
哭天喊地  kū tiān hǎn dì






  • 新闻:燃油紧缺,汽车降价……电力集团哭天喊地……
    News:The lack of fuel oil, car's depreciating…Electric power companies are cried about losing money in business…

  • 出现了很奇特的后续效果,他的老婆哭天喊地对我们说:“你们看,我哪一点不如那个女人;
    Appeared very peculiar follow-up effect, his wife cries the day calls land land to say to us: "You look, my where was inferior to that woman;"

  • 有朝一日,当你迈入狱大门之时,就是你哭天喊地且能想起我的教诲之期,不过,那时已经永远悔之已晚了。
    The day when you go to jail will be the day you cry and remember what I have been trying to tell you.

  • 阿林被警察抓走,其妻阿英哭天喊地,把气发泄在笑姑身上,到处骂笑姑和阿金是奸夫淫妇,乐观的笑姑却笑骂由人,不去理她。
    Ah Lin is arrested by the police. In anger his wife Ah Ying takes it out on Xiao Gu and calls Ah Jin and Xiao Gu names. However, being an optimist, Xiao Gu ignores her.

  • 尽管哭天喊地,在被一位法官裁决其必须在监狱里而不是在家中软禁服满整45的刑期后,ParisHilton还是由法警护卫着出了法庭,回到了监狱。
    Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted out of a courtroom and back to jail after a judge ruled she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than under house arrest.

  • 哭天喊地造句相关
