
心服口服  xīn fú kǒu fú








  • 看来,这场球伊万诺维奇输得心服口服
    It seems like that this ball Yiwannuoweiqi loses is sincerely convinced.

  • 问题是真理令人心服口服,谁不能被它说服呢。
    The problem was the Truth was so convincing how could anyone not be persuaded by it.

  • 说对方输定了。也可以当作认输、投降、心服口服之意。
    It can also mean that the player who said it is admitting that they have lost.

  • 赢了当然高兴,如果遇到真正的对手,也输得心服口服
    Of course, happy to win, if they are the real opponent, also lost convinced.

  • 布莱克本其中有不少机会但他们对此结果也只得心服口服
    Rovers had their chances but they could hardly complain about the result.

  • 有一天象考试似的耳闻目睹我整个作画过程,才“心服口服”。
    Some celesitial phenomenon test resembles the what one sees and hears and I entire do painting the process, only then"is sincerely convinced".

  • 从结果看,选拔基本达到预期目标,落选者表示“输得心服口服”。
    From the results, the selection is expected to achieve the basic goal of losers "lost will not be convincing."

  • 作为中国国家队主教练,他应该体现更多的体育精神来,输得心服口服
    "As the national coach of China, he should demonstrate more of a sporting spirit and be a good sporting loser, " he said.

  • 至少我不是这样去看待,真爱一个人我想并不是你所谓的心服口服的去爱。
    When you remind of me of time, is also I think of the time that you are the deepest.

  • 但有时候足球比赛就是这样,你被表现的更好的球队击败了而且输得心服口服
    But sometimes in a game of football you lose and you just have to hold your hands up and admit that you were beaten by the better side on the night.

  • 所以,目前的投资者们心甘情愿的给公司更高的估值,而且创始人对此也心服口服
    As a result the current investors may feel very comfortable offering the company a higher valuation for the stock which is compelling to the founders.

  • 既然你能想到这些,那么十二门徒也不比你差,他们都是在心服口服的情况下跟随主的。
    Since you can think of these, the Twelve Apostles is not worse than you, they are convinced of the owners to follow.

  • 只有经典的胜利才能让对手心服口服,就像当年宿茂臻在北京千里走单骑那样大快人心。
    Only the classic opponent will not be convincing to get the victory, just as in Beijing, Su Maozhen as Riding Alone for thousands of miles to the satisfaction of everyone.

  • 而另一方面,能令西方消费者对中国产品质量心服口服的中国自有国际名牌可谓少之又少。
    China, on the other hand, has very few of its own strong global brands that can help convince Western consumers that the whole country produces quality goods.

  • ‘杰克总能高瞻远瞩,未雨绸缪,这一点我早就心服口服了。’莉莉居心叵测地夸奖杰克。
    'Jack is always far-sighted. I knew that when I was with him. ' Lily praises deliberately.

  • 接触到佛教时,这些出家人无法说出一套东西让人心服口服,他说不出来,所以根本不能接受。
    When I encountered Buddhism back then, the monks were not very convincing. Therefore, I could not accept Buddhism either and it was the one I resisted the most.

  • 周二晚上在弗兰基球场欧冠E组的小组比赛后,利物浦主帅拉法坦言这场比赛球队输的心服口服
    Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez said his side were well beaten by Fiorentina in their Champions League Group E game at the Stadio Artemi Franchi on Tuesday evening.

  • 要是由我来决定,我会把那个捣蛋鬼带到办公室,让他对着墙立正,一顿狂训,训得他心服口服为止。
    Had I been making the decision, the jokester would have been taken to the colonel's office, put at attention against the wall and screamed at until he sweated a shadow.

  • 要有一定的基本原侧,要合情合理,客观、公正,这样的惩罚学生才会心服口服,对老师才会更加尊敬。
    To have a certain basic rule: reasonable, objective and fair, so the students will be convinced of the punishment, and will more respect the teachers.

  • 形容这局打得不错。在初期可以拿来嘲弄对方。说对方输定了。也可以当作认输。投降。心服口服之意。
    Good Game. If players say GG too early it is a sarcastic way of saying you have lost and the game is over. It can also mean that the player who said it is admitting that they have lost.

  • 设计师的话是权威,业主的意见不一致时,设计师还会充当裁判,讲出一大堆理由,业主听得心服口服
    Designers then is the authority, the owners differ in opinion, the designer will serve as the judges discussed a host of reasons, the owners heard convinced.

  • 一些原先叫嚷不休的违章户见街道带头拆违,不由得心服口服,积极配合,这一带的违法建筑最终全部拆除。
    Some of the rules were originally just over see streets leading illegal, send convinced and actively cooperate with the illegal construction of the ultimate complete dismantling.

  • 如果说,真的要比照高速公路开罚,那是不是快速道路速限也应该依照国道的规则,才能够让驾驶人心服口服
    While drivers are unlikely to welcome increases to fines highway authorities may have to address their concerns about inconsistent speed limits.

  • 谁知道呢,也许她甚至能够将这件事做得如此令人心服口服,以至于明年她能够抛弃掉那令人恼火的社民党伙伴呢。
    Who knows, she might even do it persuasively enough to be able to dispense with her troublesome SPD partners next year.

  • 耶稣拣选的十二门徒和七十弟子,都是经过一番征服,使他们心服口服的情况下而跟从的,不是说你来跟从我就跟从耶稣。
    Jesus selection of the Twelve Apostles and 70 disciples, after conquering all, so that they can all be convinced to follow the case and is not to say that you follow me to follow Jesus.

  • 你在没有确实使你佩服的情况下肯定不会跟从主的,你也不会相信而放弃所有的,你会在使你心服口服的情况下而采取行动的。
    You do not admire you so that the case will not follow the Lord, you will not give up and believe that all of you so that you will be convinced of the action taken.

  • 可见就是像你这样十恶不赦的家伙,我照样可以和你谈‘道德良知’……”强盗头目心服口服,随即讲自己的种种罪行一一如实供出。
    So, even with evil people like you, I can talk morality and consciousness…" the gangster head was professed to be convinced, then he confessed all the bad things he had done honestly."

  • 对于BOSS,在能镇压手下的同时,应该更多的与手下沟通,使得手下能心服口服为你做事,在对手下的管理应拥有更多人性化管理。
    For BOSS, in his repression at the same time can be more with his communication, can be convinced to make you his work in the opponent under management should have more humanistic management.

  • 就强制性的法律来说,法律的公众形象关系到司法、执法的社会效果,具有强烈的心灵震撼作用的法律才能使法律面对的对象心服口服
    On the other hand, the forcible law's public image has direct impact on the effect of the law's execution. Only the law that can convulse people's heart can make them sincerely convinced.

  • 等人的滋味不好受,时间艰难地过了两个小时,经理终于来了,我说明来意,对方开始做我的思想工作,到底是销售经理,三寸不烂之舌说得我心服口服,不再想退房的事情了。
    I started thinking of the other side, it is sales manager, turning the trip was not rotten convinced I no longer wish to return a house matter.

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