
开宗明义  kāi zōng míng yì








  • 有机构的分析开宗明义:银行业盈利的下降才刚刚始。
    There are agencies at the outset of the analysis: the banking industry's profits fell just begun.

  • 任何一本西方经济学的教科书,开宗明义的第一章首…
    Turn over the schoolbook of economics of any a west, the first chapter of make clear the purpose from the very beginning head…

  • 任何一本西方出版的有关该学科的教科书,开宗明义的…
    Turn over what an any wests publish to concern the text book of this course, of make clear the purpose from the very beginning…

  • “发展”一题,森开宗明义道:“为一拓展人类自由之过程。”
    Development should be seen, Sen begins, "as a process of expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy."

  • 国土资源部网站文章开宗明义指出,我们需要直面住房结构性过剩。
    Resources website article clearly pointed out that we need to squarely face housing structural surplus.

  • 而在前文中万老开宗明义即说“童子功,是门人为了通俗自编的。”
    " And 000 in the previous text stated that the old "Gong child, who is the door to the popular self.

  • 《后汉书· 律历志》开宗明义,谓:“天地初形,人物既著,则筭数之事生矣。”
    "After Li Zhi Han Law" at the outset that: "the beginning of heaven and earth-shaped, with both figures, the number of fish having trouble.

  • 第一篇几乎开宗明义就提到了祝福,但在篇首却先描述消极面──人不该做的事。
    The book of Psalms begins with a beatitude, "blessed is the man", and firstly describes the negative side — what the righteous man does not do.

  • 也可能才读了开宗明义的第一章,你就已恍然大悟,也可能读完最后一页,你才窍。
    You may find it in the very first chapter, or on the last page.

  • 《孙子兵法》开宗明义曰:「兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也」。
    Master Sun's Art of War" stated that: "soldiers, the country event of the death, the survival of the Road, also must be aware".

  • 本文开宗明义论述船舶融资租购合同的涵及产生背景,列举式地介绍合同的法律特征。
    The paper general introduces the definition, its backdrop and character of the charter for financial hire purchase firstly.

  • 跟投机者全神贯注于迅速获利不同,价值投资者开宗明义通过努力避免亏损以规避风险。
    In contrast to the speculator's preoccupation with rapid gain, value investors demonstrate their risk aversion by striving to avoid loss.

  • 保罗在以弗所书末段开宗明义的说:“你们要靠着主,依赖他的大能大力,作刚强的人。”
    Paul began the last section of the Epistle to the Ephesians with the words: "Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might."

  • 保罗在以弗所书末段开宗明义的说:「你们要靠著主,依赖祂的大能大力,作刚强的人。」
    Paul began the last section of the Epistle to the Ephesians with the words: "Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might."

  • 罗马书第六章整篇都在反覆阐释开宗明义第一节的经文:「我们可以仍在罪中,叫恩典显多吗?」
    The whole chapter is a wonderful revelation of the deep meaning of its opening words: "How shall we, who died to sin, live any more therein ?"

  • 柳诒徵的《中国文化史》第一章“中国人种的起源”,开宗明义也在于力排“中国人种西来”的谬说。
    Liu Yizheng's "History of Chinese Culture" chapter "of Chinese ethnic origin, " is also right at the beginning of our schedule, "West to the Chinese race, " said the paradox.

  • 开宗明义,就是新的常委会从始工作的第一天起,就要注意树立和维护这个集体和这个集体中的核心。
    From the very first day it starts to work, the new Standing Committee should make a point of establishing and maintaining this collective leadership and its core .

  • 长话短说,开宗明义,经过多年的教学经验积累,笔者认为教学中,好课得有好味,一堂好的语文课须有“三味”。
    Judging class is to chew class right away , good class surely is able to chew out good taste. Good one Chinese class must have "three taste ": "Chinese taste " ", "human touch" ", rolled book taste ".

  • 文章开宗明义,“作为主教练,组建合理的教练队伍是至关重要的,佐拉到西汉姆联执教,必然需要有经验的助手。”
    The article at the outset, "as a coach, the formation of a reasonable team coach is essential Zola to the West Ham coach, must have an experienced assistant."

  • 征集案名的广告开宗明义,确立了该项目“中产”的定位和“精神”的归属:一、代表中产阶级和小资人群的精神寻求;
    At the assembly of advertising to establish the project "off" position and the "spirit" of attribution : First, on behalf of the middle class and C groups seeking spirit;

  • 引言部分简要指出辩论主的地位与作用,介绍了我国学界对辩论主的研究现状,阐述了本文的写作目的,意在开宗明义
    The foreword describes the status and function of the doctrine of debate and the present research on it, and points out the writing purpose.

  • 我是怎么跟这些福分结缘的你还没读完这本书就可能找到答案了。也可能才读了开宗明义的第一章,你就已恍然大悟,也可能读完最后一页,你才窍。
    How do I know these things You should have the answer before you finish this book. You may find it in the very first chapter, or on the last page.

  • 我是怎么跟这些福分结缘的?你还没读完这本书就可能找到答案了。也可能才读了开宗明义的第一章,你就已恍然大悟,也可能读完最后一页,你才窍。
    How do I know these things? You should have the answer before you finish this book. You may find it in the very first chapter, or on the last page.

  • 我是怎么跟这些福分结缘的?你还没读完这本书就可能找到答案了。也可能才读了开宗明义的第一章,你就已恍然大悟,也可能读完最后一页,你才窍。
    How do 1 know these things ? You should have the answer before you finish this book . You may find it in the very first chapter , or on the last page .

  • 《规定》第一条就开宗明义:“对于被执行人所有的已经依法设定抵押的房屋,人民法院可以查封,并可以根据抵押权人的申请,依法拍卖、变卖或者抵债。”
    "provision" on the very first article : "For all of whom had to set mortgage housing, the people's courts can attachment, and under mortgagee application to the auction, sale or set-off.

  • 托尔斯泰的名著「安娜卡列尼娜」开宗明义就说:『所有的快乐家庭,都以相同的方式快乐的过日子,但每一个不快乐的家庭,都以它自己的方式不快乐的过日子。』
    In the very opening sentence of Anna Karenina, Tolstoy declares: "All happy families are happy in the same way: but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own fashion."

  • 开宗明义造句相关
