
扶老携幼  fú lǎo xié yòu








  • 家不是旅馆也不是酒吧,它是扶老携幼的承担和责任。
    Home is not a hotel or a bar, it is a shoulder and responsibility of taking care of old and young.

  • 开放的现楼样板房里,不少是扶老携幼一家人来看楼。
    open now, the model room, many young people look at a building.

  • 人们扶老携幼,熙熙攘攘,你去我来,象一条川流不息的河。
    People young and old, crowded, you have to come to me, like a stream of the river.

  • 扶老携幼,兴学育才为宗旨,同时亦是游客游览观光的胜地。
    Hing Fulaoxieyou, Xingxue Yucai for the purpose, but also tourists Sightseeing tour of the resort.

  • 每逢假日,人们扶老携幼来此游览,或聚会、或野餐、或游泳。
    On holidays, whole families will come and have an outing here, chatting, picnicking or having a dip in the river.

  • 不少大厦居民地下电表因水浸着火,居民扶老携幼涌上天台暂避。
    In many cases, residents meter underground flooding as a result of fire, young and old residents took shelter on the rooftops.

  • 每到庙会期间,男女老幼,前拥后挤,附近农村的农民也扶老携幼积极参与。
    Every temple, men, women and children, the former owner after the crowded, rural farmers in the vicinity of the active participation of young and old.

  • 因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。
    The " year" is regularly deep to reside the bottom of sea, each climb to go ashore, swallow to eat the animal disservice the human life.

  • 因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。
    Therefore, each time this day till New Year's Eve, people of a lot of villages support the old and carry young to abscond to deep mountain to avoid "year" the injury of the monster.

  • 因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。
    Therefore, every New Year's Eve that day, the village young people Walled villages fled to the mountains, to escape the "year" animal damage.

  • 因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。
    To avoid the monster, all villagers had to escape into the mountains.

  • 但是志工看见这麽多扶老携幼的墨西哥朋友、在户外排队期待义诊,志工加紧脚步准备。
    However, seeing the young and old lining up for the free clinic with eager anticipation, volunteers quicken the pace in their preparation work.

  • 虽说我已经正式离开了该组织,但无国界医生的“扶老携幼”先导项目我却积极地参与进来。
    Fulao Xieyou is an MSF pilot project in which I am involved, though I have officially left the organization.

  • 驱车百里,扶老携幼,街谈巷议,经久不息的谢幕掌声,蔚为大观,宛若中国文化的一次盛大庆典。
    Drove Barry young and old, town talk and unremitting applause for the curtain call, could fill volumes, just like in a grand celebration of Chinese culture. The U.

  • 而“扶老携幼”要建立的养老院在经济上则是由这些老人的退休金支撑,而退休金国家是有保障的。
    The running of the homes that Fulao Xieyou intends to build for retired people will be financed by their pensions, payment of which is guaranteed by the state.

  • 在翡翠绿洲现场,一家人扶老携幼参加荔枝节的比比皆是,大人小孩笑容映在脸上,一派乐融融的氛围。
    In Feitsui oasis scene, a young person participating in the festival are lychee, and children and adults smile in the face video, one merry atmosphere.

  • 花山节这天,苗族同胞扶老携幼从四面八方而来,人们身着色彩艳丽的苗装,花山场上人山人海,群情沸腾。
    Hanayama Day, Miao young compatriots come from all directions, people dressed in brightly colored fitted Miller, Hanayama market packed, boiling anger.

  • 这年除夕,桃花村的人们正扶老携幼上山避难,从村外来了个乞讨的老人,只见他手拄拐杖,臂搭袋囊,银须飘逸,目若朗星。
    Therefore, each until New Year's Eve this day, people that village village 寨 the 寨 is supporting the old and carrying young to abscond to the deep mountain, then avoid the " year" the 兽 's disservice.

  • 在汽车品鉴会上,记者看到不少车迷扶老携幼赶到现场,认真品鉴每一款新车,从外观设计、发动机到汽车内饰,不放过任何一个细节。
    Kam-goods vehicle in the meeting, reporters saw a lot of fans young and old rushed to the scene meticulously Kam goods each new car, from design to the engine car interior, did not miss any details.

  • 西九联席将于二零零六年三月廿六日举行第一次重构西九的工作坊,广邀市民扶老携幼出席参加,一同绘出心目中香港文化政策的愿景。
    PPWK will launch the first "re-inventing WKCD" workshop on 26th March 2006. You are cordially invited to come and join us in "re-inventing" the vision of Hong Kong Cultural Policy.

  • 波豆城的西南区住著一群不喜欢新建筑的人,每栋新建筑物一完工,居民就扶老携幼开始破坏,老太婆用小锥子在墙上一个洞一个洞地慢慢铣。
    In southwest Bordeaux, there is a village with no new buildings. As soon as a building is constructed, the village people start demolishing it.

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