
心神恍惚  xīn shén huǎng hū








  • 我也被这永恒的意念弄得心神恍惚
    I too was ravished with permanent effect.

  • 但别看他在上课时老是心神恍惚,跳进泳池可就是另一回事了。
    It turned out Phelps has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and while it made concentrating in class difficult, racing in the pool was a different story.

  • 他开始感到心神恍惚,突然间一股神圣的力量揭开了他灵魂的面纱。
    His mind began to wander. Then, suddenly, a divine power lifted the veil over his soul.

  • 我最确信的是,我正在执行主人的遗嘱,而服务是一种恒久的心神恍惚状态。
    The most I am sure of is that I am doing a Master's will, and that service is a constant ecstasy.

  • 1884年1月的一天,师父前往小树林的途中,内心正处于出神状态,心神恍惚
    One day, in January 1884, the Master was going toward the pine-grove when he went into a trance. He was alone.

  • 后来他们摇晃了一下,精疲力尽地抬起头来,若有所思地相互盯着,如梦如痴,心神恍惚,接着又像小孩子似的颠三倒四说胡话。
    Then they stirred, and lifted their heads wearily, and gazed at each other wistfully, dreamily, dazed; then presently began to twaddle to each other in a wandering and childish way.

  • 通常,随着鼓的节奏,撒满学徒开始神情恍惚,进入一个心神迷醉的精神世界,这是种非常耗时,而且精神的重生有时是个十分痛苦的过程。
    Through ecstatic trance, often induced by the rhythm of a drum, the apprentice shaman enters the spirit world where a lengthy and sometimes painful process of psychic rebirth begins.

  • “不过”,他说,“你喊罗密欧的时候,可千万不能象一条公牛那么吼叫——你务必说得那么轻柔,那么病恹恹的,心神恍惚的,吐出——罗——密——欧!
    that way, like a bull -- you must say it soft and sick and languishy, so -- Ro-o-meo! that is the idea;

  • 心神恍惚造句相关
