
心如刀绞  xīn rú dāo jiǎo








  • 她遭受的苦难使他们心如刀绞
    Her suffering pierced their hearts.

  • 熏注视着两人,心如刀绞
    Xun watched them and her heart felt ⑥wrung out.

  • 儿子的死使母亲心如刀绞
    The mother was stabbed to the heart by her son's death.

  • 听了他的话我心如刀绞
    My heart is wrung out after hearing his speech.

  • 宝贝的病使我心如刀绞
    My baby was illness tore my heart.

  • 想到我可怜的女儿将失去父亲,我真是心如刀绞
    thought that my pitiful daughter will lose the father, I feel like a knife twisting in the heart really.

  • 这就是我苦苦等来的结局?我感到心如刀绞的痛了。
    This is what I and so hard to end »I feel the pain of the Xinrudaojiao.

  • 我从来没有在我无法让疼痛停止时,感到过心如刀绞
    I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.

  • 当他听说他在股上市失去了所有的钱时,他心如刀绞
    When he heard that he had lost all the money he possessed in stock market, the iron entered his soul.

  • 每壹次的见面,都心如刀绞。能不能,不要再见到妳。
    Every time the meeting, Xinrudaojiao. Can not to see you.

  • 我的心里仿佛空了一块,仿佛有什么东西让我心如刀绞
    I have this vacancy in my heart, there's just something that's always tearing me apart.

  • 看着这不断上升的黑色数字,我们心如刀绞,晴天霹雳。
    noticing the black number increasing, our heart broken, as in a hell.

  • 人生在世有许多心如刀绞的时候。时而乞求,时而恳请。
    Time can break your heart. Have you begged and pleaded, begged and pleaded.

  • 从此我再也不能跳爵士和芭蕾了,我的心如刀绞、欲哭无泪。
    Hearing I抎 never dance on stage again felt like a knife in my side.

  • “前后共注射了四次啊,怎么会那么残忍?”许亮的母亲许丽华心如刀绞
    "Before and after injecting a total of four times, ah, how will it cruel» "Xu Liang's mother Xu Lihua Xinrudaojiao.

  • 他说他这一生虽深受着她却依然后悔当年带她离乡,致使她饱受贫穷,这使他心如刀绞
    He said he though this life is still deeply regretted her then took her away from home, causing her to suffer from poverty, which makes him Xinrudaojiao.

  • 母亲泪盈于睫,轻轻地说:“这一生只有一件事曾让我心如刀绞,就是我以为他真的不爱我了。”
    Mother, bursting into tears and gently said: "This life is only one thing that make me Xinrudaojiao that I thought he really did not love me."

  • 分析:此言一出,女子心如刀绞,轻则无奈伤心离去心中留下永久疤痕,重则让你一辈子没好日子过!
    Analysis: This remark a woman Xinrudaojiao, ranging from sad to leave but left a permanent scar on the hearts, your weight is not good day all his life!

  • 不过如果我这样做能对他们有点帮助的话,请相信,对听到和读到的故事,我没有一天不感到心如刀绞
    But if it matters to them at all, please know that not a day goes by when I don't ache over the stories that I have heard and read.

  • 希望他的听众听者有心,因为每次衰退(尤其像这种令人心如刀绞的暴跌)都为商界和政界提供了很多良机。
    Here's hoping his audience was paying attention, because recessions—particularly gut-wrenching slumps like this one—provide as many opportunities for business people as they do for politicians.

  • “不可能”小老婆回答,她没有再说什么就离开了。她的回答像把尖刀一样绞割着商人的心。(商人心如刀绞
    "No way! " replied the 4th wife and she walked away without another word. The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant's heart.

  • 看到我的朋友忍受药物依赖的痛苦让我心如刀绞而且没法恢复,而现在我得离开他们了。我祈求他们能活下来。
    Watching my friends suffer over drug addictions is burning a hole in me that hasn't healed, and now I have to leave them.

  • 当强撑捂盘的开发商直面黑压压一片的持币待购者而心如刀绞时,肯定会有人按捺不住率先打破僵局的,譬如降价。
    When Jiang Cheng secret site of a dense mass of developers squarely face Chibidaigou persons Xinrudaojia, will take the lead in breaking the deadlock was unable to control themselves, such as price.

  • 每一幅画面都令人心如刀绞。我们的心,和远在缅甸与中国的那些失去了子女,特别是失去了唯一骨肉的父母们同在。
    Our hearts go out to the parents in both Myanmar and China who have lost their children and especially parents with only one child.

  • 有一次我参加一个活动,结束时已19点了,可我还在路上,想到可能看不到新闻联播了,我心如刀绞,流下了伤心的眼泪。
    I once participated in an activity that has been at the end of a 19 o'clock, I was on the road, I was thinking about may not see the network news, I Xinrudaojiao, shed tears of sorrow.

  • 于是我告诉自己:倘若有一天我们为了解决海峡两岸的“问题”而不得不放弃曾经珍视已久的和平,那我将心如刀绞、痛哭失声。
    So I said to myself: If there's one day when we'll have to solve certain cross-straits "issue" by sacrificing our long-cherished harmony, I can't imagine how loudly my heart will be crying.

  • 缘圆毛太少了,刷的疼了,缘圆“呜呜”了几声,,但又忍住了,大家听的心如刀绞~~~坚强的乖缘圆~~足足给缘圆洗了2个小时。
    The hairless Yuanyuan gave some groans at the beginning and then stoped, our heart ached. It took 2 hours. He's really strong willed.

  • 希望他的听众听者有心,因为每次衰退(尤其像这种令人心如刀绞的暴跌)都为商界和政界提供了很多良机。人们通常称“经济衰退”为“增速放缓”。
    Here's hoping his audience was paying attention, because recessions—particularly gut-wrenching slumps like this one—provide as many opportunities for business people as they do for politicians.

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