
如泣如诉  rú qì rú sù








  • 听不见那夜莺如泣如诉的哀曲。
    I shall not hear the nightingale Sing on as if in pain.

  • 大提琴和二胡如同形影相吊,如泣如诉的旋律交叠在一起,叫人不忍卒听。
    The duet of cello and erhu seems two shadows in solitude and the gloomy melody is too sad to hear once more.

  • 茜碧尔声音高亢,唱得深沉圆润,性感动人,如泣如诉。一曲终了,全班鸦雀无声
    Sybil belted it out in a deep, rich, sexy, crooning voice. When she finished there was silence.

  • 整篇小说以及小说里展现着的爱情,仿佛一首如泣如诉的行板,带给读者独特的阅读体验。
    The whole novel is like a cantabile andante, leading readers to the wonderful world of love.

  • 在此强烈推荐朋友们欣赏这部歌剧,特别是咏叹调《晴朗的一天》,如泣如诉催人泪下!!!
    Here, I would like to recommend this opera to all my friends to enjoy it, especially the aria <Un bet di vedremo>, really touchable !

  • 在此强烈推荐朋友们欣赏这部歌剧,特别是咏叹调《晴朗的一天》,如泣如诉催人泪下 !!!
    Here, I would like to recommend this opera to all my friends to enjoy it, especially the aria <Un bet di vedremo>, really touchable !

  • 从厨房的电波传来悲伤的老曲调,透过女歌手如泣如诉的歌声,我得出男人总是离开女人的结论。
    through the weeping voice of the female singer, I made out a verse about men always leaving women.

  • 从厨房的电波传来悲伤的老曲调,透过女歌手如泣如诉的歌声,我得出男人总是离开女人的结论。
    The radio from the kitchen spilled out old melodies with pathetic lyrics; through the weeping voice of the female singer, I made out a verse about men always leaving women.

  • 于是,在她小小的生命中已经有了太多的阴影的珠儿,便放弃了这条如泣如诉的小溪,不再和它交往。
    So Pearl, who had enough of shadow in her own little life, chose to break off all acquaintance with this repining brook.

  • 春雨缠绵,我撑着一把伞,走在这漫天青沮的蓝天碧宇之下,聆听这静静的雨声,如泣如诉,如怨如慕。
    Rain lingering, I insisted on an umbrella, walking in the sky blue sky blue ju Pi-yu, under the rain to listen to it quietly, Ruqirusu, such as resentment, such as Mu.

  • 男人走口外,女人挖野菜”,历史上的山西右玉,空旷苍凉,这首民谣如泣如诉地描绘了这块土地上百姓的苦难。
    The man goes a mouth outside, the woman digs potherb " , the Shanxi right jade on the history, hollowness bleak, this balladry depicted the misery of the common people on this land plaintively."

  • 在黄果树瀑布群中,它既不是以高取胜,也不是以阔或大惊人,而是以它那千丝万缕的情态和如泣如诉的瀑声,让人看见就不想离开。
    Huangguoshu Waterfall in the group, It is not to win the high, wide or is not surprising, but that it inextricably to the Modal and Ruqirusu the waterfall sound, people do not want to see on the left.

  • 如泣如诉造句相关
