
岁寒三友  suì hán sā yǒu






  • 松竹梅是中国的「岁寒三友」。
    Pines, bamboos and plums are the three symbols of winter.

  • 而竹,松,梅花在一起则代表着岁寒三友
    Bamboo and plums together represent man and wife.

  • 它排在岁寒三友的第一位,是最有骨气的!
    It came in the first three friends of winter is the most moral integrity!

  • 因此也有了“松、竹、梅岁寒三友”之称。
    And therefore have a "pine, bamboo and plum three friends of winter, " said.

  • 雪莲、蚕缀、雪山草为祁连山雪线上的“岁寒三友”。
    Xuelian, silkworm up, grass for the Qilian mountain snow line "sui han Three Friends."

  • 它也是迎着狂风、暴雪一步步成为中国国花、成为岁寒三友的第一!
    It is also facing the gusts of wind, heavy snow a step by step to become the national flower of China, becoming the first three friends of winter!

  • 这件小屏风画的是岁寒三友(能耐冬的三种植物:松、竹、梅)中的竹和梅。
    This small screen depicts bamboo and plum trees, two items from the three friends of winter (three types of plants that can endure winter's coldness, pine tree, bamboo and plum tree).

  • 教育要重视“三个面向”以及国画大师们青睐的“岁寒三友”都是以三分制为基础。
    Education want "year old cold three friendses" of the value"3 face to" and the Chinese painting masters favor all with three cent make for foundation.

  • 九乡奇石图案奇石:《最后的华尔滋》、《雪山母子》,以及松、竹、梅岁寒三友
    Peculiar Rocks :Drawing rocks like "The Last Waltz", "Mother and Son in Snow Mountain" "The Three Friends of Winter —pine, plum and bamboo";

  • 古代中国把“梅、兰、竹、菊”称作“四君子”,把“松、竹、梅”称作“岁寒三友”。
    Chinese ancients designated the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum as "four gentlemen, " and pine, bamboo and plum as the "three friends in winter.

  • 其父盛洪,亦名著艺坛。老松、古梅之旁,尚以纤细笔调钩画竹子,成为「岁寒三友」。
    Beside the plum stands an old pine, its heavy trunk feathered with finely drawn stalks of bamboo.

  • 梅,清新、脱俗,古时文人视梅花为花中“清客”,并把它与松、竹称为“岁寒三友”。
    Mei, pure and fresh and free from vulgarity, depending on the plum flowers for the ancient scholars ", "and it inexpressible with pine and bamboo called" being ".

  • 这东西跟蚊子臭虫算得小饭店里的岁寒三友,现在刚是深秋天气,还显不出它们的后凋劲节。
    These, along with mosquitoes and bedbugs, are considered the "three companions of winter" at small inns. As it was now just late autumn, their steadfastness in winter was not yet apparent.

  • 书房外的六扇“岁寒三友”镂花柴木门,是英达和梁欢跑到通县的东店旧家具市场买来的古董。
    study of the six fans "Only three of the" Louhua Cai doors, Main and Liang Tong county They went to the East bought the antique shops of old furniture market.

  • 它与松、梅一样,迎风斗雪,不畏严,被称为“岁寒三友”。竹既可供人观赏,又有极高的经济价值。
    Bamboo can be viewed and admire for the person already, have extremely high economy value again.

  • 松、竹、梅被称为岁寒三友,它们被种植在民族英雄的坟墓旁,作为他们对国家和人民坚定不移的忠诚的象征。
    Pine, bamboo and plum are called the three friends in cold winter. They are planted beside tombs of national heros as a sign of unbendable loyalty to the country and people.

  • 因此,它们被当作是困境中的坚韧不屈的象征,也被用来比喻艰苦的奋斗。因为在冬天开花,它与松,竹被并称为岁寒三友
    Thus, they are seen as an example of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity, and have also been used as a metaphor to symbolize revolutionary struggle.

  • 记得那天分手时天还下着雪,感谢山庄女主人盛情,我们好像还打了球唱了歌。岁寒三友揣着对新年的美好心愿,余兴未尽地消逝在各修胜业的归途中。
    It was still snowing when we parted. Thanks to the hostess's hospitable treatment, we started our way to home with good wishes to the New Year.

  • 岁寒三友造句相关
