
呜呼哀哉  wū hū āi zāi








  • 呜呼哀哉,我的脚少说也有41。
    Alas, my foot says less to also have 41.

  • 时间疾步,是你说的吗?啊不。呜呼哀哉!时间常驻,我们疾步。
    Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go.

  • 大学,呜呼哀哉,包括剑桥大学,会理所当然地在其文学课程里加进一些去年才出版的小说。
    Universities, including, alas, Cambridge, will as a matter of course include on their literature syllabus novels written only last year.

  • 据说,洛奇回到阿斯加德后,就叫芙瑞雅穿上她的新娘礼服,准备嫁给巨人之王。(呜呼哀哉
    Loki returns to Asgard, so the myth goes, and tells Freyja to put on her wedding attire for she is (alas! ) to wed the king of the giants.

  • 他们会认为,人身安全比起自己被送上电椅呜呼哀哉的风险、或者承担误杀无辜的责任的风险都更加重要。
    They might consider that safety more important than the risk of ending up in the electric chair themselves or of being responsible for the death of an innocent accused of murder.

  • 是我们麻木了,还是全国人民麻木了,我呼吁各界有爱心的朋友们,救救我们生活在火炉之中的武汉市民吧,呜呼哀哉!!!
    We are numb, or numbness of the people across the country, I appeal to all sectors of caring friends, please help us to live in Wuhan stove in the public bar, Wuhuaizai!

  • 东厂九千岁攀不过土共网络长城,于是在香港网站说不可用“政治敏感”的字眼。可是,身为美帝子民的我是不会理解到视失去言论自由为当然的九千岁井底蛙的想法的。呜呼哀哉
    I am sorry to say that you may not be able to understand what is idiotic about his decision. A decision may be forced, but whether it is idiotic is entirely due to the incompetence of Tung.

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