
后继无人  hòu jì wú rén







  • 民间美术处于后继无人的濒危状态。
    Folk Art is in a endangered state of no heir .

  • 但仍值得注意的是,后继无人的问题。
    Nonetheless, the lack of new players entering the game is something to take notice of.

  • 中国女子跳水队后继无人的现象令人担忧。
    It is very worrying that there is no heir on the Chinese Womens Diving Team.

  • 菊儿胡同已经改造几年了,竟然“后继无人”。
    Ms abuse alleyway has years of transformation, even "smaller."

  • 很多民族乐器,如锯琴,独弦琴都面临后继无人的困境。
    Many ethical instruments, such as musical saw and single-string instrument are facing the situation that there will be no followers.

  • 第三,他后继无人,不甚明朗,甚至也不能够左右大选结果了。
    A third is his lack of an obvious successor, or even of much influence over the choice.

  • 现代年轻人大都不愿意在山里干活,林枝木担心造吊桥后继无人
    Nowadays younger engineers are reluctant to work in the mountains, so Lin Chih-mu worries who will take on the job after him.

  • 另一种声音则怪罪语文程度节节败退,担心将来青黄不接,后继无人
    The other, on the contrary, voices worry that with the Chinese language fast losing ground, there will be no worthy successors in future to carry the torch.

  • 第三,他后继无人,不甚明朗,虽然他对法国人民未来的选择影响力很大…
    A third is his lack of an obvious successor, or even of much influence over the choice.

  • 当爱德华三世(1327~1377)统治英国期间,法国国王后继无人
    When Edward III (1327 - 1377) ruled England, the old French line of King died out.

  • 即使阿波罗计划后继无人,它也将永远作为人类最伟大的创举之一留在人们的记忆中。
    Even if the Apollo program successors, it will always be a human being, one of the greatest innovation to stay in people's memory.

  • 没有一个后继的印度领导人,即使是有些领导人并不同意这种观点,也无人敢于挑战这种说法。
    No successor Indian government has dared - and many have not been inclined - to challenge that assertion.

  • 但在21世纪的今天,西南地区少数民族传统体育受到多方冲击,有些项目后继无人,面临消失的危险。
    They play positive role for the economy development for the northwesteregions. However since 21 century, those sports suffer from many factors and some of them are becoming vanished.

  • 随着我国文化生活的变迁与发展,中国乡土音乐面临着日益加剧的生存危机,其中不少乡土音乐的种类已到了后继无人,面临失传的境地。
    With the development and variance of culture and life in our country, Chinese native music is confronted with the crisis of survival which is getting ever more acute.

  • 很多大老倌,都是从细学起, 当然当时是因为生活,不是因为推粤。 如果要等待有心人士写儿童剧本/粤曲,怕后继无人。 粤剧新光 - 要靠年青人多学习了。
    It would take an angel to write scripts just for the kids. The consolation is that many kids are learning opera and schools are also promoting it. Lets keep the opera art alive.

  • 后继无人造句相关
