
峰回路转  fēng huí lù zhuǎn







  • 原来爱情是这样这样峰回路转
    This is the original love so dramatic!

  • 我们走在峰回路转的山路上。
    We were walking along the path which was winding through high peaks.

  • 峰回路转,机会无限时,不留恋,行动为先;
    When situation become well, opportunity infinite never wander, action is first.

  • 诚然,这些都是使一个公司峰回路转的必要因素。
    These are just the sort of traits needed to turn a company around.

  • 一路读下去﹐突然峰回路转﹐你的假设全都泡了汤。
    And then you turn the page and something unexpected happens that changes all your assumptions.

  • 休不敢指望峰回路转,但是又不愿放弃他的玫瑰园。
    Hugh wouldn't dream of calling it off, but can't abandon his rose garden.

  • 2003年香港的经济走势可用“峰回路转”来形容。
    The economy of Hong Kong went 2003 situation is usable " peak loop turns " will describe.

  • 前行的路上,有艰难险阻的困惑,也有峰回路转的欣喜。
    The way forward, there are dangers of confusion, there are winding paths of joy.

  • 在每一处峰回路转处,人们都可以看见花园中不同的景色。
    At every turn of the road, one could see different sceneries of the garden.

  • 有时候事情是会峰回路转的,老兄。你和我,咱俩就是活证。
    Sometimes things come back, mate. We are living proof, you and me.

  • 后九洞亦称山景, 9 个球道在山谷中蜿蜒前行,峰回路转,美不胜收。
    The in course, also called Mountain 9, has 9 change fully holes swan within the valleys.

  • 但我不认为,金融市场出现了这么多问题之后,我们还能肯定保证峰回路转
    I do not think, after all that has happened in the financial markets, we can be certain that that is the case.

  • 此次央行的规定出台,使得珠江骏景峰回路转,顿然显示了自己的市场位势。
    The central bank has provisions to enable the Pearl River Ascot course, the market place certainly demonstrated their momentum.

  • 心想人生其实也是一样,在经历过很多峰回路转之后,一切也就豁然开朗了。
    He thought to himself: After many twists and turns , everything will become clear. Life also goes like this.

  • 心想人生其实也是一样,在经历过很多峰回路转之后,一切也就豁然开朗了。
    After suffering countless setbacks, it will go smoothly. Actually life is just like this, I think.

  • 大家之前都说今年联赛的争夺已经没有悬念了,但事情发生了峰回路转的变化。
    Everyone presumed that the title race was over, but there is always going to be twists and turns.

  • 峰回路转曲径通幽,嶙峋的山石时而裸露,时而陷土,时而半掩半现,充满情趣。
    Winding paths, winding, sometimes bare rugged rocks, and sometimes soil subsidence, sometimes half-half is full of fun.

  • 《爱玛》是英国作家简·奥斯汀后期一部比较成熟的作品,笔法轻松有趣,情节峰回路转
    Emma is a novel by the British writer Jane Austen, which stands out with its witty language and inviting plot.

  • 读到此处,恼火得打算弃书而去的美国读者,只需再忍耐一下,便可领略“峰回路转”之境。
    Irritated American readers tempted to give up at this point would do well to persevere.

  • 雅鲁藏布江下游,江水绕行南迦巴瓦峰,峰回路转,作巨大马蹄形转弯,形成了一个巨大的峡谷。
    Brahmaputra River, the river bypass Namjagbarwa, took a dramatic turn for a huge horseshoe-shaped bend, forming a huge gorge.

  • 所以我不会放弃。不,我不会崩溃。很快生活就会峰回路转。即使事事不如意,我也会保持坚强。
    So I won't give up. No, I won't break down. Sooner than it seems life turns around. And I will be strong even if it all goes wrong.

  • 据台媒中时电子报报道,吴淑珍是否出庭应讯,深受外界瞩目,昨日(18日)竟在开庭前夕峰回路转
    According to Taiwan media reports in the Times, Wu Shu-chen is to appear in court, by the outside world, yesterday (18) was at the turn on the eve of the trial.

  • 从武汉俱乐部10日宣布放弃李玮峰到李玮峰来广州与球队汇合,短短三天的时间内,李玮峰转会事件峰回路转
    Wuhan from the club on the 10th to announce the abandonment of Li Weifeng and Li Weifeng to Guangzhou convergence of the team, just three days of time, Li Weifeng transfer events Fenghuiluzhuan.

  • 事态发展峰回路转,这个精彩的转折同时揭示了一个问题:为什么自由世俗的印度能忍受萨克雷及其流氓打手如此之久?
    This excellent turn of events, however, invited a question: how is it that liberal, secular India has suffered Mr Thackeray and his thugs for so long?

  • 在开始行动前,我们还要去静候事态自己峰回路转吗?事实上,只有我们采取行动,让自己大步前进,事情才会有所好转。
    Are you waiting for things to get better before taking action? The fact is that things will not get better until you go ahead and get yourself moving forward.

  • 球队表现不错,我认为奥雷里奥拥有中场的天赋,球迷见证我们的两度落后的狼狈,但是我们也拥有让比赛峰回路转的实力。
    The squad did well and I thought Fabio Aurelio was tremendous in midfield. A couple of lapses saw us go behind, but we had the strength to turn things round.

  • 沿老君洞、卢崖瀑布登嵩山主峰---峻极峰,自古以来是嵩山旅游的中心,沿途峰回路转、奇险峻逸、云崖明灭、山水相依、文物荟萃。
    Climbing the Junji peak from Luya Waterfall or Laojun Cave has been the well-known itinerary here since the ancient times.

  • 沿老君洞、卢崖瀑布登嵩山主峰---峻极峰,自古以来是嵩山旅游的中心,沿途峰回路转、奇险峻逸、云崖明灭、山水相依、文物荟萃。
    Climbing up the Junji peak from Luya Waterfall or Laojun Cave has been the well-known itinerary here since ancient times.

  • 克林顿先生竞选时感情奔放,并且似乎有些''。'放浪形骸'。''。他希望他因兵役记录所引起的风波过后,他的竞选能峰回路转渐入佳境。
    Mr. Clinton campaigned with passion and seeming abandon, hoping that his campaign had now bottomed out after the furor over his draft history and was on the upswing.

  • 他诈骗的手段并非总是面面俱到——所以他还要好好学着点怎么准备好应急方案——但他天马行空的想像力同立场坚定的意志力往往能够带来天才般的灵光一闪,从而峰回路转、化险为夷。
    His method of grift ing is not always the most prepared - and he's yet to master the art of the Plan B - but his imagination and willpower often bring flashes of genius that save the day.

  • 峰回路转造句相关
