
同出一辙  tóng chū yī zhé






  • 凤铝篮球与武汉足球,表面上,同出一辙
    Al-feng basketball and football in Wuhan, on the surface, almost exactly the same.

  • 相反的,他们认为他和他的委托人同出一辙,并认为他是不道德的。
    Instead, they identify him with his clients and consider him immoral.

  • 因特网似乎与信息时代同出一辙,就连因特网的老手也说不清它是产生的由来。
    The Internet seems so information-age, that its devotees might find the circumstances of its birth hard to grasp.

  • 抱着他四处求医,结论同出一辙:新新的智力将会停留在幼儿期,除非发生奇迹。
    We took him to go to see doctor all around, but we had the same conclusion all the time: Xinxin's intelligence would remain at the infancy unless miracle.

  • 与WINDOWS的供应商同出一辙,思科有一系列相互联系的操作系统和平台。
    Just like the vendor of Windows, Cisco has a family of interlinked operating systems and platforms.

  • 在信仰上也是同出一辙:你如今要迁入这新的国度,才能享受那些已属于你的好处。
    You had to do just that-to move in, in order to enjoy what was yours.

  • “只有做大蛋糕才谈得上补偿”论,也与前些年早已被屏弃的“涓滴效应”论同出一辙
    "Only bigger cake before we talk about compensation" theory. has already been rejected in previous years with the "trickle down effect" theory of the same nature;

  • 但是奥巴马说这一言论是和麦凯恩的政策作比较并指出其政策只是和现任总统布什的同出一辙,小修小补。
    But Obama says the remark compares McCain's policies and call for change with President Bush's record.

  • 这种药店与天主教没有正式的关系,但是,不可否认,它与天主教奉行的信条“禁止任何形式的避孕”同出一辙
    The pharmacy has no official attachment to the Catholic Church although it does not hide from the fact that it strictly follows the Catholic principles of prohibiting any form of contraception.

  • 他们基础理论的出处同出一辙,他们有着共同的目标,也就有着共性,太极拳、中医学的最终目的就是使人体健康。
    Since they have a common aim to keep people fit, we can come to the conclusion that shadowboxing is related to traditional Chinese medicine.

  • 他们基础理论的出处同出一辙,他们有着共同的目标,也就有着共性,太极拳、中医学的最终目的就是使人体健康。
    Since they have a common aim to keep people fit, we can come to the conclusion th…

  • 拉开车门,一份新鲜感原来正隐藏在门内饰上:与更高端车型同出一辙的集成式控制开关以及镀铬内拉手显然更符合时下的潮流。
    Lakaijumen, a freshness that is hidden in the interior doors: more high-end models with the same integrated control switch, as well as chrome handle with clearly more in line with the current trend.

  • 这些主张足以构成一种极端的人道主义论,但韦尔热斯在它们运用上是如此的反叛且不肯退让,让那些好公民难以苟同。相反的,他们认为他和他的委托人同出一辙,并认为他是不道德的。
    These notions could be construed as a kind of radical humanism, but Vergès is so unrelenting and defiant in their application that the bien-pensants find it difficult to agree with him.

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