雷鸣  diàn shǎn léi míng







  • 这时候忽然狂风大作,电闪雷鸣
    At this point of time, the wind blew and thunder shouted.

  • 这回答如电闪雷鸣,击垮了商人。
    The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated.

  • 高山之上是阴沉的电闪雷鸣的天空。
    Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played.

  • 不是和风细雨,而是电闪雷鸣
    it is not the gentle shower, but thunder.

  • 电闪雷鸣时,我该怎么做?
    What do I do when lightning strikes me?

  • 狂风暴雨和电闪雷鸣持续了约一个小时。
    The most intense high winds, rain and lightning lasted for about an hour, she said.

  • 天空电闪雷鸣,大风呼啸着,船开始倾斜。
    LIONEL (V. O. ):Thunder and lightning ripped the sky. The wind whipped, and the ship began to tip.

  • 正在这时,电闪雷鸣,天空一片乌云压顶。
    For just then, lightning flashed and dark clouds began to fill the sky.

  • 空中乌云密布,电闪雷鸣,下起了倾盆大雨。
    The skies turned black, lighting flashed, thunder rolled, and rain poured down.

  • 我听到电闪雷鸣
    I hear thunders crash and lightning flash.

  • 电闪雷鸣停了,但雨还在不停的下着。周围一片漆黑。
    The thunder and lightning stopped but the rain continued to pour down, and everything around me was in total darkness.

  • 电闪雷鸣
    Lightning and thunder roared.

  • 星期天的黎明十分,黑暗且沉闷,阴云密布,电闪雷鸣
    Sunday dawned, dark and sullen, with an overcast sky and the threatenings of thunder in the air.

  • 电闪雷鸣之后,他需要一个极棒的人为他修复这个废墟。
    After hurling thunderbolts, he's demanded a supreme renovator to tidy up the ruins.

  • 秋天,少不了万里阴霾,电闪雷鸣,乌云密布,飘泼大雨的天气。
    Fall, ultimately, thousands of miles haze, lightning, clouds clouds, floating pouring rain weather.

  • 图为参观者正从“雷电通道”内走过,身临其境地感受电闪雷鸣的威力。
    The picture above shows that visitors are walking through the "lightning and thunder corridor" and experiencing the power of lightning and thunders personally.

  • 数千教徒不顾瓢泼大雨和电闪雷鸣参加了星期天在圣彼得广场举行的聚会。
    Thousands attended the Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square braving the heavy rain and occasional thunder.

  • 请不要太肯定,比如电闪雷鸣时你是不是像受惊的海龟一样迅速缩到被子里?
    Don't be too sure. How about your startled-turtle habit of ducking under the bedclothes when the lightning crackles?

  • 入夜时分,苏格兰北部可能有大雨疾风,甚至可能导致局部地区的电闪雷鸣
    Towards late evening, there could be heavy rain and high winds in the north of Scotland, which might even lead to some local outbreaks of thunder and lightning.

  • 盛满祭坛火炭的香炉,被天使倾倒在大地上,巨响之后,电闪雷鸣,大地摇晃。
    And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

  • 一只蝴蝶在纽约中央公园的小黄花上扇动了一下翅膀,于是东京掀起风暴电闪雷鸣
    This effect came to be known as the butterfly effect. The amount of difference in the starting points of the two curves is so small that it is comparable to a butterfly flapping its wings.

  • 她在动物园看见野兽时,她因狂风呼啸或是电闪雷鸣而恐惧时所体验到的感情也都不同寻常。
    In similar ways she had experienced unusual feelings when she looked at wild animals in the menagerie , or when she witnessed a storm of wind, or shuddered at the bright-ribbed lightning.

  • 1827年,他死了。当时暴风骤雨,电闪雷鸣。他最后的动作是挥舞拳头,向外面的风雨挑战。
    In 1827, he died during thunderstorm, his last action being to shake his fist in defiance at the storm outside.

  • 今何在记述这个过程时,加上了电闪雷鸣、一束红光直照悟空、金箍棒将天地连为一体等场面描写。
    What is this recording of this process, coupled with the Dianshan thunder, a bouquet of red straight as Wukong, Jin Gu Bang world will be even described the scene as one, and so on.

  • 阴雨天气。电闪雷鸣。闪电从天空中击打下来,正打在一只网球鞋上。我们看到,一双脚正在奔跑着。
    Rain clouds. Lightning flashes and THUNDER explodes. The lightning streak is transposed from the sky into the design on a tennis shoe. We see FEET RUNNING.

  • 当风暴降临,狂风摇撼森林,电闪雷鸣宣告天空的权威,---让你的心敬畏地说,“上帝在感情中穿行。”
    And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky, - then let your heart say in awe, "God moves in passion."

  • 沃肖尔说,“如果我们真的要把这个工程做得完美的话,就要为青蛙模拟雷电现象,因为大雨倾盆和电闪雷鸣能刺激它们繁殖。
    "If we were really doing this right, we would be piping in thunder for the frogs, who are stimulated to reproduce by rain splatters and thunder, " said Warshall.

  • “倘若某位拳手在‘电闪雷鸣’中具有勾魂摄魄的表现力,我绝不介意安排他在12月12日和大马奎兹打一场。”沙菲尔说。
    "But if one of them looks absolutely spectacular and steals the show of THE LIGHTNING, I wouldn't mind putting him in on September 12 against Juan Manuel Marquez. , "said Richard Schaefer.

  • 要么,是南方本来闷热的天气带来的雨,“呼啦啦”痛快的下上一场;要么,就是台风来袭,电闪雷鸣、风雨交加,“哗啦啦”的倾盆而泄。
    Either, the South would have hot weather brought rain, "Hula啦" Excitement on a next; either, that is, typhoon, lightning, wind and rain, "Hua Lala" and torrential vent.

  • 安监事业虽然也有阳光明媚、鸟语花香,但更多的是电闪雷鸣、风霜刀剑,没有坚如磐石的意志和崇高的思想境界,就会抱怨、就会退缩、就会逃避’。
    Beist has career although sunshine, fine, but more is no sword, lightning, face strong will and high stature, will complain, will wince, will escape.

  • 电闪雷鸣造句相关
