
感恩图报  gǎn ēn tú bào








  • 贪婪者绝不会有感恩图报之心。
    Gratitude and greed go not together.

  • 茶,让你懂得感恩图报,铭记滴水之恩。
    Tea, let you know how to thank-you gesture reported that bearing in mind the drip grace.

  • 我并不以为目前的幸福,都是出于你对我的一片感恩图报之心。
    I am not indebted for my present happiness to your eager desire of expressing your gratitude.

  • 他只是一个心肠软、知道感恩图报的人,并不懂得什么派头和礼貌。
    He was only a soft-hearted grateful fellow, and had nothing genteel or polite about him.

  • 男女爱恋几乎都有感恩图报或爱慕虚荣的成分,因此起自然是不保险的。
    There is so much of gratitude or vanity in almost every attachment, that is not safe to leave any to itself.

  • 是的。那么奥巴马呢?你认为他会对他们感恩图报吗?不,绝不会。真的?
    Right. What about Obama? Do you think he'll help these people? -No, absolutely not. -Really?

  • 某些部落中,送礼是很重要的文化传统,而且接受了别人的馈赠之后,相对的也必须感恩图报
    Cultural traditions in gift giving, and the strong obligations that result from accepting a gift, play a major role among some tribes, such as the Au.

  • 都说喜欢栀子花的人,有着一颗感恩图报的心,以真诚待人,只要别人有少许和善,便会报以心灵致谢。
    That people like gardenia, with a grateful heart, to treat people in good faith, as long as there are a few good people will be reported thanks to the soul.

  • 但是,任何人都不能在干部任用中兜售“私恩”,利用手中的权力去谋求下属的感恩图报,甚至结党营私。
    But, anybody cannot be hawked in cadre appoint " illicit favour " , the influence in using a hand goes of seek subordinate be thankful graph newspaper, even form a clique to pursue selfish interest.

  • 身为一个感恩图报的华人,帮助台湾抵抗中共的侵略行为是回报中国民国台湾40多年来对大马华社提供学额的大恩大德。
    As a grateful Chinese to help a democratic nation like Taiwan from being occupied by Chinese communists is to repay their kindness in helping Malaysian Chinese in the past 40 years.

  • 我们绝不能期待从穷人身上获得回报,连心�存有一丝他们会感恩图报的念头�不可,我们只能把我们所做的,当作借给耶和华的。
    We must not expect to get anything back from the poor, not even gratitude; but we should regard what we have done as a loan to the LORD.

  • 我不是在说要去否定别人对我的好﹐或是不用去懂得感恩图报;但是自己真的要先有能力让自己快乐﹐让自己过得好﹐才有资格/能力去照顾和帮助别人吧。
    Whie you cannot change what other people think and you cannot erase what has been done, you do have the ability to decide what you believe in and what kind of life you want to strive for.

  • 感恩图报造句相关
